njob is a tool my friend Charles has written for converting photos to heightmaps/normals/AO. It's a side product of our recent indie bungling - not very complex at all, but we thought it might be of use to some of you.

The focus is on speed and ease of use: it's reasonably small, has a simple windows interface, hotkeys for everything, lets you quickly copy/paste to Photoshop and back, and doesn't require any setup. So far it's only been tested among 5-6 people, so any feedback would be much appreciated. It doesn't have a 3D preview yet by the way, though that's a plan for future versions.
Hope you enjoy.
Download njob
i would also recommend posting this in the techie what are you working on thread that brice started not too long ago... it would be a great addition!
Win XP 32-bit SP2
I does need the visual studio 2005 redistributables but most people will have those already. ( You can download them here )
Njob seems to be working fine for me Vista 64bit + Photoshop CS2.
I like the tiling texture setting it's very useful.
Yep, like crazybump.
I gave it a quick test drive, and it's giving some nice results so far.
I'll keep messing around with it and let you know if I encounter any major problems.
works dandy on win7 64bit, cheers.
EDIT** Remembered NMG - worked pretty well.
About the UI I got some problem with the HeightToNormal Window, the "Normal Estimation" line go on the roll menu on the right...
I think it could be itneresting to add a 3D view as crazy bump on a cube with a light....
sama.van, could you post a screenshot of what's going on there with the H2N dialog?
Also, a 3D preview is definitely planned for future versions.
crispy bacon = good stuff
In an either / or situation, how do you feel it performs? From what I've seen in the CrazyBump demo, njob lacks a few features in direct comparison, but what about the actual results?
I don't feel my knowledge is sufficiently advanced to make a direct comparison, and I'd love to hear what people think. I mean yeah, CB is cheap, but when you've got nada, it's nice to have options. Can njob produce similar results in terms of quality?
yes the n stands for nob
also, the xnormal plugin for photoshop, that is automatically installed with it does exactly the same things
Yeah, then we could have said that it gets zjob done.
I hadn't heard about crazybump until recently but from a few simple comparisons it seems that njob is using very different algorithms internally. My recommendation is try both and pick the best results. Pictures which may scramble in one app may give good results in the other...
@sama.van it seems you are using a wider screen font than standard Windows. This should be an easy fix in the next version.
This tool does a really nice (n)job !
Are there any plans for command-line support for bulk-conversion of files ?
Or is that already in there ? ( since it seems to take for example the --help parameter