I was wondering if it'd be possible for the adjacent conversion function to work without conversion? That is to say, If I wanted to select the adjacent faces of a face selection directly without converting to something else first, would that be possible to implement? Reason I ask is because it'd be nice for pattern selections.
@ Spatz: I'm glad you like the set. I don't have experience with Maya, so I cannot tell anything specific about it, but in 3ds Max a "Repeat Anything" is not so simple to get. One thing that can be done is to wrap all "repeat" functions for different types of objects, like Editable Poly, Editable Mesh and so on, and let the script to chose what execute depending on current selected type, but I'm not sure it is what you're asking for. Anything at a deeper level would require SDK, as the MaxScript access to 3ds systems is quite limited.
@ griffinax: Thanks man!
@ PolyHertz: If I get you idea right you would like a command that does something like this: From a face selection, the script performs a Grow and deselect previously selected faces? If I'm wrong, could you please describe the steps with currently available tools? It should be quite easy to put together if is something like that. Thanks.
Well not exactly. If you were to do it that way it'd result in something like this:
While as that could have its own uses, what I was looking for was one that only grew the selection to the parallel components, like such:
IC can already select the parallel components like this but only when converting from one component type to another, like edge-to-face, but not face-to-face or edge-to-edge (etc.). So what I'm looking for is a removal of that restriction.
Hi Greg, you made it crystal clear, and yes it is definitely possible to achieve. I'm sorry, because sometimes I get dragged by the coding thoughts. I spoke about "Grow" because in current IC.Shape there is an alternate way to grow/shrink elements and the one for faces selects adjacent by edges only, so the behaviour is exactly as I thought: Grow (IC.Shape alternate version) and deselect previously selected faces. It is quite simple to get, I think I'll add this as further Grow mode. I'll see if a Shrink version makes sense as well. Thanks.
@ PolyHertz: the Grow by Pattern for faces is ready. Now I need to test the Shrink version, and see what makes sense for edges and vertexes. Thanks for the idea!
@ DarthNater: I'm happy you like it. Though it has some limitations because of MaxScript, I've done my best to make it useful
Just as a side note, I've found some code glitches by working on the Game Art Workshop in a couple of functions. Nothing that prevents the script from working any further, but I'll fix them in the next release. Something's wrong with Hide/Unhide interface, and there's an issue in a core function that scans for mesh face under cursor position, that's why sometimes some tools refuse to be activated.
PolyHertz: I have a script that does just that on polygons, edges and verts. It works just like XSI's adjacent selections.
SyncViews: you can take these scripts and improve on them if you want... I'm sure you can write it a 100 times better than me. Plus I think I'm using some of your mod view code in it.
Hey thanks Bryan, this should come in quite handy
btw, I'm not sure if its just me but your website comes up as a blank white page (wanted to see if you had any other useful scripts posted on it).
Sync, good to know you've already got something in the works, but now it seems you've got some competition :P
PolyHertz: Yes my website needs an update! I have a few other scripts but its all based on my work-flow and they don't have much error checking so releasing them to the public probably isn't a good idea. Plus I don't want to derail this awesome thread.
Hi, sorry for the very (very very) late reply. I'm currently working on the selection commands to make them work with both Editable Poly and Edit Poly Modifier. In this upgrade, the Point and Pick instruments aren't included yet, I'm not sure if it is possible to code them with acceptable performances. Stay tuned for news, thanks
SyncViewS, thanks for this very useful tool.
I have one suggestion for wish list. Can you make a Skip edge/poly/vertex Loop and Skip Edge/Poly/Vertex Ring script, but my wish is script which lets a user select a couple of edges and it will continue the selection pattern around an edge ring or edge loop. PolyBoost has this tool, but first I have to select edge, then to set the number of edges that I want to skip and then to press button to execute the script. I don't like this method. I wish to select 1 edge/poly/vertex, then skip N numbers of edges/polys/verts on that loop/ring. select second edge/poly.vertex and press my shortcut for this script.
Hi, whats the point of the expiry date thing?
Mine just expired which forced me to download it again, which then messed up the axis project hotkey forcing me to right click ic.shape, remove actions, and then install actions to get my axis project hotkey working again.
Its not alot of hassle to do this each month, but I'm just wondering whats its purpose because it only seems like a hindrance to me.
Hi, whats the point of the expiry date thing?
Mine just expired which forced me to download it again, which then messed up the axis project hotkey forcing me to right click ic.shape, remove actions, and then install actions to get my axis project hotkey working again.
Its not alot of hassle to do this each month, but I'm just wondering whats its purpose because it only seems like a hindrance to me.
Maybe to preserve the opportunity to make it restricted or commercial at one point. So any former free version turns useless should there be a restricted or commercial one be available.
Crazybump did it that way so do other developers
The point of the expiry date thing is you were not running the latest release, or you you would have hit the expiry date on 24 April. It forces you to stay with the most updated version and forces me to keep on with the development schedule.
Every expiry date is set about three months ahead of each release, so you're not forced to update at each new version. Anyway it is strange it messed up with the hotkeys. I tested it to make it run smooth, just pick the new one, run the installer and it automatically removes older version, installs the new files and add the extended actions if they were already there. I don't know what went wrong in your process, I'll investigate it thoroughly. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Next release is on the way.
By the way maybe not so many know even xNormal has an expiry date.
@ miauu: I'm looking into a way to make that sort of "pattern selector" to run smooth in every case. It shouldn't be too hard but requires a bit of thinking and coding.
SyncViewS, I hope you will do similar script soon.
One more suggestion: may be a float dialog window where we can chose the number of edges to skip(with spiner), and button to execute full loop/ring(with skiping desired number of edges), and button to do a sort of "step skip edge(poly/vert) ring/loop". I mean "step skip ring/loop" like in modo - watch this video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCowbfN51y4[/ame]
In modo, I select 2 edges(verts/polys) and the edges between them is the "pattern"(edges that I want to skip). With Up Arrow key I add edges(vetrs/polys) to selection, with Down arrow Key substract from selections, and with Left or Right arrow Key I select edntire poly loop.
...or what would be great if you could simply change the selection with the arrows keys...for example...you choose a edge or vertex or polygon...and the arrow key "up" selects the upper polygon edge or vertex etc.
so you can reach hidden pionts very well...maya has this feature...
I can't find a way to put hotkeys. But if you make a script you can assign any hotkeys you like. Here a qiuck example:
Ring Shift in one directions:
macroScript RingShiftAdd
category: "miauu"
local curObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
if classOf curObj == editable_poly then
if subObjectLevel == 2 then
$.setRingShift 1 true false
else messagebox "Go to Edge sub-object level." title:"Error!"
Ring Shift in oposite directions:
macroScript RingShiftSubstr
category: "miauu"
local curObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
if classOf curObj == editable_poly then
if subObjectLevel == 2 then
$.setRingShift -1 true false
else messagebox "Go to Edge sub-object level." title:"Error!"
Loop Shift:
macroScript LoopShiftAdd
category: "miauu"
local curObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
if classOf curObj == editable_poly then
if subObjectLevel == 2 then
$.setLoopShift 1 true false
else messagebox "Go to Edge sub-object level." title:"Error!"
Loop Shift in oposite directions:
macroScript LoopShiftSubstr
category: "miauu"
local curObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
if classOf curObj == editable_poly then
if subObjectLevel == 2 then
$.setLoopShift -1 true false
else messagebox "Go to Edge sub-object level." title:"Error!"
But you can't use Control and Alt to add ana substract from selections and thes scripts works only in Editable Poly object, no support of Edit Poly modifier. You have to made modifications to use Control, Alt and Edit poly modifier.
this looks cool, are there any videos of how it would be used to speed up workflow? There are just so many tools Im not really sure what to do with them
I have one more suggestion: SyncViewS, if you want to make a space for another button in Selection rollout you can delete Span button, and make possibele to perform the "span function" with right click over Loop and Ring buttons.
I love this toolset SyncViewS!! thank you for giving this tool to the community.
I am a huge fan of polyboost (http://www.polyboost.com/) before it was merged into Max2010.
Now these 'polyboost' tools are now 'polytools' Max2010, but I would like to incorporate them into IC.Shape.
I really like how compact IC.Shape is and I would be grateful if we could add some of the more useful 'polytools' to IC.Shape.
out of all the Polyboost tools (now polytools) I used these the most:
I wrote my own version of these tools in the same layout (just calling polytools macros), which it just a floating tool that looks like the old polyboost that you can dock.
Any possibility of getting these tools added to IC.Shape? or making IC.Shape not encrypted?
Hi zweek, since you already written your own interface, you can walk the other way round, calling IC.Shape commands from your panel.
The syntax is quite straightforward. Just use:
macros.run "IllusionCatalyst" "<toolName>"
<toolName> is the name of the associated macroscript, in example, if you want to start the Draw instrument, it would be:
macros.run "IllusionCatalyst" "IC_Shape_EdgeDraw"
You can find every defined macroscript in the file IC_Shape_macro_core.ms and IC_Shape_macro_extra.ms, installed by IC.Shape in the folder: <3dsMax>/scripts/IllusionCatalyst/IC_Shape/
The only thing you need to check is that IC.Shape interface must be open, even minimized, to make its tools work.
IC.Shape interface is really nothing special, just a floating dialog with a sub-rollout holding three rollouts and an rcMenu associated. Buttons are simple bitmaps.
I wrote my own version of these tools in the same layout (just calling polytools macros), which it just a floating tool that looks like the old polyboost that you can dock...
Hey, zweek, I'm huge fan of polyboost, too! Your custom polyboost interface sounds wonderful, is it possible to share it with us? I would be so grateful
Here is my attempt to make a 'lite' version of polyboost of the tools I used the most. it doesnt have everything polyboost/polytools offers. I am really not a script writer. Im just an artist who really wanted the old Polyboost look again so I attempted to hack this together...
I'm sure someone on here can make a much better version, and as slick as IC.Shape!
Thanks SyncViewS, i just need to spend some time to make my interface as compact and slick as IC.Shape. IC.Shape definitely has some better tools that what polyboost had.
A big thanks for your appreciation in this coding ride. Your support keeps me going and gives meaning to the effort.
I've just uploaded a list of updates and additions to forthcoming new release. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to rework a lot of code to make it support Edit Poly Modifiers. I'll need your clever help to find any new bug. Thanks!
Hey, just wanted to mention I took a look at your FAQ recently, and noticed what you said in the Donate one in particular... I have to argue against your work being worthless! It certainly is not, you've been doing a great service to Max users with your toolset, and with your one-offs. Just wanted to say your stuff rocks, and is appreciated. Keep it up!
Hey, just wanted to mention I took a look at your FAQ recently, and noticed what you said in the Donate one in particular... I have to argue against your work being worthless! It certainly is not, you've been doing a great service to Max users with your toolset, and with your one-offs. Just wanted to say your stuff rocks, and is appreciated. Keep it up!
Hey Eric, thank you very much for the kind words and the time to look into the web site. I remember you've been following IC since first version. Didn't I make a little customization just for you?
I didn't even remember what's in that F.A.Q. page, maybe I was a little embittered, you know, sometimes it happens, but is not such a big deal. I actually don't hold so much interest in money, I'd rather have a nice job, and wished for these instruments to help me out.
These days I realized why I prefer spending time coding and making instruments rather than models. Art gets you respect and you're the only one to benefit form it, instruments get you gratitude but a lot of people can profit by them. That's the reason why I consider them worthy (bugs included
Thanks Spatz, I'll try to keep improving the IC tool set, let the ideas flow!
Hi guys, here it is the new IC.Shape release (beta 6). Take a look at version history on IllusionCatalyst web site to find what's new.
A lot of code has been reworked in this release to make many instruments work with Edit Poly Modifier, in spite of a careful testing I could have missed something. Please report any issue or strange behaviours.
I decided not to add tools in this release to avoid introducing a potential source of issues, but I can anticipate something's going on and every good idea suggested has been taken into account!
Thanks guys! I had a report about some troubles during the installation on Windows 7 (and probably Vista too). It required a couple of 3ds Max restarts and to assign again shortcuts. I don't know what's causing it, as on my XP64 it works fine. Please bare with it until I can run some proper test on those systems.
@ Racer445: I wanted to extend as much tools as possible to Edit Poly Modifier and hope your workflow would take advantage of them.
@ Spatz: Thanks for the support, enjoy
@ PolyHertz: Hey Greg I'm counting on you for the complete breakdown, looking at all those little bugs crawling away while the interface buttons crumble away in pieces falling from the rollouts
1. create an edit poly modifier, select a face and grow selection, go down to component mode in Editable poly, can now no longer delete modifiers or objects until max restart.
2. IC ring/loop actions on the edit poly are not a seperate undo. So if you select somthing, perform a ring/loop, and then undo it'll undo the ring/loop AND the selection previously made.
3. If you have a modifier on top of the edit poly, select it, then go back down to a component mode in the edit poly modifier, many of the options in the rollout will be greyed out but will continue to work via shortcut. You can get them to work again in the ui via selecting a different component mode.
Another thing is that the symmetry function only lets you place a modifier after the base object, but their is no option to place one after an edit poly modifier. Auto BaseObj might also benefit from having an alternative version which takes into account edit poly modifiers instead of just going directly down to the editable poly.
If you need vids for any of this don't hesitate to ask
Here is my attempt to make a 'lite' version of polyboost of the tools I used the most. it doesnt have everything polyboost/polytools offers. I am really not a script writer. Im just an artist who really wanted the old Polyboost look again so I attempted to hack this together...
I'm sure someone on here can make a much better version, and as slick as IC.Shape!
Thanks SyncViewS, i just need to spend some time to make my interface as compact and slick as IC.Shape. IC.Shape definitely has some better tools that what polyboost had.
zweek, 10x !
I have zero scripting experience , however with your script serving as a template I'll arrange my own polyboost UI.
Hey I've been using shape for a while now, totally love it! Since I installed the new beta6 yesterday I've been getting a new error. It popped up while I was messing about with tips from racers new tut about adding tessellation to increase the hard edge and now it appears every time I go to my edit poly even on old models :<
1. I followed your steps but unfortunately couldn't reproduce the issue on 3ds Max 9/2009 + XP64. I'll try to run some tests on other systems. If anyone else have any other info about this, I'd be glad to know.
EDIT: I reproduced the issue. Not in the same way you did, but something's very wrong with it. I'm going to find out what it is.
EDIT 4: I think I fixed the issue. I need to run some tests to be sure of it.
2. This is a bug. The undo takes 2 steps back. I need to see why the Modifier version handles the process differently, I hope I can fix it, not a big deal but quite annoying.
EDIT: After some tests I found out it actually doesn't take 2 steps back, it doesn't put in the undo stack the loop selection, so when undo is performed, the command BEFORE the loop selection is undone. 3ds Max Undo System is a pain, I hope to find a solution.
EDIT 2: Found out what's causing the issue. Some "undo off" contexts set to speed up things actually broke the undo record for the whole functions making use of them. Fixing in progress.
EDIT 3: Fixed.
3. This is a bug. I need to revise callbacks on 3ds Max UI changes to refresh IC.Shape UI. Should be quite easy.
EDIT 3: Found the issue. It is caused by the super clunky 3ds Max callback system, where #modPanelObjPostChange doesn't mean post everything related to modifier panel change, but only to something. In particular it didn't give the current subObjectLevel, but always the #Object or 0. I solved it by delaying the IC.Shape UI refresh by 1/100th of second. This is purely empirical, so I'll need some feedback. Who knows how the super slow 3ds Max 2010(2011?) would react? Maybe it is better to increase it... Fixed.
The Symmetry and Auto Base Object things are good, but the main issue with them is that you can have more than one Edit Poly Modifier in the stack. For the Auto Base Object you should set what's the modifier you want to make active and it should be stored with a pointer to the object. It is feasible, but I need to test its practical use. About Symmetry the issue is similar. When you got an Editable Poly as Base Object and 2 or 3 Edit Poly Modifiers on top, where would you ask to add the Symmetry modifier? The most logical idea is over topmost Edit Poly Modifier, but is not the unique chance, what do you think about it?
@ boyluya: thank you sir!
@ Flava-Fly: That is definitely a bug, but I cannot figure out where it is coming from, since it is a hack to force refresh in manipulator graphics, but its triggering is controlled by a strict condition. Can you define the circumstances where it started to pop-up? Do you get the same issue after shutting down IC.Shape and starting it again?
EDIT 2: Your issue is tied to the first one pointed out by PolyHertz. I'd need to understand exactly what's causing it, but I got an hint. This is quite severe, I think I'll post a new update as soon as it is fixed.
EDIT 4: It should have been fixed by now. I added more checks to be sure the object whose property is changed is valid and in the worst case scenario, catch the error. Running tests before the new release. Sorry for the inconvenience, as I said, a lot of code has been reworked and I missed some new exception cases.
Thanks Racer, but the issue is quite severe. It always fail when you delete an Edit Poly Modifier. It slipped during the test phase because there wasn't the case to delete an Editable Poly as baseObject. Right now I'm starting to define a list of standard tests to run before each release, testing every tool in every situation has proven to be not enough.
When experiencing issues, just shut down IC.Shape, and you'll get back control of your object.
I'm sorry for the troubles. Light-speed-fixing in progress!
I guys, I think I've wiped out every bug pointed out, strengthening checks wherever needed. I've gone crazy with modifier stack adding and removing modifiers trying to brake everything again, but it seems to hold well. You should never see '-- Unknown property: "tessTension" in undefined' again.
IC.Shape UI refresh is now working as expected without the introduction of any delay, it just makes use of another event fired by the system after stack selection change.
Selection undos are now are now recorded and properly handled.
I may change the Add Symmetry after topmost Edit Poly Modifier if such modifier is present, rather than after Base Object, which seems to be the most logical solution.
I don't think I'm going to change the AutoBaseObject feature right now because it requires a little bit of thinking and practical testing, and I don't want to delay the fixed release any further. Expect beta 7 by the end of the day (CEST).
Great news on the fixes, I will keep my QA brain on it and report back any more issues! Also, please stop apologising for 'the troubles' you write an excellent tool and help a ton of artists workflows all for free! The least we can do is try and help you by testing it in action
Hi guys, IC.Shape 2.0 beta 7 is up. After a deep testing session all major bugs should have been wiped out. Please report any issue, thank you for patience and support.
I'd like to give some numbers about IC.Shape. It's just a way to give the idea of the actual complexity, taking into account all weird 3ds Max behaviours and MaxScript workaround and optimization required too.
IC.Shape 2.0 is currently made of:
25.000+ lines of code (comments included) organized into 40 files
@ Spatz: I'm glad you like the set. I don't have experience with Maya, so I cannot tell anything specific about it, but in 3ds Max a "Repeat Anything" is not so simple to get. One thing that can be done is to wrap all "repeat" functions for different types of objects, like Editable Poly, Editable Mesh and so on, and let the script to chose what execute depending on current selected type, but I'm not sure it is what you're asking for. Anything at a deeper level would require SDK, as the MaxScript access to 3ds systems is quite limited.
@ griffinax: Thanks man!
@ PolyHertz: If I get you idea right you would like a command that does something like this: From a face selection, the script performs a Grow and deselect previously selected faces? If I'm wrong, could you please describe the steps with currently available tools? It should be quite easy to put together if is something like that. Thanks.
While as that could have its own uses, what I was looking for was one that only grew the selection to the parallel components, like such:
IC can already select the parallel components like this but only when converting from one component type to another, like edge-to-face, but not face-to-face or edge-to-edge (etc.). So what I'm looking for is a removal of that restriction.
Can I make sweet love to you? Because that is what this tool does to my modeling......
@ DarthNater: I'm happy you like it. Though it has some limitations because of MaxScript, I've done my best to make it useful
Just as a side note, I've found some code glitches by working on the Game Art Workshop in a couple of functions. Nothing that prevents the script from working any further, but I'll fix them in the next release. Something's wrong with Hide/Unhide interface, and there's an issue in a core function that scans for mesh face under cursor position, that's why sometimes some tools refuse to be activated.
SyncViews: you can take these scripts and improve on them if you want... I'm sure you can write it a 100 times better than me. Plus I think I'm using some of your mod view code in it.
All of these selections were made by using just one initial poly or vert selected and everything else was convert by the scripts.
SyncViewS it would be great if you implement this script in the next version...
btw, I'm not sure if its just me but your website comes up as a blank white page (wanted to see if you had any other useful scripts posted on it).
Sync, good to know you've already got something in the works, but now it seems you've got some competition :P
Anyway, is there a possibility in future versions that the selection tools would work on edit poly modifier? Thanks.
I have one suggestion for wish list. Can you make a Skip edge/poly/vertex Loop and Skip Edge/Poly/Vertex Ring script, but my wish is script which lets a user select a couple of edges and it will continue the selection pattern around an edge ring or edge loop. PolyBoost has this tool, but first I have to select edge, then to set the number of edges that I want to skip and then to press button to execute the script. I don't like this method. I wish to select 1 edge/poly/vertex, then skip N numbers of edges/polys/verts on that loop/ring. select second edge/poly.vertex and press my shortcut for this script.
Mine just expired which forced me to download it again, which then messed up the axis project hotkey forcing me to right click ic.shape, remove actions, and then install actions to get my axis project hotkey working again.
Its not alot of hassle to do this each month, but I'm just wondering whats its purpose because it only seems like a hindrance to me.
Crazybump did it that way so do other developers
Every expiry date is set about three months ahead of each release, so you're not forced to update at each new version. Anyway it is strange it messed up with the hotkeys. I tested it to make it run smooth, just pick the new one, run the installer and it automatically removes older version, installs the new files and add the extended actions if they were already there. I don't know what went wrong in your process, I'll investigate it thoroughly. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Next release is on the way.
By the way maybe not so many know even xNormal has an expiry date.
@ miauu: I'm looking into a way to make that sort of "pattern selector" to run smooth in every case. It shouldn't be too hard but requires a bit of thinking and coding.
One more suggestion: may be a float dialog window where we can chose the number of edges to skip(with spiner), and button to execute full loop/ring(with skiping desired number of edges), and button to do a sort of "step skip edge(poly/vert) ring/loop". I mean "step skip ring/loop" like in modo - watch this video: [ame]
In modo, I select 2 edges(verts/polys) and the edges between them is the "pattern"(edges that I want to skip). With Up Arrow key I add edges(vetrs/polys) to selection, with Down arrow Key substract from selections, and with Left or Right arrow Key I select edntire poly loop.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
...or what would be great if you could simply change the selection with the arrows keys...for example...you choose a edge or vertex or polygon...and the arrow key "up" selects the upper polygon edge or vertex etc.
so you can reach hidden pionts very well...maya has this feature...
YOu can do this with spinner nex to Ring and Loop buttons in Comand Panel - Selection Rollout, but works only with edges.
I try to make a script that make such selections(like modo), but only for edges. For now I got to this stage (watch on full screen for better view).
...can i put hotkeys on them?
Ring Shift in one directions:
Ring Shift in oposite directions:
Loop Shift: Loop Shift in oposite directions: But you can't use Control and Alt to add ana substract from selections and thes scripts works only in Editable Poly object, no support of Edit Poly modifier. You have to made modifications to use Control, Alt and Edit poly modifier.
I am a huge fan of polyboost (http://www.polyboost.com/) before it was merged into Max2010.
Now these 'polyboost' tools are now 'polytools' Max2010, but I would like to incorporate them into IC.Shape.
I really like how compact IC.Shape is and I would be grateful if we could add some of the more useful 'polytools' to IC.Shape.
out of all the Polyboost tools (now polytools) I used these the most:
I wrote my own version of these tools in the same layout (just calling polytools macros), which it just a floating tool that looks like the old polyboost that you can dock.
Any possibility of getting these tools added to IC.Shape? or making IC.Shape not encrypted?
thank you.
The syntax is quite straightforward. Just use:
<toolName> is the name of the associated macroscript, in example, if you want to start the Draw instrument, it would be:
You can find every defined macroscript in the file IC_Shape_macro_core.ms and IC_Shape_macro_extra.ms, installed by IC.Shape in the folder: <3dsMax>/scripts/IllusionCatalyst/IC_Shape/
The only thing you need to check is that IC.Shape interface must be open, even minimized, to make its tools work.
IC.Shape interface is really nothing special, just a floating dialog with a sub-rollout holding three rollouts and an rcMenu associated. Buttons are simple bitmaps.
Hey, zweek, I'm huge fan of polyboost, too! Your custom polyboost interface sounds wonderful, is it possible to share it with us? I would be so grateful
Here is my attempt to make a 'lite' version of polyboost of the tools I used the most. it doesnt have everything polyboost/polytools offers. I am really not a script writer. Im just an artist who really wanted the old Polyboost look again so I attempted to hack this together...
I'm sure someone on here can make a much better version, and as slick as IC.Shape!
Thanks SyncViewS, i just need to spend some time to make my interface as compact and slick as IC.Shape. IC.Shape definitely has some better tools that what polyboost had.
I've just uploaded a list of updates and additions to forthcoming new release. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to rework a lot of code to make it support Edit Poly Modifiers. I'll need your clever help to find any new bug. Thanks!
total agree
I didn't even remember what's in that F.A.Q. page, maybe I was a little embittered, you know, sometimes it happens, but is not such a big deal. I actually don't hold so much interest in money, I'd rather have a nice job, and wished for these instruments to help me out.
These days I realized why I prefer spending time coding and making instruments rather than models. Art gets you respect and you're the only one to benefit form it, instruments get you gratitude but a lot of people can profit by them. That's the reason why I consider them worthy (bugs included
Thanks Spatz, I'll try to keep improving the IC tool set, let the ideas flow!
A lot of code has been reworked in this release to make many instruments work with Edit Poly Modifier, in spite of a careful testing I could have missed something. Please report any issue or strange behaviours.
I decided not to add tools in this release to avoid introducing a potential source of issues, but I can anticipate something's going on and every good idea suggested has been taken into account!
Thank you for your support. Enjoy!
@ Racer445: I wanted to extend as much tools as possible to Edit Poly Modifier and hope your workflow would take advantage of them.
@ Spatz: Thanks for the support, enjoy
@ PolyHertz: Hey Greg I'm counting on you for the complete breakdown, looking at all those little bugs crawling away while the interface buttons crumble away in pieces falling from the rollouts
Three things I've noticed so far:
1. create an edit poly modifier, select a face and grow selection, go down to component mode in Editable poly, can now no longer delete modifiers or objects until max restart.
2. IC ring/loop actions on the edit poly are not a seperate undo. So if you select somthing, perform a ring/loop, and then undo it'll undo the ring/loop AND the selection previously made.
3. If you have a modifier on top of the edit poly, select it, then go back down to a component mode in the edit poly modifier, many of the options in the rollout will be greyed out but will continue to work via shortcut. You can get them to work again in the ui via selecting a different component mode.
Another thing is that the symmetry function only lets you place a modifier after the base object, but their is no option to place one after an edit poly modifier. Auto BaseObj might also benefit from having an alternative version which takes into account edit poly modifiers instead of just going directly down to the editable poly.
If you need vids for any of this don't hesitate to ask
zweek, 10x !
I have zero scripting experience , however with your script serving as a template I'll arrange my own polyboost UI.
@ PolyHertz: I see you haven't lost your edge
1. I followed your steps but unfortunately couldn't reproduce the issue on 3ds Max 9/2009 + XP64. I'll try to run some tests on other systems. If anyone else have any other info about this, I'd be glad to know.
EDIT: I reproduced the issue. Not in the same way you did, but something's very wrong with it. I'm going to find out what it is.
EDIT 4: I think I fixed the issue. I need to run some tests to be sure of it.
2. This is a bug. The undo takes 2 steps back. I need to see why the Modifier version handles the process differently, I hope I can fix it, not a big deal but quite annoying.
EDIT: After some tests I found out it actually doesn't take 2 steps back, it doesn't put in the undo stack the loop selection, so when undo is performed, the command BEFORE the loop selection is undone. 3ds Max Undo System is a pain, I hope to find a solution.
EDIT 2: Found out what's causing the issue. Some "undo off" contexts set to speed up things actually broke the undo record for the whole functions making use of them. Fixing in progress.
EDIT 3: Fixed.
3. This is a bug. I need to revise callbacks on 3ds Max UI changes to refresh IC.Shape UI. Should be quite easy.
EDIT 3: Found the issue. It is caused by the super clunky 3ds Max callback system, where #modPanelObjPostChange doesn't mean post everything related to modifier panel change, but only to something. In particular it didn't give the current subObjectLevel, but always the #Object or 0. I solved it by delaying the IC.Shape UI refresh by 1/100th of second. This is purely empirical, so I'll need some feedback. Who knows how the super slow 3ds Max 2010(2011?) would react? Maybe it is better to increase it... Fixed.
The Symmetry and Auto Base Object things are good, but the main issue with them is that you can have more than one Edit Poly Modifier in the stack. For the Auto Base Object you should set what's the modifier you want to make active and it should be stored with a pointer to the object. It is feasible, but I need to test its practical use. About Symmetry the issue is similar. When you got an Editable Poly as Base Object and 2 or 3 Edit Poly Modifiers on top, where would you ask to add the Symmetry modifier? The most logical idea is over topmost Edit Poly Modifier, but is not the unique chance, what do you think about it?
@ boyluya: thank you sir!
@ Flava-Fly: That is definitely a bug, but I cannot figure out where it is coming from, since it is a hack to force refresh in manipulator graphics, but its triggering is controlled by a strict condition. Can you define the circumstances where it started to pop-up? Do you get the same issue after shutting down IC.Shape and starting it again?
EDIT 2: Your issue is tied to the first one pointed out by PolyHertz. I'd need to understand exactly what's causing it, but I got an hint. This is quite severe, I think I'll post a new update as soon as it is fixed.
EDIT 4: It should have been fixed by now. I added more checks to be sure the object whose property is changed is valid and in the worst case scenario, catch the error. Running tests before the new release. Sorry for the inconvenience, as I said, a lot of code has been reworked and I missed some new exception cases.
When experiencing issues, just shut down IC.Shape, and you'll get back control of your object.
I'm sorry for the troubles. Light-speed-fixing in progress!
I guys, I think I've wiped out every bug pointed out, strengthening checks wherever needed. I've gone crazy with modifier stack adding and removing modifiers trying to brake everything again, but it seems to hold well. You should never see '-- Unknown property: "tessTension" in undefined' again.
IC.Shape UI refresh is now working as expected without the introduction of any delay, it just makes use of another event fired by the system after stack selection change.
Selection undos are now are now recorded and properly handled.
I may change the Add Symmetry after topmost Edit Poly Modifier if such modifier is present, rather than after Base Object, which seems to be the most logical solution.
I don't think I'm going to change the AutoBaseObject feature right now because it requires a little bit of thinking and practical testing, and I don't want to delay the fixed release any further. Expect beta 7 by the end of the day (CEST).
I'm sorry for the troubles, thank you again.
I'd like to give some numbers about IC.Shape. It's just a way to give the idea of the actual complexity, taking into account all weird 3ds Max behaviours and MaxScript workaround and optimization required too.
IC.Shape 2.0 is currently made of: