Hey all, I've been trying to venture into the social networking side of the industry and I'm looking for some contacts : )
For the people who don't mind, and are in the industry, it'd be awesome if you could share your email so I can pretty much talk to you and quiz you about your day to day life then take it further then track you on google earth and hunt you down and steal your job : D
And for the guys who are like myself, not in the industry, if you are willing and up for a nice chat, send me your email.
This is email and MSN : )
Walking up to a pro and saying "i only want to know you cause you might give me a job" isn't going to help anything.
Pros are people too, and should be treated as such.
Keep in mind networking only really works properly in the flesh. So go out to sketchgroups, or start one up, find events that people from industry might attend. Basically try and hang around in more artsy places.
P.s slowing down and thinking about things before you post might help people to like you more...
By the way, that was a joke
I actually want to legitimatly talk to people in the industry and get to know them. I'm really being nice here my friend I got the idea from a mate who knows some people and has a billion buisness contacts.
Im an intern at a studio in Brisbane, but if you give me money i will totally give you a good word at work. :poly142:
Got it wrong my man : )
Honestly, truthfully, my mate Skulburn who some of you may know told me it was a good idea to always keep your real name instead of handles.
Its a little bit like making a thread asking for interested girls because you are lonely...
You have to go and make a bit of effort before they will even bat their eye lids.
lol yeah I know. I thought my sarcasm would show through and I wouldn't need to write a little lol at the end to get I was being sarcastic as well; damn you interwebs. :P
Even if you are from a far away land I shall still talk you!
Dont bug me when im not responding, then im doing other important ''Important'' stuff, just stay calm and il get back to you when i have time. otherwise im up for friendly chats. msn pontus1987@rorororhotmail.com
And no, I will not bug you my freind.
Wait - Did I just get owned? : )
see what i did there?! its been over six minutes, figure it out!
in another 5 minutes il give you a hint...
You clever son of a b-
Passion's a good thing, it'll keep you going in the right direction, but don't let it make you jump the gun and come off as needy, there's more to life than game art .
You're a chill guy by the way. Haha.
And Taylor/LoM: ... just don't.
it is my actuall msn withouth the roror after the @ so we are chatting right now.
Now that dude id give my email without hesitation
but who are you?
Okay, you all know LomChaos, obviously. : )
I was Pixel magus for a bit (the nicer guy)
But I asked the almighty Adam Brommel to merge both accounts and change my name to my real name.
Sorry for all the confusion.
yes it was that also
u wont get them here, all grown up dude
what about ur email first?
Jonas Ronnegard is spot on
Gargh, pet peeve #596075-d2
Tell that to an author.
The written word was around as a form of self expression long before the internet.
Show people dedication and passion for your craft and you'll get emails....
Hey now, dont worry, I never said anything about his sexual orientation ^^
.....oh snap! :X
Let's go get him, i know where he lives or hmm atleast where he works :P
The words "epic-backfire" comes to mind ^^
I'd also like to point out that TheWinterLord trusted me yesterday and we had a kick ass conversation.
I'm thinking "My bother?" right about now.
Just do some artwork ffs!
Your like a hindu only that you always come back as the same person haha.
Do not deny the truth, Ruz.