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warhammer 40k - table top

Anyone still play?

went to a friends place the other day and they were playing. use to play back in the day, but mainly liked it just for the painting. was too young and impatient to actually play. but when i watched them play a game with all the new rules and such, got me interested again. picked up the codex and an HQ unit for space wolves.

anyone play? or have links for good painting tutorials or anything like that?


  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I used to play regularly as a teenager, but I haven't played in a long time. If it wasn't 40k, it was Necromunda for me - never really got into the fantasy aspect of Games Workshop stuff.

    It's kinda funny, it was always the other way around for me - I could never be bothered to paint the miniatures, I just wanted to get on with the games. I usually ended up throwing down a tarp, spray painting a black base coat onto my entire army, followed by a hunter green coat ( I used to collect Dark Angel space marines). I collected Tyranids briefly, but never amassed much of a force, probably because everything GW produced was so damn expensive.

    I'd actually like to play a game now - I think I'd be a far better tactician than I was back in the day. I wasn't bad at Necromunda, maybe because of the reduced scale of the battles, but I can't remember ever really winning a game of 40k, even in smaller skirmishes.

    I remember thinking the first time I played Gears of War that a similar game play mechanic would work excellently for a Necromunda game. Imagine the multiplayer options, with Spyrers as unlockable special characters....
  • firestarter
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I was always more into the Warhammer Fantasy than 40k. I still have a decent number of Orc & Goblin miniatures (some painted fairly well, I reckon!) and some of my friends used to ask me to paint up their miniatures for them.

    I actually ended up getting into Necromunda a lot more than any of the "large scale" tabletop stuff, it was more detailed and fun IMHO, played a lot like a single-player RPG - you only have a few guys (usually 6-12 in a squad) and they all have character, and depending on the outcome of the games you play can either see them gain strengths, weaknesses, or die altogether if you're unlucky, at which point you have to hire a replacement guy (or try to keep going with a smaller squad).

    If you find one or two people who play Necromunda it's great fun to get a campaign going - you only need a few miniatures and the rulebook and some scenery to get a game going, so it's much less expensive and time-consuming than a full-on army game of 40k, and you get the cool character progression of an RPG game.

    I ended up having a squad of Goliaths and a squad of Van Saar who I customised and re-painted/re-modelled based on their outcomes of each battle. One guy ended up with a bionic leg so I cut off the miniature's leg and replaced it with a Necron one. The other guys all had appropriate weapons based on what I had kitted them out with in the game. It was a lot of fun doing the character development just to spend some time on one or two miniatures making them really unique.

    I'd still play now if I knew anyone else nearby who does!
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I have assault on Black Reach, Put it together, Got an undercoat of black on it, but have never played. Maybe I'll get them painted over Christmas Break and get into playing when I go back to work.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    I got my dark angels army all setup for any who want a emperial boot up there arse :p

    Im working on a new modified army on my spare time the angry marine's (go 4chan for making me love them)
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I used to collect and play in High School, but it was damn expensive for a few pieces of plastic. I ended up buying a bunch of the mounts (those black pieces you put them on) and labeling them what troops where which to save money, lol.

    I keep hoping someone invents a virtual table top game of it so I could start playing again. I think I had found one years ago, but it wasn't that well done and not a whole lot of people played. I'd imagine it would be stepping on a whole bunch of copyrights though.

    EDIT: Played Blood Angels Space Marines.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I've been planning to get a Warhammer 40k / Warhammer set for ages. Reason why I stop before cashing it out are following:
    - I live in the appartment so I dont have much space in my room to put a table for it.
    - It is too time consuming and I suck at colouring. They do offer free classes to play the game and for teaching how to colour your character. I just dont have time. :(

    Someday when I am debt free, working peacefully as a software engineer and have a house and its entire basement to myself, I'll consider it. :)

    It is one of those things I put on my life time wishlist.
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    I loved it for the longest time and recently got back into it. Sadly I still suck with Orks. Fucking saving throws...
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i'm more of a painter/sculptor/converter than an actual player. that said i was heavily into Mordheim, the fantasy equivilent of Necromunda.

    i do have a nice eldar strikeforce though, just always liked the mini's.
  • Kessler
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    Kessler polycounter lvl 17
    I bought battle for maccrage beginer set but havnt touched it. I still paint warhammer figure about once a year. mainly becuase they are expensive and I have other pricey habits
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I used to play 40k about 10 years ago now, but haven't played since. But I bought and painted a set last year, so I'm still really into it, but just don't the time since I still haven't landed the infamous studio job yet.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Used to have two armies, all painted and stuff: An Eldar army, focused on snipers and rangers with a few heavy walkers for anti-armor, and a Wood Elf army that had so many archers it usually annihilated the enemy before they even reached melee range - and then the Wardancers either wiped them out, or locked them in place while I wiped out the rest of their army. :D
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I remember going to a Games Workshop where they ran me through the tabletop tutorial. It looked like a lot of fun but man, that guy knew the game inside and out and just went nerdrage on me. Was awesome :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    kaburan wrote: »
    It looked like a lot of fun but man, that guy knew the game inside and out and just went nerdrage on me. Was awesome :)

    I've got a buddy like that. We haven't played in about ten years, but he still knows dice roll hit modifiers from behind cover for just about any weapon.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I have a mortal Hordes of Chaos fantasy army and a giganto force of Space Marines that used to be Blood Angels before I simple-greened them.

    I'm thinking of starting up a Brik Wars league at the next studio I get in at.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I have an Eldar army. I kind of hate painting them, so they're all just primed.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    I have an Eldar army. I kind of hate painting them, so they're all just primed.

    I always thought the Eldar would have been awesome to paint, if I were any good at it. I loved the Wraithlord and Falcon grav-tank models, and the Avatars looked really badass.
  • Kessler
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    Kessler polycounter lvl 17
    If anyone wants it I will sell you my battle for maccrage. Its a dust collector right now.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    I have roughly 4000 points of Tryanids and 1500 of Chaos. Heres an old picture of like half my nids.

    This army is for sale to.
  • Mark Dygert
    danshewan wrote: »
    I used to play regularly as a teenager, but I haven't played in a long time. If it wasn't 40k, it was Necromunda for me - never really got into the fantasy aspect of Games Workshop stuff.

    It's kinda funny, it was always the other way around for me - I could never be bothered to paint the miniatures, I just wanted to get on with the games. I usually ended up throwing down a tarp, spray painting a black base coat onto my entire army, followed by a hunter green coat ( I used to collect Dark Angel space marines). I collected Tyranids briefly, but never amassed much of a force, probably because everything GW produced was so damn expensive.

    I'd actually like to play a game now - I think I'd be a far better tactician than I was back in the day. I wasn't bad at Necromunda, maybe because of the reduced scale of the battles, but I can't remember ever really winning a game of 40k, even in smaller skirmishes.

    I remember thinking the first time I played Gears of War that a similar game play mechanic would work excellently for a Necromunda game. Imagine the multiplayer options, with Spyrers as unlockable special characters....
    Ahh... Necomunda... what a fuckin awesome table top game that was. I still have the books, the minis and 2 sets of terrain. If anyone in the Seattle area EVER wants to play just say the word, I know a few guys that would pick up and play at the drop of a hat.

    40k had a great universe but I was never invested in the characters, they where pawns in a chess game. Where as necromunda I thought long and hard about moving someone out and taking a shot because it would effect future battles. I loved saving up and buying better equipment and seeing characters progress, or degenerate and become meat shields.

    The group of guys I played with, we had a campaign going where the territories where actually mapped out and we fought battles over the territories. We had a story going and because the characters and gangs carried over from battle to battle it was awesome. Never got that into 40k because it lacked the carry over.

    I would love to see a necormunda-esk game made. Even if they scrap the 80's punk look and kept the mechanics.
  • Taylor Hood
    I always wanted to get into the Wahammer universe. Unfortunatley, I think we all know the reason why most of us do not particapate in the hobby : Expenses.

    Simple question sums it all up, really. Pay around £40 for a game such as DoWII and have almost everything you would have in the TT version without all the pricey armies, battle forces and scenery. I mean, why play Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, WarmachineMKII or anything like that when you could easily play a game version that comes with animation, sound, effects and story telling- all the things you sort of have to make up on the TT.

    Don't get me wrong. I love the entire concept and idea of the TT's and the community of GW members of yester year but I don't see why they are so valid anymore since the arrival of those videa gaimez.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I always wanted to get into the Wahammer universe. Unfortunatley, I think we all know the reason why most of us do not particapate in the hobby : Expenses.

    Simple question sums it all up, really. Pay around £40 for a game such as DoWII and have almost everything you would have in the TT version without all the pricey armies, battle forces and scenery. I mean, why play Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, WarmachineMKII or anything like that when you could easily play a game version that comes with animation, sound, effects and story telling- all the things you sort of have to make up on the TT.

    Don't get me wrong. I love the entire concept and idea of the TT's and the community of GW members of yester year but I don't see why they are so valid anymore since the arrival of those videa gaimez.

    I guess because the tabletop is more than the game, it's a hobby. There's the artistic side of converting your figures and painting them.

    I'm planning on building an Imperial Guard army that went traitor so they will be heavily converted with pointy cultist hoods, gasmasks, maybe a few heavily mutated Ogryns. If I do good enough work maybe I can enter it into a competition at Gamesday and win a trophy for my craftsmanship.... I can also play the army at a Gamesday and win a trophy for kicking ass with it.

    I don't really see video games effecting it much, I saw alot of young kids at the last Gamesday and the Warhammer Online & DOW booths were really a small percentage of the convention.

    Ask any old timers and they will tell you that the figures are dirt cheap compared to when they were kids.

    also, I'm fairly certain there hasn't been a game that is the WH40K tabletop game. DoWII is another computer RTS game with a WH40K flavor.
  • Taylor Hood
    I guess because the tabletop is more than the game, it's a hobby. There's the artistic side of converting your figures and painting them.

    I'm planning on building an Imperial Guard army that went traitor so they will be heavily converted with pointy cultist hoods, gasmasks, maybe a few heavily mutated Ogryns. If I do good enough work maybe I can enter it into a competition at Gamesday and win a trophy for my craftsmanship.... I can also play the army at a Gamesday and win a trophy for kicking ass with it.

    I don't really see video games effecting it much, I saw alot of young kids at the last Gamesday and the Warhammer Online & DOW booths were really a small percentage of the convention.

    Ask any old timers and they will tell you that the figures are dirt cheap compared to when they were kids.

    also, I'm fairly certain there hasn't been a game that is the WH40K tabletop game. DoWII is another computer RTS game with a WH40K flavor.

    I guess so. To be honest, I actually thought that the WH40K\Fantasy TT hobby stopped along time ago but I was certainley proven wrong when I recently discovered the MiniWarGaming channel on youtube and out of pure interest I have watched around 200 hundred videos on there.
    Plus, as you say, GamesDay is still going on so the community is still growing. Awesome stuff.

    Do you use GreenStuff?
  • Dusty
    I play and get involved on and off. Ill usually fork over a couple hundred bucks, paint alot, play a little, then get bored and quit. This process has been repeating itself for 12 years.

    NEW PLASTIC KILLA KANS! Looks like the cycle is about to begin again.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Do you use GreenStuff?

    I've mainly used it to fill gaps after I glue my guys together, and I've done stuff like add hair to bald space marine heads but I have no idea how people sculpt all that fancy stuff. Green stuff is super sticky so you have to keep your tools wet BUT if things get too wet the green stuff won't stick to the figure you're sculpting.

    I'm actually thinking of trying my hand at 3D printing some stuff with the sexy mens at Roböt

    my basic plan is Warhammer Graveguard (a Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Counts unit) lower torso, upper torso from IG, 3d printed heads, mix and match a few graveguard shoulder pads.
  • Taylor Hood
    I've mainly used it to fill gaps after I glue my guys together, and I've done stuff like add hair to bald space marine heads but I have no idea how people sculpt all that fancy stuff. Green stuff is super sticky so you have to keep your tools wet BUT if things get too wet the green stuff won't stick to the figure you're sculpting.

    I'm actually thinking of trying my hand at 3D printing some stuff with the sexy mens at Roböt

    my basic plan is Warhammer Graveguard (a Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Counts unit) lower torso, upper torso from IG, 3d printed heads, mix and match a few graveguard shoulder pads.

    Sounds so awesome. Good luck with that. Yup, you gotta keep your hands wet when using GreenStuff but if overdone it's not sticky. Tricky stuff that but it's cool.
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    hah, I never had anyone to play against but I painted and modified a fair number of Death Guard. I did these waaay back. Amazingly I still had the photos of them floating about on my ftp (must be 5 or 7 years old by now) :) I had forgotten all about them till I saw this thread.

    Would be cool to kick someones butt with them. I have to dig em out of my parents attic first though.

    sorry for the crappy photos :D




    yeah, epicness!
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