Thanks for your article. I renewed my interest in this a little while ago and came across your post. I didn't need to look any further, so thanks. I made a quick vid tut a while back, referencing your site and information. Hope you don't mind.
Thanks for your article. I renewed my interest in this a little while ago and came across your post. I didn't need to look any further, so thanks. I made a quick vid tut a while back, referencing your site and information. Hope you don't mind.
Glad that you find this article useful. I like your vid, I will add link to it in my article.
Could someone please post the original fx version that worked with DirectX 9 ? The link at the beginning of this threat or on veda3D is dead. And I really need (for plugins reasons) to stick with 3DSMax 2013 which doesn't have DirectX11 available in the viewports Display Drivers ! Hope someone still have the file ! (Matballz.fx )
Could someone please post the original fx version that worked with DirectX 9 ? The link at the beginning of this threat or on veda3D is dead. And I really need (for plugins reasons) to stick with 3DSMax 2013 which doesn't have DirectX11 available in the viewports Display Drivers ! Hope someone still have the file ! (Matballz.fx )
I fixed link to original shader, you can download from the page of my article.
Thanks for all the info here, couldn't have done it without it.
It works fine for me with nitrous in 2012, but unfortunately it doesn't work with SSAO.
I'd pay for a matcap shader with working SSAO
Hope someone still have the file ! (Matballz.fx )
I fixed link to original shader, you can download from the page of my article.