Time is ticking man. Get this in engine. Quit rendering out in Max, you're wasting time. Also, I'm still having a hard time reading shapes and forms. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at. What is the scene supposed to be?
Get going! No Sleep!
Use firefox to see the image well that internet explorer its hell , and look at my previous posts this is a process of construction .
Im not taking it to the engine because i have to texture all first and texting it before i can make a mistake in the engine.
Well i have time as i predicted i will finish texturing all and preparing in 3d max and tomorrow i will finish it in udk and the next day i will do my second shot in torque.
Great! im almost finish texturing but i remember that i have to make the roof well i have time im almost there and i think tonight i will start putting all in UDK but my scene is composed by too many pieces if you see well that scene is not only texture in planes it has a lot of model that because im investing time but i have all in order to finish at time.
Well the only thing i need to texture is the crane and i have to model the roof adding some little stuff like wires and finished and i will take it to UDK so i think i will finish all texture and modeling in coouple of hours. It is looking amazing for me im very happy wiht the results the colors play well and my futuristic scene it almost complete.
well i finish i only have to do the roof that will take me some minutes but i will leave that at final and you will see it in the final entry not big deal so finish and i have 220.750 tris i have all in editable mesh to see the count all is in order my texture sheet is half used and i finished i have put the texture sheet in the contest only have to do the construction and skecth and of course the final image so i think tonight i will start UDK Im glad all you like my work took me hours as a freelancer i can work hours in this so i have used all time i need and im working well and at last finished there is so many object its going to be crazy i tell you see ya in UDK!! and Torque if i can!!
Guys see ya at 5 morning this is taking too long this is no 3d max this unreal need tools like 3d max like mirroring , array and stuff this is an engine of thousands of dollars but it doesent seems a program with that value most have all that tools for easy creation and saving time , i hope they figure that some day so im finishing it tomorrow or 3 o clock in the morning wish me luck !
You can also go into the static mesh properties and invert the x, y, or z scale. Sure the right-click method is a good shortcut, but this is helpful if you've already got the window open.
im exausted i started yesterday in the morning like 8 morning and now is 3:30 in te morning next day i need like 3 or 4 hours more exporting all in UDK took a long time im writing here for do something else just a few seconds but is getting great , the only thing i hate is those borders like pixelation that never can be fixed i have looked all but no finding how to fix that , torque instead give nice screenshoots with very very nice edges , the thing most important doesent have udk i have learned a lot of udk in few days well i have to continue see ya later!
ok its 7:00 in the morning i can do no more the only thing is left is the crane but it looks well as it is too well im going to bed it was like 36 hours and without counting all the days i have work on this so here is my images good luck to all!!
this is my second shoot , guys i dont know meaby its because im not sleepy but i dont find my texture sheet , but lucky for me i have put it about 2 days ago in the contest page submission , but im looking for it an di will keep looking if i find it i will put it here .
well surprise surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some in 3d artisans send me a message like 4 days ago and i have read it now he says you cant make a second entry !!!!!!!!!!
i have asked days ago and no one can told me that i tyhink he is the admnistrator of 3d artisans but in the contest dont say that you cant make a seocnd entry in the 3d entrys it dont say!!! so i cant wait dasy for people to answer im very asked help here with the administrator and he told me adam that !im at work ask in the contest page !!! i say well thanks any way for your help i will not disturb you more .. i mean so if polycount is wher you put your entrys process and has to be with the unearthly challenge page why the administrator dont know a simple thing like that , first adam the admnistrator told i guess you can but he wasnt shure , so what i have supposse to do? wait the days pass for some one to answer me knwoing that as a participant of the contest and the wishes to win and learn as everybody want , i cant let the days pass so they took like 4 or 5 days or more to answer that simple question im knock down working 36 hours long with no break to finish my entry here and no one knows for shure if you can make another entry??'
please waht should i do? in becuase of no sleeping well i have put my another team logo in my fnal entry im asking my self all this days at long work will be do it for nothing? i dont know what i should do ..meaby i anyting cant be done can i choose waht would be my final entry? at least someone woould care?
thanks very much to all fopr understanding i wish tyo no one this happend to you.
The rules explicitly say you can make multiple submissions:
"Joining multiple teams is fine".
But as an aspiring artist you should be happy any time you finish more art! Who cares if you get to enter it in a contest, it's another portfolio piece and practice.
Wait a minute i remember my first post the hommage throne i was doing it with a friend and my second this the hangar i have made myself all that means my entry is valid!!!!!!!!
The lighting on your scene needs a second pass. Way to much noise going on that its hard to pick out whats happening. I wanted to see what your texture sheets looked like cause i was curious to see if you were still within the 4096 range. Are you?
please read the other post , and that is because i putted a little sharp in the scene thats because the original scene has no noise but who cares the entry is done there is nothing more to do . and i like the way it is but thanks
thanks but the only error i made was because i was not spleepy and i put my other teams logo in the final image , i hope they forgive me because i have the original logo in the contest so if there is a problem i hope they just put the logo of threedog instead i send them i hope , thanks.
smiljan66: I need to ask man, are you like young Age wise? if your some kid (bellow 15) I will give you slack for being stupid its in your young retarded nature.
If your 16 and above, you know the difference hopefully between right and wrong and a real boob and a photoshop internet boob. So I think that when you have moderators, several senior members and other members telling you/making fun of you (heh) about you asking non stop about this I think you just need to relax.
Look me vig and vassago worked hard on this contest as well and are awaiting the results. But im not exactly taking my pants off to find out either. So simar or a moderator might get really pissed at you and put a ball sack avatar for yah.
Use firefox to see the image well that internet explorer its hell , and look at my previous posts this is a process of construction .
Im not taking it to the engine because i have to texture all first and texting it before i can make a mistake in the engine.
To give you an idea and for some people that dont understand well what is it , here you can see clearly i hope .
Great! im almost finish texturing but i remember that i have to make the roof well i have time im almost there and i think tonight i will start putting all in UDK but my scene is composed by too many pieces if you see well that scene is not only texture in planes it has a lot of model that because im investing time but i have all in order to finish at time.
well i finish i only have to do the roof that will take me some minutes but i will leave that at final and you will see it in the final entry not big deal so finish and i have 220.750 tris i have all in editable mesh to see the count all is in order my texture sheet is half used and i finished i have put the texture sheet in the contest only have to do the construction and skecth and of course the final image so i think tonight i will start UDK Im glad all you like my work took me hours as a freelancer i can work hours in this so i have used all time i need and im working well and at last finished there is so many object its going to be crazy i tell you see ya in UDK!! and Torque if i can!!
Right click > Transform > Mirror [xyz]
thank you for helping!
i have asked days ago and no one can told me that i tyhink he is the admnistrator of 3d artisans but in the contest dont say that you cant make a seocnd entry in the 3d entrys it dont say!!! so i cant wait dasy for people to answer im very
please waht should i do? in becuase of no sleeping well i have put my another team logo in my fnal entry im asking my self all this days at long work will be do it for nothing? i dont know what i should do ..meaby i anyting cant be done can i choose waht would be my final entry? at least someone woould care?
thanks very much to all fopr understanding i wish tyo no one this happend to you.
"Joining multiple teams is fine".
But as an aspiring artist you should be happy any time you finish more art! Who cares if you get to enter it in a contest, it's another portfolio piece and practice.
There are no ComicCon Challenge Results yet, and deadline was 1 month before UC...
hope it gets figured out for you
where you the admin for both entries ?
The lighting on your scene needs a second pass. Way to much noise going on that its hard to pick out whats happening. I wanted to see what your texture sheets looked like cause i was curious to see if you were still within the 4096 range. Are you?
thank you
If your 16 and above, you know the difference hopefully between right and wrong and a real boob and a photoshop internet boob. So I think that when you have moderators, several senior members and other members telling you/making fun of you (heh) about you asking non stop about this I think you just need to relax.
Look me vig and vassago worked hard on this contest as well and are awaiting the results. But im not exactly taking my pants off to find out either. So simar or a moderator might get really pissed at you and put a ball sack avatar for yah.
I would just do that as precautionary measure just in case he doesn't believe you :P