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Beretta 92FS (WIP)

Lord Killmore
polycounter lvl 18
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Lord Killmore polycounter lvl 18
Soo yeah,
didnt post here for quite a long time >_>

Since our modding team switched to 3dsmax and i had to switch to for the animations, i kinda thought i really have to actually start modellin in it since i was overall pretty rusty and never did a model in max.

So i thought doing a gun might be a good way to get used to the interface and different tools and all

So i decided to do a quick mockup of a 92FS and just started modellin away xD

anyway, still heavy wip

Real quick and crappy 3ds Max render

Different viewports

as you can see on the viewport pics it currently weights at 1142 Tris ( including the clip )
and i didnt start optimizing it at all till now .
i actually want it to go below 1k without losing much detail , which shouldnt be a problem after i fixed some polys and that crappy quick mirror job i did for the pics xD

i might leave it at 1k or raise the count a bit to add the smaller details ( to like 1,5 or somethin)
its also a good chance for me to practice a bit on metal /gun textures and i might try to get into normal map baking a bit ( not that detailed just a bit so i get a hang of it ) have to find out how it works first though -.-

well anyway , long text for no reason >_>

C&C appreciated .

PS: anybody can hook me up with a good and quick render setup ? i really suck at those -.- and maybe some tipps for normal bakin^^

Greetz ~LK~


  • Ark
    Offline / Send Message
    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Damn those renders bring back some old memories for me when i used to mod guns into half-life/cs.

    Get rid of the symmetry edge that remains or use it to define the top of the slide more. Also the rear of the weapon could do with area cut out that surrounds the hammer.

    You defiantly want to do this if it's a FPS weapon, as this is what you'll see most of the time.

    Apart from that its looks good, just needs a good texture on it. :)
  • Lord Killmore
    Offline / Send Message
    Lord Killmore polycounter lvl 18
    yeah as i said i still didnt fix up those symetry edges and all.
    and well i dont really want to use it as a weapon for cs / hl or anythin i just wanted to practice max a bit wth the good old "low poly but high looks" which i hope to somehow archieve
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Looks nice! :)

    What'd you use before (for modeling)?
  • Lord Killmore
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    Lord Killmore polycounter lvl 18
    well at the VERY beginning MS3D some time after that Lightwave and well now finally max xD back then i had the chance to chose between max and lightwave but i somehow got into lightwave much quicker while i couldnt even find my way around max´s UI so i tried lightwave.
  • Lord Killmore
    Offline / Send Message
    Lord Killmore polycounter lvl 18
    ok fixed it up , weigths at 972 tris now
    may cut out that back part on the hammer nao though or add the minor details .
    anyway, now its time for normal baking. and im starting to have probs xD i guess i can manage the bake process but i have no idea what would be the best way to do for example the greaves on the grip.


    thats one of my refs btw.

    and with greaves i mean those "spikes " on the grip and the inset line that goes around the grip too >_>
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