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A technical question for Blender users

Creating its a jet and its engine seperately.

for example I create a jet engine and I save it and start a new session
to create the rest of the Jet.

Ok so then the jet is created and I want to add the engine to the Jet.
How do i take the jet engine from my save file without shuting the session which has the rest of the Jet ?

anyway if you can answer my question. Id really apreciate it.


  • eld
    Offline / Send Message
    eld polycounter lvl 18
    You mean just importing the mesh from the other blender file into your new scene?

    if so then its:

    FILE->append or link

    and then find your file, now you're in the tree structure of the blender file, here you can select whatever you wish to import with rightclicks.

    after that I believe its just ENTER and you've imported whatever you wish to have.
  • psychoticprankster
    eld wrote: »
    You mean just importing the mesh from the other blender file into your new scene?

    if so then its:

    FILE->append or link

    and then find your file, now you're in the tree structure of the blender file, here you can select whatever you wish to import with rightclicks.

    after that I believe its just ENTER and you've imported whatever you wish to have.

    Thank You very much sir :) I'm gonna try it now.
  • Richard Kain
    Offline / Send Message
    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, that's the way to do it. The "Append" command will allow you to import any asset from a .blend file into the currently open .blend file. You have the option of either importing it in its entirety, or just linking to it. If you link to it, it will reference the model from the external file. If you change the model in the original file, it will change in the file that is linked to it. If you just append it normally, it will make a complete copy in your file.
  • metalliandy
    Offline / Send Message
    metalliandy interpolator
    The shortcut for append is Shift+F1 (for the 2.4x anyway)
    I use this all the time and it beats importing .obj's :D
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