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They Worked On The Game You Played, But Didn't Get Credit

polycounter lvl 12


  • Yozora
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    yea, i read that earlier today. I'm not sure I'd really care if I got credited as long as I can keep it on my resume and be believed.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Studios also claim that revealing a full list of their staffers exposes them to unsolicited recruiters and poachers, and they're afraid to lose people.

    Do they really think that line of reasoning sticks? One could counter, if their current employees are respected and happy where they are, being solicited by recruiters would garner no losses.

    Look, even if this doesn't matter to you personally, you should still respect it for the sake of your fellow artist and developers that do.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    i think it sucks pretty hard.
    but not as much as being told you wont be getting royalties (or paid at all) for versions of the game you spent a year on because it's been ported to differnet system.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    If random dial recruiter can easily steal your employees then your company really needs to rethink its employee benefits policy's, and the way that the employees are treated.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    If random dial recruiter can easily steal your employees then your company really needs to rethink its employee benefits policy's, and the way that the employees are treated.


    I wasn't credited on anything I worked at Midway because I left and people got pissed. Contract work I have done I'm not credited but I never expected to be.

    So yeah taking peoples names out of credits is just bs. I mean everyone down to the bimbo that sits at the front desk usually gets credited and seriously the amount of time spent in comparison from an hr person to a dev is ridiculous. You should be credited.

    As for not putting peoples positions and what they did. I think thats bullshit. When I asked about this recently I was told it's so recruiters can't poach talent. Well treat people good and with respect and they wont want to bounce on you as soon as a phone call comes in.

    Pretty simple logic on that.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm they fear recruiters.

    What's the big deal if your being treated fairly at the company your working for temp or full they still should put your name and position in the credits, if they let you go wouldn't that be good form anyway if a recruiter picked you up after they let you go!?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    But isn't that why your potential employer contacts your past employer to verify that you worked there?
  • RyanB
    Every game company makes you sign a contract in which you give up your moral rights, including the right of attribution. Once you sign away your rights, they don't have to give you jack.

    The reason you are not given credit is so that someone else can claim it.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    well, as for a year ago i was only freelancer, if you see the list of games I've work with, 70% of it are not credited with my name. http://hugobeyer.carbonmade.com/about
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    My only shipped title to date is Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway. I only did a couple of background assets for it, but I'm super proud to have done something on that game. I bought it beat it, and watched the credits for my name. Nothing. I was with Liquid Development at the time, and it was only the guys at Gearbox that got named credit, everyone else got company name credit.

    I was more than a little disappointed, but seeing as how I was working with an outsourcing company, I wasn't too surprised. But having something like that happen to you on a game you've worked on for a long time, and done a lot of work on, with the studio that made the game, is pretty stupid. For them, it's only text on a screen really. for you, it could mean a lot more. It just doesn't make sense to me. But then again, I can't figure out why I can't get hired these days either.......
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    I think its fair that the people who spent 2½ years on a game are the ones put forward.

    But then there is the additional section.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Credits wont exactly take up needed space on the disk, be generous, we do have the additional art/whatever just for these cases.

    It's the least that can be done for a person who has comitted a part of his finite lifetime to a game.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i have the same opinion of this as i had before when mythic left off ppl, and trust me its not because of any love for those tools at ea.
    if its a paying job i condsider the credit as a nice perk and not something you deserve. your paycheck is whats owed for the work unless it is in your contract that you will recieve full credit.

    if its that big of a deal for people, then negotiate it in your contract. and that would be the time to make clear any other things like this that you think you deserve or want.
  • hellobuddy
    Its not about wanting or deserving, its about common courtesy, or rather the lack thereof
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    You guys should check out the credits on Wolfenstein. The game was in development 4+ years. Everybody who had anything to do with the game *ever* got a credit. The credit roll is 15 minutes long.
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Eh, I can understand not mentioning everyone at the companies, but something like this where they've done numerous months of work on a project. They deserve a little street cred. But that's just what I think.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I have an animator friend who worked at A2M who implemented an amazing facial animation system, that is now widely being used internally within MANY projects.

    Even if he stayed, he would not be credited on any of them.


    I've worked on games I didn't get credit for, and I personally don't think it affects artists as much, as we still have the assets we can use in our portfolios after the game is released.
  • Mark Dygert
    Until Snow White, Walt Disney was the only guy in the credits... It's a luxury everyone but people who work on this stuff ignore.

    You can prove what you worked on by showing it after the game ships. You can further prove your aptitude by doing an art test. Just being in the credits doesn't prove anything.

    If however you're a lying sack of crap and take credit for working on games you never worked on then that will probably be quickly apparent in the first (and last) few weeks on the job.

    It's never about what's written down on paper its what you can do.

    If you're really torn up about it put an asterisk by the titles you worked on but where not credited with. You can then turn your future employer off further by explaining the bitter back story behind why you where left off. But honestly if they looked at your resume for something other than contact info your portfolio let you down...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    bugo wrote: »
    well, as for a year ago i was only freelancer, if you see the list of games I've work with, 70% of it are not credited with my name. http://hugobeyer.carbonmade.com/about

    You should post a little image of the box art above what you did on each one to brake up the giant wall of text.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Until Snow White, Walt Disney was the only guy in the credits... It's a luxury everyone but people who work on this stuff ignore..

    Luxury? No. Its part of a creative work that's done by a group. This isn't building a brick building following blueprints, lifting an putting items into layers and going home at the end of the day.

    If this is going to end up being a argument about ego, so be it. Yes, everyone deserves credit for what they did. If that makes us self serving and selfish to expect such in return for the time and effort into a creative venture, so be it. It should not be denied, or used as a carrot on a stick.

    Disney also isn't the best example. Beyond be an Antisemitic, he also did everything he could to attempt to stop his animators from Unionizing after they got paid so little. That and why use Disney? What about all the movies before then that used credits?
  • Mark Dygert
    It's a courtesy to the employees its not required. Until its required we don't have a leg to stand on when demanding we be included in the credits.

    We make games. Like architects make buildings. It might not be apparent we built something but that doesn't mean we can't take credit for what we make.

    Demonstrate what you can do, not that you where linked to XYZ game in some way. A credit proves nothing, actual assets created speaks louder than any name in a list. If the person being considered looks like they might be lying and the company still wants to pursue them as a candidate, give them an art test see what they can do. Researching the credits won't tell you what the art test will.

    Why is it so vital?
    What makes it so important?
    What purpose does it serve?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    It's a courtesy to the employees its not required. Until its required we don't have a leg to stand on when demanding we be included in the credits.

    Then make it consistent. Either everyone gets credited. Or no one.
    Why is it so vital? What makes it so important?

    This deals with how you see what you do. If its just a job. Then so what. If its something you put your heart and soul into, then yes, its very important (ie ego). Again, there is nothing wrong with this either. Its a different POV from those that just see what you do as something more of a skilled craftsman. Don't stand in the way or question the want of people who would seek this.
  • Mark Dygert
    I have other ways of proving I did what I say I did. I would much rather show people what I did, rather than my name in a list in with a bunch of other people.

    By all means demand away. It just looks like there isn't much merit other than creative vanity which is just as easily satisfied other ways.

    I do agree it should be all or nothing and I'm not sure I would want to work for a place that played dirty pool with the credit list. Mostly because that mentality would permeate other decisions, making it a hard working environment.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, agreed. Per vanity, this is what I referenced ego. Just allow us with as you see "Vanity", to have this. There are different types of Vanity, this one is positive as it hurts no one. As such there is no reason to belittle it with your own views, which is your own ego at play.

    That make any sense?
  • Mark Dygert
    Project much? I'm not standing in the way of anything.

    No road block here, champion on with your cause. I only explained ways to get around it and that you can still have your cake, even if its been taken from you. I view that as more meaningful than what they've taken away.

    Coincidentally IGDA is working on standards for credits they hope the industry will follow. Until those are in place its just hot air, even then... But I won't be standing in your way, never attempted to. But that won't stop me from shaking my head at the tail chasing. =P
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    We're game artists, not prostitutes,

    It's equally important to create a workplace where the people who work on the game can feel good working in, and giving them the nod that they actually contributed to the game, wether its a full on credit, or an additional.

    This is all about getting the nod that you actually worked on the game, a thank you if you will, for the months or years you put into the prooject.

    It's not just about getting paid in the end of the month, it's about spending a big part of your life with other equally creative in what should be a happy workplace where everyone respect eachothers time put into the project.

    For example, look at the credits on the end of a valve game, all names in alphabetic order, no title masturbation, just pure aknowledge to the people who worked on the game.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I like the ones where people get to post mini messages with their names
  • Michael Knubben
    In the face of websites such as linkedin, does the 'recuiter-fear' bullshit really hold up?

    And to everyone that says 'I don't care, it's only vanity', that's fine. Just don't rant about it in here. Some people do care. And on top of that, if they get selective with credits, there's never a way to defend that. Either list everybody or nobody at all
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