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Halo Reach



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    No one was really trying to get kills, they were fighting over the hill.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    SupRore wrote: »
    Yo rens, seeing as you're a hardcore halo player and had an awesome write up there, i want to ask your opinion:

    Does the combat model in reach seem more suited to 'tactical' teamplay, squads moving together, than the previous halo games? That's the impression i got from the videos, and hearing your comments/complaints it looks to further enforce that -- between grenade damage and health tweaks and weapon tweaks and powerups it looks like playing lone wolf got a whole hell of a lot more random/unfair, and playing within firing range of a few teammates is more favorable.

    Also guys odium is the guy who posted a 3000x4000 eye texture in waywo once. He makes cool stuff and all but he's a wacko, dont get worked up over his left field opinions on games. :p

    Nice flame for no reason. But I bet you I get the infraction, because Polycount is all about the "in" crowd.

    Gotta laugh at the eye texture comment, it was what, a 512x512 practise run of a texture that was stated never going to stay 512x512 and instead be 128x128, the same res as the engine it was running on? Keep on trolling for no reason...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Double post...
  • Rens
    Found one!

    (you can see that im like hmmmm fuck it and pick moving over taking a good shot :P )

    > new block on the article is on the way, got a bunch of new points and img's to back things up.
  • SyedS
    nice hacks Rens...

    seriously, nice sniping skills
  • psychoticprankster
    If anyone would like to play some halo reach beta with me , my gamer tag is RazerToastie.
  • zoidy
    Rens wrote: »
    Might seem a bit random, but is that site name a reference to anything? When I read it, I instantly thought of the line "elite at this shit since marathon" from the Halo 2 Rap.. but maybe I'm way off the mark?

    But ah, the beta. Managed to snag an early access code on bnet, played 350-ish games so far (get a life, I know), enjoying it so far but it does make me frustrated quite often. Invasion's fun, though it's becoming predictable quite quickly, and it's nearly impossible to use a 'hog with all the plasma nades, splasers and rockets hurled at you.

    Also, judging by the screenshots I've seen of certain glitches, it looks like there might be a Mark VI helmet in the game.. if so, i'll be a happy bunny :D
  • System
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    System admin
    odium wrote: »
    Nice flame for no reason. But I bet you I get the infraction, because Polycount is all about the "in" crowd.

    Gotta laugh at the eye texture comment, it was what, a 512x512 practise run of a texture that was stated never going to stay 512x512 and instead be 128x128, the same res as the engine it was running on? Keep on trolling for no reason...

    Hah, your not the only one, I too have been subjected to his forceful opinion and unsupported claims, don't worry about it.
    ps: when you say "in crowd" you mean a herd of sheep, right?
    pps: it's just a stereotype for conspiracy!
    but don't believe the hype

    On topic: the textures have a strange mix in the footage of teamplay that Rens posted, is that a custom map or something?
  • Rens
    I rewatched the shield video, but can't seem to find what you mentioned.
    There are a few frames that jump because of my capture card though.

    It is part of the Swordbase map.

    Oh and ESM, elite since marathon, comes from alot of things, but one of them is indeed that line.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I played the beta a couple of nights and I guess at this point you either like halo or you don't. I'm not a huge halo fan but it felt like all of the other halos to me, the new abilities were cool. Dashing felt pretty nice.

    I have a ton of issues with the game visually but I don't want it to seem like I'm downing it. There's some weird dithering/motion stuff going on. I think someone mentioned it earlier. You notice it the most when you switch weapons and there's a lot of movement, it just looks dirty and low frame rate or something.

    Artistically the game's pretty boring. The couple of maps I played and the one rens had a video of were pretty uninspired. Nothing seems to have a theme or a hook to the maps visually. I guess technically they've improved over previous halos, there's better looking normal maps and some shaders but the styling and ideas behind the content that the maps are made of just feel lacking.

    The menus are super nice and I like the hero shots of your character when you're selecting their outfit.
  • carlo_c
    Managed to jump on invasion today, really fun game mode I think it's a nice change from CTF and king of the hill.

    Felt a bit unbalanced the map though, defending (i thought) was easier than attacking the core but all fun regardless!
  • Rens
    just saved these two clips, seems like i still got it \o/
    fawk i love me some one hit game types :)
    brings the speed back up for sure

    oh i replay each, so you dont have to ;)

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Rens, nice.
    odium wrote: »
    Nice flame for no reason. But I bet you I get the infraction, because Polycount is all about the "in" crowd.

    Gotta laugh at the eye texture comment, it was what, a 512x512 practise run of a texture that was stated never going to stay 512x512 and instead be 128x128, the same res as the engine it was running on? Keep on trolling for no reason...

    It's not a 'flame' dude, i'm just teasing you. Chill out.

    Also dude no it was huge. 2000x something at least. Shit was funny, there's no reason to deny it, we've all done stupid shit and it looked good.
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    nice write up rens, and i completely agree with you on pretty much everything you say

    i do have beef with some stuff though, but like you, just opinions

    i dont think sprint should be nerfed, i think its perfect. i love the feel of sprint jumping/nading. just gives you a bit more oomph so i feel more like a spartan and not just some soldier dude. it ties it more to the fiction as well, and doesnt hurt the gameplay.

    from the games ive played, it seems the hammer is way more powerful than in halo three, and the lunge seems a quite a bit further. same with melee. ive had people hit me from a good six feet away, and i was surprised you didnt mention that. ive always felt the hammer shouldnt have a lunge at all because of its large radius of damage

    i think the focus beam is way op. it seriously melts people and i consistently get multiple kills with it. its ridiculous. i like your idea of it getting more powerful the longer you hold it on someone, but would it have to be on someone or can you warm it up and then hit someone in the head when its at full power and just before it overheats?

    not once have i been able to use the plasma repeater effectively to kill someone. it could be skill, it could be the situations ive been in, but it just seems really really weak to me. the plasma weapons have always been great and bringing shields down quickly, and the plasma pistol does wonders. but that repeater is just weak sauce.

    other then that awesome write up dude. ive had tons of fun with the beta, but way too many i kill him and he kills me at the same time. bungies choice of having the shield and your health two systems kinda breaks the halo formula. im also having a terrible time with the dmr and needle rifle. i think your notes on that are spot on. im a secret fan of yours and your work, as i love the halo universe and what bungies done with it. if you are ever up for it it would be cool to get some rounds in sometime
  • Rens
    Hey duoxan :)

    Yeah i added some screenshots yesterday to give a better idea about some of the findings.
    I did not have any time to fix the comments about the weapons, i do have to make some changes in those, and there is a bit more to say indeed.

    I wanted to say something about the hammer launching more, but i dont know if its a good or bad thing. Walking with a hammer makes one very vulnerable. What happened alot in halo 3 was that people could walk backwards at the same speed, and so never reached there target.

    If the focusbeam could charge, it becomes quite the laser.
    Though it is possible to deal some good damage, it does not live up to the holes a sniper punched, and i would like to see a bit more leathel weaponery going on.

    The plasma repeater is more of a shield puncher, but yeah i could understand it's a bitch to get kills with. It is used at close combat to drop the shield and follow it up with a beatdown.

    speaking of beatdowns, i got to write something up about that, wanted to, but i left my video on my other computer.

    yeah man, you had some good feedback too, ill write a whole new piece later today and fix some older parts :)

    Oh and THAT, is awesome to hear sir!

    // oh and feel free to add me "magicalant"
    And it might be a good idea to add me to msn if you do, i tend to call my buddies there instead of keeping the xbox running and waiting there.
  • Rens

    (there is 1 frame where the sword does not lock, i happen to trigger at that perfect moment)
  • -diesel-
    IMO Halo 3 and ODST sucked.

    Anybody who played reach... Is it any good?
  • Master_v12
    -diesel- wrote: »
    IMO Halo 3 and ODST sucked.

    Anybody who played reach... Is it any good?

    Yes it is, But if you didn't like H3 or ODST you probably won't like this one either
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You die after 2 melee hits now?
  • Rens
    -diesel- wrote: »
    IMO Halo 3 and ODST sucked.

    Oh really?
    What a great statement \o/

    2 beatdowns have always been needed, but they went a lot slower then this and were applied in a different setting.
    This guy just went eye of the tiger on my ass.
  • Cheez
    Appreciate all the good feedback, Rens ! Keep it goin' :)
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    -diesel- wrote: »
    IMO Halo 3 and ODST sucked.
    you dont have to but, elaborate? just seems like an unneeded tack on
    reach is good, and it plays differently then h3 and ODST, but its still halo so mv12 is prolly right. either way you should give it a try. i think h3 was an improvement to h2. ODST is fun for firefight with four friends, but other then that its mediocre at best.

    the way shields work in reach is like so
    it takes a melee to take your shield out, and without a shield melee is an instant kill.
    unlike other halo titles, in reach, if you still have a shield you can still take to smacks regardless if your shield is 100% or 1%. damage no longer leaks over from your shield to your health. im not sure how i feel about it. in previous games melee was an up close in your face attack used to finish close to dying people. in reach its almost like another weapon

    you plan on writing something up on the whole active roster? invasion? i feel its poorly balanced, ive only seen elites win maybe 1 out of 6. invasion slayer is awesome though.
    i played a few rounds where we had a six man party and it consistently split us up between elites and spartans. kinda lame and i hope bungie has plans to keep your party intact better then this.

    let me know when you rewrite that stuff rens, and im adding you too. my gamertag is blackiedx. anyone else can add if they wanna throw down.
    mv12 where you at dawg boost mobile?!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Rens wrote: »
    Oh really?
    What a great statement o/

    2 beatdowns have always been needed, but they went a lot slower then this and were applied in a different setting.
    This guy just went eye of the tiger on my ass.

    I thought it was 3 in halo2 and 3?
  • Moosey_G
    I really like the new "as quickly as you can" beatdown system they have. My only problems are the lock on distance of the gravity hammer, you literally glide through the air, and the one-grenade deaths. Keep up the good work rens!
  • Master_v12
    Bungie stated that the timing between Melee in the beta is flawed, the time it takes for the second melee to connect after the first one connects is to quick, so it will be altered at launch. I too will be adding to the thread once the beta is done and I have time to collect my thoughts. My Tag is MV12 add me!

    @duoxan This is Flavor Flav!! Did you get your router all fixed up? I've been Rolling with Ds on my hog son! WHOOP WHOOOOOOOOP!!
  • psychoticprankster
    Master_v12 wrote: »
    Bungie stated that the timing between Melee in the beta is flawed, the time it takes for the second melee to connect after the first one connects is to quick, so it will be altered at launch. I too will be adding to the thread once the beta is done and I have time to collect my thoughts. My Tag is MV12 add me!

    @duoxan This is Flavor Flav!! Did you get your router all fixed up? I've been Rolling with Ds on my hog son! WHOOP WHOOOOOOOOP!!
    Can i add you ? my gamer tag is RazerToastie
  • Master_v12
    feel free to add me yo, MV12

    ill be on randomly, lots of good soccer matches this week so I don't know how much ill be on but ill jump in here and there.
  • -diesel-
    Master_v12 wrote: »
    Yes it is, But if you didn't like H3 or ODST you probably won't like this one either

    I liked One and two.

    But three I thought just had too many gimmicks and ODST was only single player.

    Reach seems to be like a team based halo game w/o too many gimmicks. The classes seem interesting too. But stuff like bubble shields and duel welding I just didn't like.
  • KhAoZ
    Rens wrote: »

    (there is 1 frame where the sword does not lock, i happen to trigger at that perfect moment)

    Isn't this Halo 3?
  • Michael Knubben
    odium wrote: »
    Nice flame for no reason. But I bet you I get the infraction, because Polycount is all about the "in" crowd.

    Gotta laugh at the eye texture comment, it was what, a 512x512 practise run of a texture that was stated never going to stay 512x512 and instead be 128x128, the same res as the engine it was running on? Keep on trolling for no reason...

    IT WAS 2048x2048. Seriously
    You're right that we 'gotta laugh', but it's at your expense. Just take it, and move on.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Who gives a flying fuck what resolution it was, it was practise art. I've seen far worse from far more retarded people here. Drop your elitist attitude, you don't exactly create flawless work 100% of the time.

    EDIT: Also as one of the more "mature", "older" and "moderator esque" people here, I love the way instead of stopping the BS you let it carry on. Really shows you as some guy on a power trip. But yeah keep derailing the thread even more.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i keep asking myself over and over when will someone ban obvious nutbags such as odium , im to blame tho havent added him to the ignore list yet lol .

    A friend of mine got in the beta as well going to pop in his house to check it out , i havent played any halo episode tho , hope i can enjoy it :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    But yeah keep derailing the thread even more.

    *Falls over from the irony*
  • Rens
    Yeah lets all hate on Odium \o/
    Can we move on now, or at least get it out of this thread.

    We all have our opinions and characters, sometimes some things slip out wrong or are just silly. Think about it what you want, but know when to leave it alone.
    I myself, am a monkey most of the time aswell so why dont we pass along the torch.


    To awnser some of the earlier questions.

    Zac, it has always been 2,
    In halo2 you had the BXR comb, press b to beatdown, x to cancel the animation and spare time by starting the reload animation, r to cancel the reloading and fire \o/
    So that would mean 1 to take down the shield, another to finish.

    Like you say yourself, "i just didnt like".
    It is your oppinion, how you feel about a game, but that does not make it a bad game.
    Keep those seperate and know when to go one way or another, back it up aswell so people wont miss interpretate your statement.

    No sir :D

    To all who apreciate me writing things up, and giving cool replies, thanks a bunch guys, is motivating :D

    Great to hear Cheez!
    Thanks buddy.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    keep on keeping on Rens.

    Been loving the mag at close range now. Plasma and Mag is a wicked combo. Take sheilds down and switch. Good for med range.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    I know here are a few Bungie employees that frequent these boards, and i had a question for you guys.

    It is about the lack of detail in the levels (especially swordbase). By "details" i mean garbage/rocks/debris littered through the level, as of right now the levels really barren and boring to look at.

    is the lack of detail due to time constraints,technical limitation with the engine itself, or just an art direction choice made at the studio?


  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    ae. wrote: »
    is the lack of detail due to time constraints,technical limitation with the engine itself,

    I don't see how either could be the case. Personally I feel Reach is actually too busy looking, the textures are too grungy. Although this is understandable. Reach isn't a forerunner made landmass, it's a naturally occuring planet, so it wouldn't look like things on the ring did. Pity though, I did prefer the slightly 'engineered' look of everything on the rings...

    Maybe they still need to touch up levels post beta...I doubt what you see now is completely finished art.
  • Cheez
    None of what you are seeing is final. The beta was cut from a pretty old build, in order to get it wrapped and packed for distribution.
    There'll be more details and "flavoring" in the final version.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Cheez wrote: »
    There'll be more "flavoring" in the final version.

    I hope that doesn't mean grungier textures :P
  • Cheez
    My friend, grunge like you've never seen.....
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Put away that grunge brush Cheez!!!! :P Any of your work to be seen in the beta cheez?
  • Cheez
    Yeah, the base spartan and more or less the base elite models. Those guys passed through a few hands but I did the core modeling for both.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    One thing to remember is that multiplayer spaces are designed a certain way, with certain limitations/art choices/design choices all to make for the best/smoothest/most enjoyable multiplayer experaince. Its more important to have a fun gameplay within multiplayer that runs wells and dose not get to visually noisy when running and fraggin your friends.

    There are a lot of those very pretty things in single player where its a more crafted experaince as thats how single player should be. That isnt to say there are none of those things in the multiplayer as the beta is an old build and those "pretty" things are added last once all major geo work is generally done.

    Always remember the game is not finshed, not to mention you havent even seen the single player stuff :)
  • Rens
    Thumbs up guys

    Wrote some more, still going though..
  • Michael Knubben
    Odium: It's nothing personal or hateful, it's just funny. As you say youself, everyone cocks up. You posted a 2k eye texture and when alerted to its ridiculous size said something along the lines of 'its nextgen guys'. That's funny!
    It's so long ago, just own up to it and laugh along. Don't be so serious about something so lighthearted in nature.

    Anyway, how about this Halo game then, eh? Looks pretty nice from what I've seen, although its unlikely I'll ever truly enjoy the multiplayer, being all sorts of terrible at console shooters.
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    Downloading the beta as we speak, im not all that good but it would be sweet to play with some other polycounters, add me WILL WILSON 08
  • Moosey_G
    I forgot to say, I don't have a microphone (for some reason all my mics lost the ability to charge) Add me though -iTz FearCruelty- it'll be nice to play with the guys from polycount :3
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    i added those of you who put your gamertags up, but i recently moved and my internet is uh, random at best. i played a few rounds with my little brother, overall he thought it was pretty cool. we played the crap out of CE but after that he kinda left the halo series (hes not big into fps). used to have HUGE 30 man xbox parties back in the day with several consoles and tvs, was a trip for sure.

    he seemed to like the jetpack, but he would combo that with the rocket launcher and focus beam, other then that he would just invis and assassinate people.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    Cheez wrote: »
    My friend, grunge like you've never seen.....

    I support this :D
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    The sword lunges through barriers at the respawn points on boneyard. I camped outside the one of them and waited for spartan players to respawn... theyd come up to me all ha ha like, thinking they couldn't get hurt and wham, id kill them, lunging through the barrier killing and returning outside of it...anyways, i did this several times in a row until eventually the tank respawned inside with them and the fun was over. Is it suppose to do this? I felt dirty being that guy
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