IC.Shape 2.0 beta 12 released - 2010.08.13
- Select Span Action for shortcut association didn't work any more because of a block of testing code slipped into the released version.
What was new in beta 11 - 2010.08.07
- Edit Poly Modifier didn't support most of the tools any more because of a mishandled case in NURMS display functions.
What was new in beta 10 - 2010.07.20
- Fixed a bug in uninstallation functions. The accessory compression and encryption script damaged the code used by script uninstallation and used by installation too. It now works and cleans the system from any file installed and created by IC.Shape.
What was new in beta 9 - 2010.07.19
- Fixed a bug in Editable Poly Object with active NURMS Display. NURMS subdivision is now turned off on instruments start and restored on stop. Even if NURMS works as is meant, it is highly recommended to use Turbo Smooth, which is way faster.
- Fixed UI issues in 3ds Max 2010 and 2011. Due to changes in user interface handling in latest 3ds Max releases, IC.Shape UI docking and floating caused elements misalignment. Dark UI weren't properly loaded by default and on interface switching.
- Ring / Loop tools now select spans as well. If selection is made of two separate elements laying on a Ring or Loop, the included span is selected.
- Quick switching to Relax mode by pressing SHIFT in Paint Deformation instruments now keeps the painting gizmo radius fixed and gets stored pressure multiplier from Relax setting.
Known Issues
- IC.Shape can cause incompatibility issues with .dds image format in DirectX shaders. The problem is still under investigation.
What was new in beta 8 - 2010.04.23
- Fixed a bug in actions for "T/M Smooth" and "Symmetry". The shortcut versions were enabled only if current selection was an Editable Poly or an Edit Poly Modifier. They are now enabled for any kind of node, and disabled when IC.Shape interface is shut down or selection is empty.
- Removed some debugging code left that printed object status on selection change.
- Added missing actions to associate shortcuts to "T/M Smooth" and "Symmetry" to set all modifiers On or Off.
What was new in beta 7 - 2010.04.21
- Deleting Edit Poly Modifier threw errors because the callbacks ran a function with illegal parameters. It is now fixed.
- Sometimes popped up the error message: '-- Unknown property: "tessTension" in undefined', when selecting an object or changing active modifier in the stack. Several new checks have been added to prevent this issue.
- Select tools didn't store an undo step. When undo was performed after using them, the object state was reverted to two steps before the selection command. It is now fixed.
- IC.Shape user interface didn't properly refresh when switching from a modifier directly to an Editable Poly Object or Edit Poly Modifier sub object level. It is now partially fixed, it still doesn't work when current Tool Mode is set to Select.
- Fixed an issue in Geo Loop introduced in beta 6. The instrument didn't work on Edit Poly Modifier when used preserving the position of a reference vertex.
- Fixed an issue with "Invert Sub-Object selection visibility" introduced in beta 6. The action for shortcut association didn't work due to a bad function call.
- Fixed an issue with "Clear Sub-Selection Held" introduced in beta 6. The action for shortcut association didn't work due to a bad function call.
- Fixed an issue with "UnHide Sub-Selection" when in Edge Sub Object Level. Unhidden edges were not selected when faces formed a quad strip.
- Fixed an issue with "Lock Borders". The action for shortcut association didn't work due to a bad function call.
- Added a missing action to associate shortcuts for Axis Project.
Thank you for your support. Enjoy!
Hi guys, after some months of full day (and several sleepless night) dedication, the fully recoded
IC.Shape 2.0 is ready to rock. Get it freely from
IllusionCatalyst web site. It features a lot of new instruments to discover.
Right now a full documentation is not available, to avoid delaying this release, but each instrument has a detailed tooltip, and is quite intuitive to use. Just play with it.
Current release is a beta. It means it could have bugs, even if I thoroughly tested it. I don't have access to any 3ds Max version paired with any OS, so please report any bug you find on
Bug Report page. Bear in mind IC.Shape is more than twenty two *twenty five* thousand code lines, it's physiological it could have bugs and I'll be happy to wipe them out.
Exclusively for you fellow polycounters, the dark user interface.
Q: How to move IC.Shape UI?A: Click with left mouse button on header image and drag.
Q: How to collapse/expand IC.Shape UI?A: Double click with left mouse button on header image.
Q: How to dock/float IC.Shape UI?A: Click with right mouse button on header image and choose Dock/Float.
Q: How to shut down IC.Shape?A: Click with right mouse button on header image and choose Exit.
Q: How to uninstall IC.Shape?A: Click with right mouse button on header image and choose Uninstall...
Q: How to add/remove Extra Actions?A: Click with right mouse button on header image and choose Add/Remove Actions.
Q: Shortcuts work only when IC.Shape UI is open, why?A: IC.Shape detects a lot of system events, through callback functions. I want to leave the system clean when IC.Shape is not in use, so its instruments are available and use their (quite low) system share only when needed. The advice is to open UI, collapse it to minimum and leave it wherever doesn't bothers, like alongside 3ds Max pulldown menus.
Q: My model has become black and white, why? What do I do?A: That's a random issue I'm still tracking. It has something to do with viewport visualization and surface smoothing. Don't panic. Sometimes starting or restarting an instrument fix it. Almost always changing topology, like adding or removing a vertex fix the issue. In the worst case scenario, convert to Editable Mesh and back to Editable Poly.
Q: When I use some intruments the Manipulator Mode becomes active, why?A: Instruments based on mouseTrack MaxScript component make use of simpleManipulator plugin graphic function. They are more reliable and stable than their GraphicWindow (gw) counterpart. The Manipulator state is reverted as it was before the instrument activation as soon as it is turned off.
Q: When some instruments show a preview and I pan the viewport, the drawings don't follow geometry, why?A: It is a side effect of using simpleManipulator plugin graphic functions. Viewport is not redrawn on pan. This solution anyway looks better than seeing all previews with heavy flickering on mouse move.
Q: Some instruments can be turned off by right clicking a few times, other can't, why?A: Instruments based on thePainterInterface MaxScript component like Draw, Inflate, Relax, cannot detect right clicks. The only way to turn them off is to run them a second time, like a switch. Instruments based on mouseTrack MaxScript component like Tweak, SplitRing, AxisProject, can detect right clicks, but ignore keyboard keypresses.
Q: Some instruments allow to undo while active, other don't, why?A: Instruments based on thePainterInterface MaxScript component like Draw, Inflate, Relax, can detect keyboard keypresses, and allow to undo while in use. Instruments based on mouseTrack MaxScript component ignore keyboard keypresses. The only way to undo is to use the Main toolbar Undo button or exit the instrument and press ctrl+Z.
Q: I made wonky settings or the IC.Shape UI is out of reach. How do I reset everything?A: Close 3ds Max and delete IC_Shape.ini file located in "..\Autodesk\<3ds Max version>\scripts\IllusionCatalyst\IC_Shape\"
Q: I'm on 3ds Max 9, Pivot instrument leaves a tripod Point Helper, why?A: 3ds Max 9 doesn't support Working Pivot. The idea behind leaving the tripod Point Helper is to have a pivot to snap to to make local transformations. The steps are as follow:
1. Select sub objects to transform
2. Lock the selection
3. Activate Snap in 3D and set it to Pivot
4. Choose the transformation type: Move, Rotate, Scale
5. Set from Use Center flyout: "Use Transform Coordinate Center"
6. Set from Reference System: "Pick" and pick the tripod Point Helper
7. Perform the transformation
These are standard steps to accomplish such task in 3ds Max 9. Quite messy, but better than nothing if you need it.
Q: I'm on 3ds Max 9, Frame Geo is always grayed out, why?A: 3ds Max 9 doesn't support direct viewport matrix transformations. Frame Geo is available on 3ds Max 2008+ only.
Q: Sometimes an instrument doesn't start on button pressed, why?A: It is an issue still under investigation. If anything doesn't behave as expected, please close the script and restart it. If the issue is still there, please submit a bug on IllusionCatalyst web site.
>cough< I mean, well done good sir. Nice site redesign too.
All this, professionally created and expertly presented - for free! Amazing work.
Just one tip, when you activate < (less than) and > (more than) at the same time, is like activating the ! (not, different than) in previous version.
Would there be a way to make the newly split edge ring follow the curvature of an object?
@ JMYoung: I'll add that feature to the wish list
@ Perna: Thanks very much, links are fixed now. I totally forgot to change the extension in those links as those page were previously plain html.
The features I like best are those where you got something to "click and drag", like Pick instrument: adding shift key you'll get rings and loops
I forgot to mention that by activating "Name" and "Info" there's an instant visual feedback to understand what's the instrument is expecting, or what's going to do. It could be useful in the learning process.
thank you
Thx a lot for this awesome scripts, will give it a shot in the next few days
Hope Final version without time limitation comes out soon!
@ renderhjs: I feel the same toward 3ds Max, sometimes I hate it, sometimes I love it, but when I see it doing exactly what I wanted, it's the best. I didn't have the occasion to thank you for your awesome TexTools, I mostly coded in latest months and didn't have the chance to put them into action. I had got something in mind on UVW Mapping for quite a long time, but you have already made an excellent work. Keep it up!
- When using the insert loop tool (maya style) and press shift to get the alternate 'parallel' option, I cannot commit the loop because of ... DRaster switcher. It seems to have priority over the shift key. Now I understand that this case is a minority but! If somehow there was a way to access the alternate loop insert differently, that would be very nice ....
- On your website you mention there is two ways to use GeoLoop : regular (by clicking on a vert) and average. But I couldn't find the way to use the average method. My geolooped loops always ended up being shifted to the location of a vert. I would suggest the average behavior as default, I think it makes more sense?
I'm quite sure Switcher is a compiled C++ plugin, probably as a GUP. Because of that it has precedence in key pressed detection, working at a lower level than MaxScript. I could bind the SplitRing option to "alt", but I doubt it would solve the issue, and "shift" is extensively used in many other instruments, like Pick, to select Loops and Rings. It is a displeasure to know about this issue. I'll try to figure out a solution.
I've just retested the GeoLoop and it works as expected on my machine. You can activate the "Info" to see what the tool is going to do.
- Select a closed edge loop
- Activate GeoLoop and go over the object surface
- If you are over a vertex of selected edge loop, the Info says "Vertex" and its position is preserved.
- If you are anywhere else, even away from object, the Info says "Average" and every vertex shifts to fit a regular polygon.
You can also run another test for comparison. "Average" is the only method you got when GeoLoop is run with two or more closed loop selected.
Try it on a simple cylinder with a vertex pulled far away. If it still seems wrong, please give me instruction to reproduce the issue, and I'll start investigating it. Thank you.
Looks like it didn't get the mass-bridge or extended dot-loop selector I mentioned, but oh well. Will put it through its paces later tonight and post some feedback next time I hop online.
I love the compressed Vertical aligned GUI- most tools these days are bloated big with to much space between the buttons (Maya stylish) or very hard to read because of just icons (max2010 ribbon alike).
I don't like meaningless icons at all costs, and I was a little shocked by roundish XSI general look. (Just to be crystal clear this is not a complaint about that software but a personal feel). Text can be meaningless too if a button has a three characters acronym of something obscure...
Your interface is very good with meaningful icons AND text and I thought about the idea to group instruments by a pale tinted background color too, but it never looked right, so I ditched it for this release.
My only concern about IC.Shape current interface is that text and buttons could look too small, in particular on those "insane" full HD resolution monitors. But the real daily use relays on shortcuts and quad menus, so I guess it is acceptable. Thank you for the appreciation!
Here you can find a zip file containing two files. Run them one at a time. The scripts create a Sphere and start the mouseTracker. Try to left click anywhere and read what comes up in the listener (F11). Try to click while pressing any single mod key, you should read: "key name + Left Click". Try it with CTRL, then SHIFT, then ALT, and see if everything comes up right.
- ModKeyTest_01.ms mimes current IC.Shape code, so I expect it to fail on shift.
- ModKeyTest_02.ms reads mod keys from mouseTracker function and could overcome the Switcher issue.
You can simply drag and drop each file on 3ds Max viewports. They won't leave anything on your system. Thanks for the test. If this one fails, I'll need to figure out something different, but I don't have a large array of options. Finger crossed.
@ Sage: Thank you man, I'm just a humble designer, who likes to code with usability in mind, even if I'm quite sure my Ergonomics lecturer wouldn't be much proud of the new interface.
Something that really irked me was I dont see z-project anywhere in the new UI, where'd it go? Please tell me thats not a dropped feature sense I use it all the time
Also, refering to JMYoungs suggestion for a gesture-loop/flow-connect tool, thats already in Polyboost (and by extension Max2010). Though its sort of limited in that it can only cut across the center of edges. But, an interactive flow-connect script in combination with your Split Ring distance-consistancy function would be absolutly amazing. Extremely difficult to pull off though I'd imagine.
Edit: forgot to mention, I'm running Max2009 x64, if that makes any difference on the bugs
- T/M Smooth and Symmetry work fine here, run on the same 3ds Max version. Can you give me a series of steps to reproduce the issue? Or is it something like, make a Box, convert to Editable Poly, press i.e. T/M Smooth and nothing happens?
- The Drag instrument seems to have issues in edge and poly mode, while seems to work in vertex mode. I just found what's causing the error, now I must fix it.
EDIT: Fixed.
- The Pick tooltip slipped, it's fixed now.
Z-Projection is one of those features a little unstable that soiled code of every instrument involved. I decided to take it away from this new version because, even though usable, sometimes was a bit frustrating. Bottom line, I'd like to code another set of tools derived from new IC.Shape for retopologization only. After almost two years I think I can put together something better than Z-Projection, that said among us, was based on the less reliable intersection function provided by MaxScript.
About the SplitRing I already got a few ideas in mind, if those prove to be good, it shouldn't be too hard to add that feature. I still don't know if it is better to enhance the Draw Edge Loop (Draw + SHIFT), letting the user insert the loop anywhere and not only in the middle like is now, plus adding the curvature feel, or the SplitRing.
As Draw enhancement, it wouldn't have the preview feature but could be obtained by simply crossing an edge in every desired position.
As Split Ring enhancement, it would show the preview, but would require the regular steps to attain the result.
Draw is suited for organic modeling and this feature would give smooth results, while SplitRing is conceived for hard surfaces, where preserving curvature doesn't seem to happen so often. Anyway I guess some tests are required to figure out what's best.
Thanks again for pointing out the issues.
EDIT: Now I need to understand what's wrong with T/M Smooth and Symmetry Toggle on your side. Maybe if anyone else can step in, I'd be glad. Thanks.
Know its a bit greedy to ask that, but thought I'd give it a shot anyways.
Refering to the T/M smooth and Symmetry issue, yea their arn't really any steps, just doenst seem to apply the modifiers or turn them on/off at all. Tried re-starting the plugin and max each, but didn't fix the issue.
I never thought Z-Projection was so precious to someone, in fact I didn't receive good comments on it. It was deeply integrated with every other shape deforming tool, so it cannot be simply taken away to build a new tool. Anyway, I guess I can start working on that new set, to provide at least basic tools like create geometry from border, drag and relax.
To install new version, simply get it form the web site, then drag and drop the .mzp file on 3ds Max viewports, it starts the installation wizard that will handle the upgrade too. You won't need to rewire the shortcuts.
Please let me know if T/M Smooth and Symmetry toggles now work fine for everyone.
You do great work.
Since you're a Switcher user like Pior, do you mind if I ask to run a test that could help me find a solution to this issue?
Thank you very much.
I'm having some trouble with the Inflate/Raise tools :
I'm working on some large terrain, so even with the multiplier at 1, stuff is barely moving, so I went in the Painter Deformation menu and increased the max strenght of my brush in the Brush Options, that seemed to work, but each time I tweak the multiplier, something resets my max strength to 1... bug?
you're right, the behaviour you described fits. The script stores the strength value internally, independently from actual PainterInterface value (the one you modify through Paint Deformation tab). So when you try to edit strength again, inner value is taken and reverted to 1.0 which is the maximum value allowed by the script.
That said, I will increase the maximum Brush Pressure Multiplier, since there is no real reason to cap it to 1.0, I guess 99.9 should be fine. Thank you for pointing out the issue when working with large meshes.
would it be possible to add symmetry button in IC Shape Menu?
And: When will be able to buy a license + costs??
1. Go to Customize User Interface, under menu Customize
2. Choose Keyboard to set a shortcut, Toolbars to set a toolbar button, Quads to set a quad menu voice
3. Select Category: IllusionCatalyst from dropdown menu
4. Find the Symmetry action in the list called "Toggle Symmetry [IC.Shape]"
IC.Shape 2.0 is free for any use and there isn't any plan for licensing yet.
here I have a screenshot:
If I want to draw polygons or edit polygons with raise/Inflate/Relax etc tool, than a symmetry option would be cool.
I can activate symmetry from the standard max menu (Edit Polygon Rollout -> Paint Deformation) but this wont work in IC Shape Draw Modus (look at screenshot)
Maybe you could add a global symmetry function for every IC Shape Tool.
Hope you understand what I mean...and sorry for my bad englisch, I am German
PS: If I want to get a version without time limitation, what can I do instead of buying a license, which is not available? Maybe you will always update your script but I wish a Version completely free from time limitation because I dont like it to always update things since the actual version works perfect for me.
If I encounter Bugs/Ideas, I will post them.
I think there will never be a version completely free from time limitation. Before current release expires another one will be available with extended lifetime. I don't think paying attention to such thing could be considered so troublesome, provided the update requires no more effort than a drag and drop. I plan to code an auto-update feature too, if it is not too demanding. Enjoy the script and take it easy.
Quoting this from the other thread since I have more comments on IC shape~
hmm cool, just tested it. But the only problem I have is a lot of the tools you have on IC shape I already have hotkeyed, is there any simple way to remove the buttons that I dont want? I know there are rollouts to hide certain categories, but theres some thing in some categories that I'd like to keep and some not so much.
Actually I guess it aint that big of a deal... I mean compared to the giant mess of a command panel in 3d max this IC shape UI is like 50x better.
btw speaking of ic shape, how do you use axis project to align 1 vert to another instead of averaging between the selected verts? I assume its something to do with ctrl dragging but I tried selecting 2 verts and ctrl dragging, tried selecting 1 vert and ctrl dragging on the vert that I want it to be aligned with and that didnt work either...
How do I assign the "picked vertex" to be the target that I want to align with?
I actually had half of those utils at the bottom as seperate scripts, guess I wont be needing them anymore~
IC shape has so many tools to learn and implement into my workflow
I'm a switcher user as well. I downloaded the zip with both those files, and both times alt+left click didnt register in the listener but ctrl+shift worked fine of course. Not so much of a problem for me yet as I've yet to discover all the alt-uses of these tools
Could it be because I'm using switcher that I cant get the axis project to "pick" a target instead of averaging?
And a big thanks to you for these tools!
Well, if I get it right you're a Max 2010 user, ain't you? It means you got instruments like Inflate and Drag straight from the PolyBoost integration, I guess, so you'd like to get rid of them in IC.Shape UI. That's possible only by code interface modification, there's no way to do it from released package. I guess in future release I could provide a switchable double interface, one full and another one with unique instruments compared to 3ds Max 2010. Believe it or not, I haven't tried 2010 yet, but I'm not sure it has some nice shortcuts features like miming ZBrush tools management, I mean when a deformation painting instrument is active, by pressing ALT you invert its effect like Inflate/Deflate, and by pressing SHIFT you temporarily activate Relax.
To Align a vertex (A) or a selection to another vertex (B):
1. Select vertex A
2. Activate AxisProject, a light blue dot will be over the selected vertex, or in the average position of a selection
3. Press CTRL, and keep it down. While hovering above the surface, the light blue dot snaps to vertices, edge middle point and face centers
4. Go over vertex B, the light blue dot will be there
5. Start dragging and choose the axis orientation by moving the mouse around
6. Once you release the mouse away from the selection axis origin, vertex A will be projected on a plane passing through vertex B oriented like the selection axis.
7. Release CTRL
6b. To Dismiss axis selection while still dragging, go over the axis origin, the axis will disappear, and release.
You can select both vertexes too, and then run the previous steps, but the second (B) vertex won't be moved, being already in the reference position.
As far as I know switcher blocks detection of ALT modifier, which has no effects on AxisProject, so I fell like excluding this possibility.
Thank you for the test! I hoped the second method could do a better job, by calling a plugin like Switcher. Now I have to figure out a way to make tools accessed by ALT available in some other way. I guess the first step will be to create macroscripts for "SubInstruments" like Deflate and Lower.
I hope the process of learning IC.Shape would be painless. If you find something frustrating or if it feels "wrong" (like many standard tools imo), let me know. Thank you. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask.
I dont know if I'm being completely stupid but I tried following your step by step instructions and still couldnt get axis project working
Heres a video of me trying all sorts of stuff to align the bottom vertex with the one at the top on the Z axis:
Ignore the end of the video, some weird bug happened where my quad menu didnt want to appear :< Think it might be something to do with using ScreenToaster since I never had that happen before.
As a second test try the instrument on a new scene with an object converted to Editable Poly and see if it still fails.
In that case, if possible, I'd need take a look at the 3ds Max file, if you feel comfortable sharing it, to figure out what's going on under the hood. With the promise to delete your file as soon as the issue has been sorted out. Otherwise I'd need to run extensive tests, but that issue never shown up until now. Thank you.
Now... although this axis project tool is really useful and I can see myself using it alot, it cant justify disabling switcher
If I was asked I would have sworn Switcher was innocent on this call. Wrong. This relieves and troubles me as I'm asking myself how many other instruments subtly suffer its presence? How the user can tell it's an incompatibility issue?
Thanks again for the heads up.
got it. thanks!
This would be great!
btw I'm not sure if this is caused by IC shape, but I've noticed that each time I start up max theres a minimized MAXscript window on the bottom left now. I didnt notice this before a few days ago and the only significant thing I did to my UI was download IC shape...
Do you know how to disable the MAXscript window from starting with max?
Its not a huge problem because I can just click to close it, but I rather not have to click it each time I start max~
Tried deleting my maxstart.max to see if that fixes anything but it didnt work