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Must watch TV Series?



  • rasmus
    Supernatural all the way, baby :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I checked out the first two episodes of V, and was pleasantly surprised. I was a huge fan of the original Kenneth Johnson miniseries, and was dreading a modern adaptation, but from what I've seen so far, it's got a lot of potential to be pretty awesome.
  • Rens

    Season 5, Episode 14: Perfect Week
    Original Air Date—1 February 2010

    arg!! do want.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 17
    Shameless if you are british
    or Teachers
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Big list incoming! These are all shows I watch or have watched and would recommend. As you can see, there's a ton of worthwhile TV currently airing. I guess my friends and I are kind of TV nerds, so yeah, recommendations and comments.

    Currently airing:
    Dexter - Very well done suspenseful series, check it out.
    Chuck - I love this show, it's more lighthearted and enjoyable than a lot of comedies even are. It's spies and it's fun.
    Lost - it's Lost
    Californication - might not be to everyone's tastes but I really enjoy watching this show.
    Entourage - Much like chuck this show is really fun and makes you feel good after watching. Something very little shows capture.
    Supernatural - if you like Buffy/X-files you will probably like this show. The same pacing as House, lots of episodic plots with small amounts of development within.
    Burn Notice - It took me a while to warm up to this show but I really enjoy it now.
    Fringe - Meh, X-files 2008. I have watched the first season and it was meh.
    Breaking Bad - Watch and find out :)
    How I met your Mother - If you can enjoy the characters, this is an excellent comedy. The main character is the most boring.
    30 Rock - This show is brilliant and hilarious; one of my favorite comedies.
    The Office - A couple laughs per episode, losing interest with it over time.
    House - Formulaic, but that's why we love it.
    Curb your enthusiasm - Great in doses, makes you feel uncomfortable and awkward. And start noticing strange things in everyday life.
    True Blood - I am a sucker for vampires as long as they don't twinkle in the sun.
    Big Bang Theory - Surprised so many people like this. It's okay for a few laughs. They try too hard and the laugh track is extremely invasive.
    Scrubs - Almost went into the no longer airing list. I kind of wish it had, the new season is not that good.
    Better Off Ted - This show always surprises me with how well written and intelligent it can be (same with 30 Rock). It's really unique and interesting compared to something lowest common denominator like Big Bang Theory.
    Venture Bros - Go Team Venture!
    Bored to Death - Funny and weird. A stoner writer tries to be a private detective.

    No longer airing:
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    The X-files
    All things Star Trek
    Battlestar Galactica
    The Wire
    The Sopranos
    Freaks and Geeks
    Trailer Park Boys
    Angel (if you liked Buffy)
    Sarah Connor Chronicles (if you like Terminator)
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    DEADWOOD. Seriously, watch this show. Probably my favorite show of all time, even though it ends prematurely.
    Curb Your Enthusiasm - I'm a huge Seinfeld fan, but I think I like curb even more.
    Dexter - nothing to add that hasn't already been said.
    Big Love- I really like this show, I actually think it's probably better than Dexter. Not as much of a 'suspense' but definitely a few 'what the fuck is going on?' moments.
    Mad Men- I wish I lived in the 60's.
    Deadliest Catch- Maybe not a series, I guess more 'reality tv'? But I really like this show...first season's kind of dull...except for like 6 guys dying..
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Superjail, Arrested Development, and Metalocalypse.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Dr Who, Torchwood & Fringe
  • psychoticprankster
    The sheild. (show about a corrupt cop)
    sons of anarchy (mother cycle gang show bythe makers of the shield)
    over there (about soilders over in iraq the first episode doesnt have much happen in it but it starts to kick ass from the 2nd episode onwords)
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I don't watch a lot of TV but from what I've seen off DVD, I really liked:
    Dead Like Me
    L Word
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Being Human.

    A drama about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost.
  • vcool
    danshewan wrote: »
    I checked out the first two episodes of V, and was pleasantly surprised. I was a huge fan of the original Kenneth Johnson miniseries, and was dreading a modern adaptation, but from what I've seen so far, it's got a lot of potential to be pretty awesome.

    Well apparently there's one episode left to be released in March and that just doesn't make any sense. IMO it's mediocre at best, and I also think it has the worst actors picked up for roles. Anna is alright, but all the others just don't fit in.

    Also, if Anna says "We are of peace. Always." once again I am going to punch something.

    EDIT: Looks like there's been a change of plans, now there are two episodes left.
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Zilk wrote: »
    Dead Like Me

    Fuck yes! I just watched this via Netflix finally. I did not however notice before I started watching that there were only 2 freakin' seasons, so be warned. And the movie they made in an attempt to wrap-up the series was just lacking.

    Wonderfalls, Firefly and Surface fall into the same category for me, ended before their time and I still want to see more yet never will. Frustrating.

    I'll also second:

    Venture Bros.
    Dr. Who
    True Blood
    30 Rock
    It's always sunny in philadelphia
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    vcool wrote: »
    Well apparently there's one episode left to be released in March and that just doesn't make any sense. IMO it's mediocre at best, and I also think it has the worst actors picked up for roles. Anna is alright, but all the others just don't fit in.

    The priest and
    Erica's partner who is actually a Visitor
    seem a little weak, and I don't like
    how early they've introduced the fifth column resistance
    , but I was still pleasantly surprised. I was expecting to hate it, but I guess we'll see where it goes.
  • moose
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  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    I'm the only one that actually likes Super Natural? :)
  • vcool
    Zpanzer wrote: »
    I'm the only one that actually likes Super Natural? :)

    Scroll up, there are three of us! :D

    I just started season 2. S1 had a nice start, but 1/3 through there were some really poor episodes, like the Bug one - that was pathetic. It got better towards the end though, especially as the plot progressed and it had a nice cliffhanger.

    So far season 2 is pretty good, it seems they got a slightly bigger budget this time.

    Overall the show isn't deep or thoughtful, but it's fairly entertaining. It also has really nice music. :D I think Kriepke or whatever the guy's name is, was inspired to make the show by Blue Oyster Cult. And that's not a bad thing, they have some nice songs.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    The Wire - Its easily the best thing I've ever seen on tv, its truth in a box, it explains how the system works and is frought with epiphany. Everyone should watch this show and get educated.
  • rasmus
    vcool, zpanzer: Supernatural is good when it doesn't take itself too seriously - some episodes are naff or boring or focus too much on the Main Plot (yawn), but when the writers are just having fun outside the main story, it's great, cheesy fun for anyone that likes monsters, cool cars and shotguns. Which I think season 2 has a lot more of, and season 3 being more of a bore. 4 so far is alright.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    twin peaks if you haven't watched it yet! Only series I ever managed to watch til the last episode :).
  • seangreenhalgh
    deadwood is supposed to be good, and American Dad

    I didn't like deadwood? Was a little weird...

    LOST is the best tv series i have ever seen so far...
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