Yeah Lamont it's a custom install so I can go all crazy on it...
Player rotation is done, what you want to do now is follow the player and NOT have the camera rotate with the guy... I thought I was doing it wrong all last night when I did in fact have it right, just the damn camera was fubar... and the rotation values.
EDIT:: Got camera to follow (hacky kismet/parenting). But if someone were to just see it, they'd swear it was just UC. :P. Going to add smoother turning in the PlayerController.uc config and call it. Will zip up a file.
It's the tonemapping that's decontrasting the brights. I cant speak to what exactly we're doing right now but I can tell you that is what's "Decontrasting" your image.
skayne: Not sure at all since I barely used decals but maybe it's because the camera enters the projection volume of the decal, try to put the decal volume closer to the wall.
Can you use a static mesh for a pawn? I'm creating a simple marble style game and I get warnings when building my scripts:
"unresolved reference to StaticMeshComponent0"
"Invalid property values in defaults: Mesh = StaticMeshComponent0"
Then when I go to place the BallPawn (which is the default pawn the player would be controlling), nothing shows up and when you try and play the game, it crashes...
I am having horrible problems with my lighting. My aim is to light the room with a primary light through the windows and then have a few secondary lights on the inside.
- I keep getting these bsp surfaces that are not lit correctly.
- I have my bsp lightmass resoultion set to 1
- My wall thickness is 1pt
- using 24-bit.
- Production Quality Lightmass
- Notice how the inside wall below the window is lit, when it should be darker.
- The surface around the patch of direct light should be alot brighter
- The Figure should not be lit from the rear like that. and casting a shadow
-Point light
Is a little better.
- The inside wall below window still shouldnt be that bright
please please help me, some one
also please please please, excuse my noobie knowledge of unreal
It's the tonemapping that's decontrasting the brights. I cant speak to what exactly we're doing right now but I can tell you that is what's "Decontrasting" your image.
I'm having the same issues. Is there any way to disable this, Jordan? My Editor View looks a lot better than Gameview, right now.
Also interested in a solution to the tone-mapping issue... Are there any settings for the way the tone mapping behaves? I always thought of tone mapping as a way to simulate exposure and the eye adapting to different brightness levels, but that doesn't seem to be happening here, just this annoying decontrasting.
I found that disabling the default post process chain gave me identical results in both editor and in-game view, but that came at the cost of all post effects.
Another way would be to boost the contrast through the post process volume as ParoXum said. I've found these values get it pretty close:
Here's where I will get a little tech-artisty in hopes to explain why there is a basic tonemapper in now.
The purpose of the tonemapper is to allow for a higher dynamic range of lighting in the levels, Rasmus is kind of right but he's describing a dynamic tonemapper, this is a static one that allows for a soft clipping of the highlights.
Without seeing most of your content I can guess that the reason you feel like the rendering is low contrast is because most of your content is low dynamic range, the tonemapper is created to allow for brightness values past 1 to be able to be displayed on your monitor, so anything from 0-1 gets compressed slightly. Take a look at the example UT maps in UDK, we try to have much brighter values than before.
Here's a graph comparing the tonemapped values to linearly clamped values, Red is without tonemapper Green is with. X is input values, Y is output:
Dark values in the 0-0.5 range should be close to unchanged, 0.6-1 should be slightly decontrasted but the upside is you can have a higher dynamic range because you can see that you can display values as bright as 5 without clamping.
Since graphs probably don't help this situation very much here's a comparison shot from DM Deck, the top image is without the soft clipping tonemapper the bottom is with:
You can see in the brightest areas like the specular on the metal flooring closest to the camera and the white concrete pillar the tonemapped version looks much smoother and has detail where the top image just clamps to white or some nasty color where an individual color channel has clipped.
I think it's better to make this tradeoff and create more HDR content.
I guess since I don't know what happened to the post I made 3 days ago, I'll ask it here:
I have created a skydome in UDK, and at first the texture was pretty, now its all blurry, and I have to run up really really close to my objects in UDK for the textures to not be blurry, now I know the static mesh has a small texture map, at 512 tillable for a whole building, but the skydome is 4096 by 1024, so I don;t understand why its blurry, any help?
Thanks a lot for the explanation, Jordan! It's not so much the decontrasting in values but the desaturation it causes that bugs me... Using it as intended you get a wider range of values, but is desaturation inseparable from that?
Speaking of dynamic tonemapping, is this something that UDK doesn't have by default then?
Thanks again Jordan - forgot to ask the obvious question, but is there any way for the user to edit that curve you posted? Or is the only solution to desaturation to just compensate via a post effect as others have said?
Hey guys, hope I can post this here as I'm using UT3 (and didn't want to necro the old thread) and I'm assuming/hoping the solution is the same for UDK. I did browse the threads and search the UDN before posting here.
Basically I've created a vehicle and its got several Mat Ids, I'm getting it all sorted fine but I'm creating different materials for each mat id (one translucent shader for glass, one for chrome, one main diffuse and one for computer screens) and I've thought that in the code the way it references the difference between red and blue team colours is through the material instance;
So obviously its only referencing one material for each colour.
To better explain heres my skeletal mesh (ignore the actual texture/etc- wip!);
And that has 4 different shaders applied to it;
Red Glass
Red Chrome
Is there a way that I can tell the material editor to only apply a certain material to a certain material id? Could I set up a MIC that references the shaders I've already created, and applies them only to set mat ids?
Obviously it all works fine as is in the editor, but if I swap to the blue material, but its still got red glass/chrome materials, its going to look a bit odd.
I don't mind remaking any of the shaders I've already set up or anything like that, I'm just wondering if theres a way to only apply materials to set mat ids.
I'm sure one of the other guys has a better solution, but my approach (expensive) would be fairly simple.
1 material, but would require another texture draw (at least).
Basic Idea:
Make a new Material for the bike, for example I'll use Mat_Bike_Red
#1 Set up your diffuse, spec, normal for the generic bike.
#2 Copy your material set ups for your other materials and paste them into this new Mat.
#3 Create a channel mask to mask off the other sections of the bike that don't have these materials, 100% black/white, no gradiant.
#4 Use an if node to mask off the rest of the bike using your new channel mask.
#5 Use a Vector Parameter Node and multiply the product of your IF by it, set it to the appropriate color (whatever degree of red tint you want).
#6LERP that with your diffuse, so that it over powers the diffuse in that section (I might be wrong in this part)
#7 Use the previous steps to make your other material set up (the chrome or glass whichever one you didn't do) inside this Mat_Bike_Red material.
#8 Save out, and Create an Instance of this new master material.
#9 Change your Vector Parameters to Blue (or whatever color)
#10 Yay!
For step #6 you might need to add the results of your if's together and add that to your diffuse instead of LERP, but I could be wrong.
This is only a theory of how I would approach it. While the individual material would be more expensive, I mean triple the instructions basically, it would only be one material compile per bike and the second would only be an instance, vs 4 or 5 or whatever you had it set it previously...
Cheers for the advice Grimm... I think I have grasped what you mean and have it working.... but I've come upon another problem. The glass material I created is in a BLEND_Translucent material, and obviously the blend mode of this material is BLEND_Opaque
So I was wondering... is there a way to change blend mode on the fly (only affect the glass portion of the material, not the rest), is there another way to create glass so that it doesnt require the translucent blend mode or is there another method to that entirely?
Ok, I sorted through a material transition shader I whipped up and the best I can figure would be to:
Set the material translucent:
#1Multiply the product of your if for your glass by a fresnel for your diffuse.
#2 Use the glass isolator of your channel mask and set that as your opacity mask, if that masks out everything but your glass, then put it through a one minus so your glass is the one masked.
#3 plug that new Mulitply's result from your glass into the diffuse chain, and plug it directly into opacity.
That should make it so that only your glass is actually translucent, however, I'm not sure if it will allow for normal/spec maps to work properly on the rest of the texture.
I've followed your advice Grimm and its not wanting to work properly- I cant seem to mask off the bodywork correctly- changing to translucent and applying a mask so that it only affects the glass makes the bike body see through in the material editor window (I soon realised the result was different in PIE though) and in PIE weird glitches happen like the wheels appear/disappear based on the distance and angle I am away from the vehicle, or the decals/wheels/seats light up bright white
Could I be doing something wrong or is it just generally not possible to have a material thats both translucent and opaque at the same time?
Regardless I've now condensed my mat ids down to 2 (one for all the body work, as this mask technique works great, and one for the glass). I'm not too bothered overall about effiency as its for a uni assignment/portfolio but I would like it to work as properly as possible. I guess if its not possible I could bodge/fake it, but thats a last resort really.
SOrry for hijacking this thread anyways, and thanks for your help so far, I really must learn more about the mat editor!
no worries, I hadn't actually done a material set up like that before, I just went with what I new about the material editor, which is far less than a lot of the guys around here.
I tried last night for a good while for the Hybrid Opaque/Transparent shader and couldn't get anything working that was decent so splitting them up is definitely the best way to go about it for now, my only other guess would be some sort of custom node, but I haven't a clue how to deal with that. 2 Material calls is still better than 4 or 5, imo.
Maybe one of the other guys has insite to working a hybrid shader.
Thanks Griim- I was thinking that it worked in theory (i.e. just tell the transparent effect to work in the masked area) but unfortunately I guess Unreal doesnt really like that.
You are right though, its only 2 material calls now though and it is quite nice to condense all my materials down into one material (that looks fairly impressive, because its massive!).
I think after my deadlines are done I'm gonna sit down and learn some more of the mat editor so I can use it with more knowledge about exactly what Im doing.
hey guys! was reading through these posts and wasn't able to find anything relating to a problem im having with SSAO. currently im not able to control my SSAO properties even though i can see them in the unreal post process editor. i change settings on them and then dont see the changes in the main window.
i do have a volume in the scene. ive also tried it with it there and not there. do the actual post volume and the post process chain need to be linked or is there another way of controlling the SSAO?
Making a small enviro, having problems with lightmaps tho. Try to keep everything somewhat modular, so im 'tiling' the stairs etc., just cant get the light map to render without seems.
Do the ends connecting eachout need to be 100% planar with hard edges or something?
@Frozan: Are you using the Unreal Post Process Chain Editors "universal" modifier. In other words modifying the core SSAO?
UT Game>Effects>FX_HitEffects>UTPostProcess_Console
If so, scroll to the bottom and make sure all three checkboxes are marked.
In your AO settings: Show In Editor : Show In Game : Use World Settings
Double check and make sure SSAO2 isn't checked, it was by default in mine, in March 2010 build.
Then just make sure your viewport is set up to show them (I'm sure it is just saying) and then try adjusting them at the core level in the PP chain, if it does it there reset them to default and try under your world settings. If for whatever reason the World Settings still wont work, use the PP chain. It will modify the settings universally across all of your UDK levels so keep that in mind in your next scene.
Hope that helps if not, I'll poke around some more.
@{scumworks}: Do your models have lightmap specific uvs? UV chanel 2 (in Maya/Max) UV Channel 1 (UDK) (its an automatic adjustment). You should see when looking at your static meshes that there are 2 uv channels on your model.
If not you can either create them in the UDK or go back to Max/Maya and make your second UV set with slightly more edge padding than normal between UV blocks, including near the 0-1 edges.
In the UDK set UV Channel 1 to be your Lightmass Channel (its a per Smesh thing).
If you've already done all that, ignore me
To answer your questions. Yes, for a mesh like this they do need to be 100% edge aligned to avoid artifacts, no they don't have to have hard edges.
Does anyone know of where I can join a mod team? I've been looking on the UDK forums and I've been unable to find one that I'm interested in. I know I shouldn't be that picky but I feel like if I have a choice I should take it.
Im having the same problem as scumworks, no matter what I do I cant get my scene to render correctly even though I know my lightmaps are fine. It renders better with a dynamic light, but the shadows are really sharp and I can only get lighting from one of my directional lights.
I think your problem may be the smoothing groups of the mesh. I'm not sure but it seems that I've had that problem and when I reset the smoothing groups... it went away.
Post a view of your rig and your hierarchy (from the native app). First thought is that the root is not correct, or your control rig is getting in the way of export.
I don't know if someone already experienced my kind of problem and I hope this is the right thread to post it but I have a very weird problem with my UDK.
On all maps that are premade and shipped with the UDK I experience the same problem concering skydomes. They seem to get distance culled or something like this, I can't see them or just partially see them until I get close enough (on some maps, like VCTF-Sandstorm I don't see the skydome at all, while on a map like DM-Deck it's partially visible). This screenshot should explain it a little better ...
I didn't play on any settings so I don't know why this is happening on the official maps and I didn't make any on my own so I don't know how it would look like there. I already tried to reinstall the UDK like 2 or 3 times.
Btw, it looks almost the same ingame except that there is some kind of light shading around the character looking into the black, left by the not rendered skydome.
alpha belongs in the alphachannel of your diffuse or normal or whatever map you'd like to use, usually this is the alpha channel of the diffuse, create a new material, set it to opacity masked, select your texture in the content browser, switch to your new material, press T and click, this will create your texture in the material editor, link the highest slot to diffuse and the lowest to opacitymask, done
I had scaled my master rig and scaled my skeletal rig accordingly to fit unreal standards. THEN I added the root bone wich then had a diffrent scale value. That seems be the cause of the wonkyness. Still working on getting the IK bones to work properly tho.
Couple of quick questions... how do you create sky?
I know there are Skydomes inside UDK, I'm guessing this is the best thing to use. If so, how do I go about creating a texture for it? And when I have the texture, what's a good material setup?
Secondly, I wanna place a LOT of grass and ground clutter, they don't need collision detection, just a lot to create a nice surface effect.
I tried using DecoLayers for this using a little clump of alpha'd planes with a grass texture, but I had two problems. Firstly, I could only seem to paint at each terrain vertex, and increasing the density of the DecoLayer only increased density at each vertex. Increasing tesselation of the terrain added more meshes but a)they looked too much like they were placed on a grid, and b) my computer locked up after painting a small amount.
So should I be approaching this a different way? I'm sure I read something about placing random meshes using something other than DecoLayers but I can't remember what it was!
Sorry, still very much a beginner with a lot of UDK!
Skydomes would be the way to go for skys. The Skymap workflow tuturial by divi looks promising. Once you've got it all set up just plug the sky diffuse texture into the emissive slot of the material and make sure the material's Lighting Model is set to MLM_Unlit. Also make sure your skydome mesh doesn't cast any shadows, select skydome mesh in the level -> Press F4 -> StaticMeshActor -> Lighting -> Cast Shadow.
Hey guys, I have a material-question for anyone versed in the murky backwaters of UDK material editing. Basically what I want to achieve is real-time camera-mapping - having an image always "facing" the camera but contained from 0 to 1 within the bounds of the object it is applied to. Will illustrate if neccessary. I can sort of see how this should be possible (there's the ObjectWorldPosition usage in the materials compendium for example), but I'm way too much of a noob at graphics math to figure out how to do it. Any takers?
Rasmus&Jordan: is this even possible within a pixelshader? wouldn't that need a vertexshader to deform the geo accordingly? the only way i know how to create a geo follow the cam is a particle, maybe you can mask out the outer rim with depth based alpha, but can't say as i don't know how your object looks
EDIT:: Got camera to follow (hacky kismet/parenting). But if someone were to just see it, they'd swear it was just UC. :P. Going to add smoother turning in the PlayerController.uc config and call it. Will zip up a file.
"unresolved reference to StaticMeshComponent0"
"Invalid property values in defaults: Mesh = StaticMeshComponent0"
Then when I go to place the BallPawn (which is the default pawn the player would be controlling), nothing shows up and when you try and play the game, it crashes...
EDIT: I guess some code would help:
- I keep getting these bsp surfaces that are not lit correctly.
- I have my bsp lightmass resoultion set to 1
- My wall thickness is 1pt
- using 24-bit.
- Production Quality Lightmass
- Notice how the inside wall below the window is lit, when it should be darker.
- The surface around the patch of direct light should be alot brighter
- The Figure should not be lit from the rear like that. and casting a shadow
-Point light
Is a little better.
- The inside wall below window still shouldnt be that bright
please please help me, some one
also please please please, excuse my noobie knowledge of unreal
I'm having the same issues. Is there any way to disable this, Jordan? My Editor View looks a lot better than Gameview, right now.
Another way would be to boost the contrast through the post process volume as ParoXum said. I've found these values get it pretty close:
Not the best solution, and the values need to be tweaked to get a closer result, but I hope that helps!
The purpose of the tonemapper is to allow for a higher dynamic range of lighting in the levels, Rasmus is kind of right but he's describing a dynamic tonemapper, this is a static one that allows for a soft clipping of the highlights.
Without seeing most of your content I can guess that the reason you feel like the rendering is low contrast is because most of your content is low dynamic range, the tonemapper is created to allow for brightness values past 1 to be able to be displayed on your monitor, so anything from 0-1 gets compressed slightly. Take a look at the example UT maps in UDK, we try to have much brighter values than before.
Here's a graph comparing the tonemapped values to linearly clamped values, Red is without tonemapper Green is with. X is input values, Y is output:
Dark values in the 0-0.5 range should be close to unchanged, 0.6-1 should be slightly decontrasted but the upside is you can have a higher dynamic range because you can see that you can display values as bright as 5 without clamping.
Since graphs probably don't help this situation very much here's a comparison shot from DM Deck, the top image is without the soft clipping tonemapper the bottom is with:
You can see in the brightest areas like the specular on the metal flooring closest to the camera and the white concrete pillar the tonemapped version looks much smoother and has detail where the top image just clamps to white or some nasty color where an individual color channel has clipped.
I think it's better to make this tradeoff and create more HDR content.
I have created a skydome in UDK, and at first the texture was pretty, now its all blurry, and I have to run up really really close to my objects in UDK for the textures to not be blurry, now I know the static mesh has a small texture map, at 512 tillable for a whole building, but the skydome is 4096 by 1024, so I don;t understand why its blurry, any help?
I have been stuck on this for the past 3 days.
Speaking of dynamic tonemapping, is this something that UDK doesn't have by default then?
UDK does not have dynamic tonemapping.
Check your collision. This happened to me once....
Edit: Wait your replacing the player. Hmm most likely ignore me then lol.
It really helps if you change your PIE info to the game type you created :P It stopped dying, now it just doesn't move. I really hate coding.... HA
Basically I've created a vehicle and its got several Mat Ids, I'm getting it all sorted fine but I'm creating different materials for each mat id (one translucent shader for glass, one for chrome, one main diffuse and one for computer screens) and I've thought that in the code the way it references the difference between red and blue team colours is through the material instance;
So obviously its only referencing one material for each colour.
To better explain heres my skeletal mesh (ignore the actual texture/etc- wip!);
And that has 4 different shaders applied to it;
Red Glass
Red Chrome
Is there a way that I can tell the material editor to only apply a certain material to a certain material id? Could I set up a MIC that references the shaders I've already created, and applies them only to set mat ids?
Obviously it all works fine as is in the editor, but if I swap to the blue material, but its still got red glass/chrome materials, its going to look a bit odd.
I don't mind remaking any of the shaders I've already set up or anything like that, I'm just wondering if theres a way to only apply materials to set mat ids.
Any help appreciated.
1 material, but would require another texture draw (at least).
Basic Idea:
Make a new Material for the bike, for example I'll use Mat_Bike_Red
#1 Set up your diffuse, spec, normal for the generic bike.
#2 Copy your material set ups for your other materials and paste them into this new Mat.
#3 Create a channel mask to mask off the other sections of the bike that don't have these materials, 100% black/white, no gradiant.
#4 Use an if node to mask off the rest of the bike using your new channel mask.
#5 Use a Vector Parameter Node and multiply the product of your IF by it, set it to the appropriate color (whatever degree of red tint you want).
#6 LERP that with your diffuse, so that it over powers the diffuse in that section (I might be wrong in this part)
#7 Use the previous steps to make your other material set up (the chrome or glass whichever one you didn't do) inside this Mat_Bike_Red material.
#8 Save out, and Create an Instance of this new master material.
#9 Change your Vector Parameters to Blue (or whatever color)
#10 Yay!
For step #6 you might need to add the results of your if's together and add that to your diffuse instead of LERP, but I could be wrong.
This is only a theory of how I would approach it. While the individual material would be more expensive, I mean triple the instructions basically, it would only be one material compile per bike and the second would only be an instance, vs 4 or 5 or whatever you had it set it previously...
So I was wondering... is there a way to change blend mode on the fly (only affect the glass portion of the material, not the rest), is there another way to create glass so that it doesnt require the translucent blend mode or is there another method to that entirely?
Thanks for the help so far
Set the material translucent:
#1 Multiply the product of your if for your glass by a fresnel for your diffuse.
#2 Use the glass isolator of your channel mask and set that as your opacity mask, if that masks out everything but your glass, then put it through a one minus so your glass is the one masked.
#3 plug that new Mulitply's result from your glass into the diffuse chain, and plug it directly into opacity.
That should make it so that only your glass is actually translucent, however, I'm not sure if it will allow for normal/spec maps to work properly on the rest of the texture.
Looks like a neat tool. I hope it gets added to UDK!
I know there's procbuildingruleset editor in there, never used it.
It's like splineactors, which went in without a fanfare/
It looks like it's called Facade. I didn't see it in there and at the top of the article it says its not in yet?
It probably isn't completely implemented yet, that's why it isn't publicised.
I've followed your advice Grimm and its not wanting to work properly- I cant seem to mask off the bodywork correctly- changing to translucent and applying a mask so that it only affects the glass makes the bike body see through in the material editor window (I soon realised the result was different in PIE though) and in PIE weird glitches happen like the wheels appear/disappear based on the distance and angle I am away from the vehicle, or the decals/wheels/seats light up bright white
Could I be doing something wrong or is it just generally not possible to have a material thats both translucent and opaque at the same time?
Regardless I've now condensed my mat ids down to 2 (one for all the body work, as this mask technique works great, and one for the glass). I'm not too bothered overall about effiency as its for a uni assignment/portfolio but I would like it to work as properly as possible. I guess if its not possible I could bodge/fake it, but thats a last resort really.
SOrry for hijacking this thread anyways, and thanks for your help so far, I really must learn more about the mat editor!
I tried last night for a good while for the Hybrid Opaque/Transparent shader and couldn't get anything working that was decent so splitting them up is definitely the best way to go about it for now, my only other guess would be some sort of custom node, but I haven't a clue how to deal with that. 2 Material calls is still better than 4 or 5, imo.
Maybe one of the other guys has insite to working a hybrid shader.
You are right though, its only 2 material calls now though and it is quite nice to condense all my materials down into one material (that looks fairly impressive, because its massive!).
I think after my deadlines are done I'm gonna sit down and learn some more of the mat editor so I can use it with more knowledge about exactly what Im doing.
i do have a volume in the scene. ive also tried it with it there and not there. do the actual post volume and the post process chain need to be linked or is there another way of controlling the SSAO?
thanks in advance on anything that might help.
Do the ends connecting eachout need to be 100% planar with hard edges or something?
UT Game>Effects>FX_HitEffects>UTPostProcess_Console
If so, scroll to the bottom and make sure all three checkboxes are marked.
In your AO settings: Show In Editor : Show In Game : Use World Settings
Double check and make sure SSAO2 isn't checked, it was by default in mine, in March 2010 build.
Then just make sure your viewport is set up to show them (I'm sure it is just saying) and then try adjusting them at the core level in the PP chain, if it does it there reset them to default and try under your world settings. If for whatever reason the World Settings still wont work, use the PP chain. It will modify the settings universally across all of your UDK levels so keep that in mind in your next scene.
Hope that helps if not, I'll poke around some more.
@{scumworks}: Do your models have lightmap specific uvs? UV chanel 2 (in Maya/Max) UV Channel 1 (UDK) (its an automatic adjustment). You should see when looking at your static meshes that there are 2 uv channels on your model.
If not you can either create them in the UDK or go back to Max/Maya and make your second UV set with slightly more edge padding than normal between UV blocks, including near the 0-1 edges.
In the UDK set UV Channel 1 to be your Lightmass Channel (its a per Smesh thing).
If you've already done all that, ignore me
To answer your questions. Yes, for a mesh like this they do need to be 100% edge aligned to avoid artifacts, no they don't have to have hard edges.
Any help?
It looks perfekt in Maya:poly141:
On all maps that are premade and shipped with the UDK I experience the same problem concering skydomes. They seem to get distance culled or something like this, I can't see them or just partially see them until I get close enough (on some maps, like VCTF-Sandstorm I don't see the skydome at all, while on a map like DM-Deck it's partially visible). This screenshot should explain it a little better ...
I didn't play on any settings so I don't know why this is happening on the official maps and I didn't make any on my own so I don't know how it would look like there. I already tried to reinstall the UDK like 2 or 3 times.
Btw, it looks almost the same ingame except that there is some kind of light shading around the character looking into the black, left by the not rendered skydome.
Hopefully someone is able to help me out there.
Best regards Dellingr
I had scaled my master rig and scaled my skeletal rig accordingly to fit unreal standards. THEN I added the root bone wich then had a diffrent scale value. That seems be the cause of the wonkyness. Still working on getting the IK bones to work properly tho.
I know there are Skydomes inside UDK, I'm guessing this is the best thing to use. If so, how do I go about creating a texture for it? And when I have the texture, what's a good material setup?
Secondly, I wanna place a LOT of grass and ground clutter, they don't need collision detection, just a lot to create a nice surface effect.
I tried using DecoLayers for this using a little clump of alpha'd planes with a grass texture, but I had two problems. Firstly, I could only seem to paint at each terrain vertex, and increasing the density of the DecoLayer only increased density at each vertex. Increasing tesselation of the terrain added more meshes but a)they looked too much like they were placed on a grid, and b) my computer locked up after painting a small amount.
So should I be approaching this a different way? I'm sure I read something about placing random meshes using something other than DecoLayers but I can't remember what it was!
Sorry, still very much a beginner with a lot of UDK!
Grass and junk could be done with foliage volumes.
Here's another method to make sky textures by EricChadwick.
lol just saw your other thread, looks like everyone beat me to it.
i read something about bink but i know next to nothing about it...
i'm working on reel stuff and i need good non laggy(my computer isn't really powerful) quality video...
EDIT: Ah i figured it out, turns out i needed to search for frame dump. but is this subject to pc slowdown?
I don't like to make a habit of it but I was stuck and wanted to get the project moving.
Thanks again