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Unreal Developer Kit - MASTER THREAD



  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Give an example of how you are using the KActor.

    Go into properties and see if bNoEncroachcheck is checked.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    haiddasalami - You want to zip up the scene and send it my way? I can run through it and find the issue.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    3DRyan wrote: »
    Alright, so I'm planning on modeling a water bottle, but I'm not sure on how to handle the translucency of the plastic. What's the best way I could achieve this? I'm not too familiar with shaders in unreal, and could use a little advice. Here's what I'm going for: http://www.geakz.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/dasani-oldvsnew.jpg

    Obviously, I'm not doing all the detailed swirly design stuff on it. Just flat plastic. Any takers?
    You can do a displace node on the water parts to get the ripple, do a slight tint on the glass so you can see it. A spec, a dash of cube map (do cube map only on the top surface of the water and the plastic surface... fade it out a bit...) and there you go.

    It's more to it than that, you can go way deep with making a nice plastic bottle shader.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Man Lamont is on a roll here :) Sent it your way Lamont. Thanks again!
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Ok for the sound. I noticed you didn't have the sound defined as "Ambient" in the browser window, UDK won't play it properly otherwise. Right click the CUE and go to Sound Classes:Master>SFX>Ambient.

    I can't test at the moment. But do that.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    I changed it to Ambient and it reflects that in the content browser. Still didnt work, also apparently the host cant trigger the trigger to but could hear the sound. This is weird :(

    EDIT: tried it with one player and the trigger works but more than one the host cant use it.

    Edit2: So I put one ambientsound non movable in there and both players can hear the sound. Then I put the movable in and its host only.
  • Sneekyazn
    For the fracture mesh I'm basically trying to have a ball shaped object roll down a slope and hit the fracture mesh and have it break those meshes, and where is that located in the fractured mesh properties or the KActors?
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Edit2: So I put one ambientsound non movable in there and both players can hear the sound. Then I put the movable in and its host only.
    I took a look at your world info settings and you don't have a sound attribute. I can play the sound with movable on all players (playing 3 games local :P). Content Browser>UTMap Music Info. Then go to Worldinfo_X (X is your number), then go to My Map Info> Click that blue triangle and it will bring up the only map you have. Then new tabs pop up under that, go to UTMapInfo and Map Music Info and add the Map Music Info you just made in your package file.

    Now you need to have the sound repeat or something. Give that a shot. I just tested it with the trigger, player two can hit it. I broke the dynamic parenting thing to reset things to zero as no sound was playing on any client.

    But as it stands: You hit the trigger for a movable ambient sound, it plays on all clients (and host). Just make it move and you should be set.

    Amazing what a slice of toast and some tea can do for the body.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Sweet thanks Lamont. Ill try it tommorow and update you. Glad to see someone else likes tea :) Quick question do I need to add anything to the UTmap Music Info?
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Quick question do I need to add anything to the UTmap Music Info?
    Ooops. Yeah, add the ambient sound cue asset.

    Also, this may or may not be the right way to do this... not sure. Have to investigate.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Went in and messed with this sound thing some more: All other sound nodes will play for all users while AmbientSoundMovable does not. Even with just basic place actor and no attachment to any kismet.

    Gonna mess with it some more :P. Interesting issue.

    **I just made a discovery: You can launch as many clients as needed from the cooker. No need for me to cook, make an installer, install, see that it didn't work, then un-install. Saves me 10 to 15 minutes each time. Unfortunately it's a little late for Lenny...


  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I think I freakin' got it!!!! Give me a few minutes to clean up the Kismet!!!!
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    FUCK YEAH!!!!!!


    Here is what I think is up: AmbientSoundMovable doesn't work over network/lan. The cue you made from the audio file should contain an Attenuation node for falloff. So, no need to place the sound in the level, it's pulled from the UPK.

    What this does is whoever gets to the switch first (press "E" for use), will get the sound added to them. They will emit the sound till they are killed (and the body goes away... didn't figure that part out yet..). Then the next person can trip the sound and they are "it" till they are killed. Now if you go up to the switch and jam on the E button you will stack up the sounds. Did not figure that part out yet. My eyes are burning. So copy and paste the code snippet your kismet editor. You will need to make a way to not repeat the sound on the instigator.

    Make sure you pick a sound to use for the Play Sound Node.
    1. Begin Object Class=SeqEvent_Used Name=SeqEvent_Used_0
    2. Originator=Trigger_Dynamic'Trigger_Dynamic_0'
    3. MaxTriggerCount=0
    4. MaxWidth=172
    5. OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_GetProperty'SeqAct_GetProperty_4'),(LinkedOp=SeqAct_Log'SeqAct_Log_1'),(LinkedOp=SeqAct_PlaySound'SeqAct_PlaySound_0')),DrawY=-48)
    6. OutputLinks(1)=(DrawY=-28)
    7. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),DrawX=-304)
    8. VariableLinks(1)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=644)
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    10. VariableLinks(3)=(ExpectedType=Class'Engine.SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="ReTriggerDelay",PropertyName="ReTriggerDelay",bHidden=True,MinVars=0,DrawX=795)
    11. VariableLinks(4)=(ExpectedType=Class'Engine.SeqVar_Bool',LinkDesc="bPlayerOnly",PropertyName="bPlayerOnly",bHidden=True,MinVars=0,DrawX=866)
    12. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    13. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    14. ObjPosX=-390
    15. ObjPosY=-116
    16. ObjName="Trigger_Dynamic_0 Used"
    17. DrawWidth=118
    18. DrawHeight=105
    19. Name="SeqEvent_Used_0"
    20. ObjectArchetype=SeqEvent_Used'Engine.Default__SeqEvent_Used'
    21. End Object
    22. Begin Object Class=SeqEvent_Death Name=SeqEvent_Death_14
    23. MaxTriggerCount=0
    24. bPlayerOnly=True
    25. MaxWidth=96
    26. OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_PlaySound'SeqAct_PlaySound_0',InputLinkIdx=1)),DrawY=18)
    27. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),DrawX=296)
    28. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    29. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    30. ObjPosX=248
    31. ObjPosY=-48
    32. DrawWidth=68
    33. DrawHeight=105
    34. Name="SeqEvent_Death_14"
    35. ObjectArchetype=SeqEvent_Death'Engine.Default__SeqEvent_Death'
    36. End Object
    37. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_PlaySound Name=SeqAct_PlaySound_0
    38. PlaySound=SoundCue'SBPackage.Looptrance_Cue'
    39. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-354)
    40. InputLinks(1)=(DrawY=-322)
    41. OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-359)
    42. OutputLinks(1)=(DrawY=-338)
    43. OutputLinks(2)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_ModifyObjectList'SeqAct_ModifyObjectList_1',InputLinkIdx=2)),DrawY=-317)
    44. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),DrawX=428)
    45. ObjInstanceVersion=2
    46. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    47. ObjPosX=378
    48. ObjPosY=-396
    49. DrawWidth=100
    50. DrawHeight=109
    51. Name="SeqAct_PlaySound_0"
    52. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_PlaySound'Engine.Default__SeqAct_PlaySound'
    53. End Object
    54. Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_8
    55. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    56. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    57. ObjPosX=-126
    58. ObjPosY=-324
    59. DrawWidth=32
    60. DrawHeight=32
    61. Name="SeqVar_Object_8"
    62. ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object'
    63. End Object
    64. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_GetProperty Name=SeqAct_GetProperty_4
    65. PropertyName="Controller"
    66. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-378)
    67. OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_ModifyObjectList'SeqAct_ModifyObjectList_1')),DrawY=-378)
    68. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),DrawX=136)
    69. VariableLinks(1)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_6'),DrawX=196)
    70. VariableLinks(2)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=337)
    71. VariableLinks(3)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=379)
    72. VariableLinks(4)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=431)
    73. VariableLinks(5)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=480)
    74. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    75. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    76. ObjPosX=98
    77. ObjPosY=-412
    78. DrawWidth=136
    79. DrawHeight=61
    80. Name="SeqAct_GetProperty_4"
    81. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_GetProperty'Engine.Default__SeqAct_GetProperty'
    82. End Object
    83. Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_6
    84. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    85. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    86. ObjPosX=392
    87. ObjPosY=-104
    88. DrawWidth=32
    89. DrawHeight=32
    90. Name="SeqVar_Object_6"
    91. ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object'
    92. End Object
    93. Begin Object Class=SeqVar_ObjectList Name=SeqVar_ObjectList_3
    94. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    95. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    96. ObjPosX=448
    97. ObjPosY=184
    98. DrawWidth=32
    99. DrawHeight=32
    100. Name="SeqVar_ObjectList_3"
    101. ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_ObjectList'Engine.Default__SeqVar_ObjectList'
    102. End Object
    103. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_ModifyObjectList Name=SeqAct_ModifyObjectList_1
    104. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-92)
    105. InputLinks(1)=(DrawY=-14,bHidden=True)
    106. InputLinks(2)=(DrawY=-72)
    107. OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-14,bHidden=True)
    108. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_6'),DrawX=46)
    109. VariableLinks(1)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_ObjectList'SeqVar_ObjectList_3'),DrawX=106)
    110. VariableLinks(2)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=435)
    111. VariableLinks(3)=(ExpectedType=Class'Engine.SeqVar_Object',LinkDesc="Targets",PropertyName="Targets",bHidden=True,MinVars=0,DrawX=518)
    112. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    113. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    114. ObjPosX=8
    115. ObjPosY=-128
    116. DrawWidth=137
    117. DrawHeight=101
    118. Name="SeqAct_ModifyObjectList_1"
    119. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_ModifyObjectList'Engine.Default__SeqAct_ModifyObjectList'
    120. End Object
    121. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_Log Name=SeqAct_Log_1
    122. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2)
    123. OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2)
    124. VariableLinks(3)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),bHidden=False,DrawX=526)
    125. VariableLinks(4)=()
    126. VariableLinks(5)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_8'),DrawX=586)
    127. VariableLinks(6)=()
    128. ObjInstanceVersion=3
    129. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    130. ObjPosX=488
    131. ObjPosY=-32
    132. DrawWidth=136
    133. DrawHeight=61
    134. Name="SeqAct_Log_1"
    135. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_Log'Engine.Default__SeqAct_Log'
    136. End Object
    137. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_IsInObjectList Name=SeqAct_IsInObjectList_3
    138. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-574)
    139. OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_GetProperty'SeqAct_GetProperty_5')),DrawY=-584)
    140. OutputLinks(1)=(DrawY=-564)
    141. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_9'),DrawX=199)
    142. VariableLinks(1)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_ObjectList'SeqVar_ObjectList_3'),DrawX=269)
    143. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    144. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    145. ObjPosX=146
    146. ObjPosY=-620
    147. DrawWidth=168
    148. DrawHeight=101
    149. Name="SeqAct_IsInObjectList_3"
    150. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_IsInObjectList'Engine.Default__SeqAct_IsInObjectList'
    151. End Object
    152. Begin Object Class=SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned Name=SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned_3
    153. MaxTriggerCount=0
    154. MaxWidth=156
    155. OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_IsInObjectList'SeqAct_IsInObjectList_3')),DrawY=-482)
    156. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_9'),DrawX=-238)
    157. VariableLinks(1)=(DrawX=-168)
    158. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    159. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    160. ObjPosX=-286
    161. ObjPosY=-548
    162. DrawWidth=98
    163. DrawHeight=121
    164. Name="SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned_3"
    165. ObjectArchetype=SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned'Engine.Default__SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned'
    166. End Object
    167. Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_9
    168. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    169. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    170. ObjPosX=152
    171. ObjPosY=-224
    172. DrawWidth=32
    173. DrawHeight=32
    174. Name="SeqVar_Object_9"
    175. ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object'
    176. End Object
    177. Begin Object Class=SeqAct_GetProperty Name=SeqAct_GetProperty_5
    178. PropertyName="Pawn"
    179. InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=-546)
    180. OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=378,bHidden=True)
    181. VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_9'),DrawX=472)
    182. VariableLinks(1)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_7'),DrawX=532)
    183. VariableLinks(2)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=633)
    184. VariableLinks(3)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=675)
    185. VariableLinks(4)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=727)
    186. VariableLinks(5)=(bHidden=True,DrawX=776)
    187. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    188. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    189. ObjPosX=434
    190. ObjPosY=-580
    191. DrawWidth=136
    192. DrawHeight=61
    193. Name="SeqAct_GetProperty_5"
    194. ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_GetProperty'Engine.Default__SeqAct_GetProperty'
    195. End Object
    196. Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_7
    197. ObjInstanceVersion=1
    198. ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence'
    199. ObjPosX=570
    200. ObjPosY=-332
    201. DrawWidth=32
    202. DrawHeight=32
    203. Name="SeqVar_Object_7"
    204. ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object'
    205. End Object
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Sneekyazn wrote: »
    For the fracture mesh I'm basically trying to have a ball shaped object roll down a slope and hit the fracture mesh and have it break those meshes.
    I think what you can do is have it trigger damage to the fracture meshes causing them to break. You'd need to use Kismet.
  • Jesse Moody
    Offline / Send Message
    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    ok so i'm trying to make a sidescrolling cam like that used in Bounty Arms. I'm sure they used scripting for theres and that would be the ideal solution but i'm trying to use kismet for now unless I can get help with the script stuff

    So what i have now works as a camera except that these two things really stand out as big issues.

    1. The player doesn't change his orientation with the direction he is going in.
    2. The camera has been attached to the player controller and thus has physics (bobbing side to side) which is not what I want.

    Here is a shot of my kismet setup.

  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Ok, I got the camera to lag behind the player then snap back when they stop moving. Going to figure out how to slow it down relative to the sample rate.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Here's what I have so far. Going to add some more stuff, this is fun.

  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    This version makes the camera pull out a bit too when you run. Will add in a dampening param. Will update with a movie after I get the kids ready for bed :P. I think the last issue is have the cam stay where it is and allow the character to rotate/turn freely (not turn the cam).

  • haiddasalami
    Offline / Send Message
    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Lamont wrote: »
    FUCK YEAH!!!!!!


    Here is what I think is up: AmbientSoundMovable doesn't work over network/lan. The cue you made from the audio file should contain an Attenuation node for falloff. So, no need to place the sound in the level, it's pulled from the UPK.

    What this does is whoever gets to the switch first (press "E" for use), will get the sound added to them. They will emit the sound till they are killed (and the body goes away... didn't figure that part out yet..). Then the next person can trip the sound and they are "it" till they are killed. Now if you go up to the switch and jam on the E button you will stack up the sounds. Did not figure that part out yet. My eyes are burning. So copy and paste the code snippet your kismet editor. You will need to make a way to not repeat the sound on the instigator.

    Holy shit Lamont. Sorry I havent been messing around as busy with modeling stuff for my level but awesome work. Thanks again man! Gonna try this today......
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    @ Moody - I'm just gonna have to try and write a script that does the camera thing. I looked through a few in the directory and they do the same thing as kismet (mostly)... I think I can do it. Kismet is nice, but I need more control. I saw a tut where you can make your own kismet node... will try that too.

  • ImSlightlyBored
    Offline / Send Message
    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    looking nice man!

    Anyone have any info about changing the way the foliage actors act? I find myself not wanting them to spring back - just once hit, they go to one side and don't return.
    I tried with the damping values and all the exposed parameters, but they seem a little iffy. Go too high with damping and it throws the asset around.

    Any help!?
  • haiddasalami
    Offline / Send Message
    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    @Lamont: Everything worked perfectly :) Gonna try and play around with your list idea and research on UDN if there is a way to block a player from the trigger based on that list.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Just block based on if the sound is playing. I already got the list of players, so you can just do a compare with that list. You can make some very interesting games with this.
  • haiddasalami
    Offline / Send Message
    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Lamont wrote: »
    Just block based on if the sound is playing. I already got the list of players, so you can just do a compare with that list. You can make some very interesting games with this.

    that would be a better idea lol XD Yeah I showed this to some of my classmates and yeah some pretty interesting stuff came out from there.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Dude... replace the sound with attaching a salami to the characters head or the whole body.... then they have to run away from everyone else. Hide The Salami :D!!!
  • haiddasalami
    Offline / Send Message
    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Lamont wrote: »
    Dude... replace the sound with attaching a salami to the characters head or the whole body.... then they have to run away from everyone else. Hide The Salami :D!!!

    lol.....IGDA Award, here I COME!
  • Gav
    Offline / Send Message
    Gav quad damage
    Hey guys!

    I did a search but couldn't find anything: is there a way, in Kismet, to move the camera center based on mouse movement? Basically having the camera / crosshairs 'looking around' follow your mouse normally? I've got the camera trailing behind the players but it would be nice, doesn't have to be pretty, to have the camera move up or down, left or right based on what the player is 'aiming at'
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Gav wrote: »
    Hey guys!

    I did a search but couldn't find anything: is there a way, in Kismet, to move the camera center based on mouse movement? Basically having the camera / crosshairs 'looking around' follow your mouse normally? I've got the camera trailing behind the players but it would be nice, doesn't have to be pretty, to have the camera move up or down, left or right based on what the player is 'aiming at'
    I don't know if you can get mouse location with kismet (maybe command?) not sure. Actually from what I have read so far, it's easier to do this stuff with UC.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    I've got a two week vacation off from school and I'd love to get started in UDK, maybe make a short top-down shooter game similar to Raiden?

    If anybody has a collection of useful links for me to help learn it that would be so awesome. I realize that in two weeks I won't be able to get that great at UDK but it doesn't hurt to try. Plus I have a class on it a few terms away. Would be nice to be prepared :]

    In the meantime I'll be running through this thread reading every page.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
    Offline / Send Message
    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    ceebee wrote: »
    I've got a two week vacation off from school and I'd love to get started in UDK, maybe make a short top-down shooter game similar to Raiden?

    If anybody has a collection of useful links for me to help learn it that would be so awesome. I realize that in two weeks I won't be able to get that great at UDK but it doesn't hurt to try. Plus I have a class on it a few terms away. Would be nice to be prepared :]

    In the meantime I'll be running through this thread reading every page.

    Epic's Awesomeness

    Eat 3D's UDK (awesome btw)

    The Man

    And here of course :)

    At least thats pretty much how I've been learning.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Funny you mentioned Raiden. I am dicking around with a top down vertical scrolling shooter camera using Kismet, then move on to UnrealScript. After I get it working, moving on to custom enemy spawners (spawning waves in patterns).
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    I'd love to hear any advice you've got for me Lamont, you sound like you really know your stuff. I'm actually watching the Gnomon intro to UDK videos since my school gives me a free subscription to all the DVDs as I'm a full time student there.

    Also, thanks for the links Grimm, I appreciate it.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Want to preorder that Unreal Script book....anyone have any experiences with those books from the 3d buzz guys?
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    ceebee wrote: »
    I'd love to hear any advice you've got for me Lamont, you sound like you really know your stuff.
    Well you gotta break down your problem properly and solve each step in a logical order (sometimes the order is illogical, but the results are the same). The last few things I posted on Kismet is stuff I didn't know prior to someone asking about it. It's just I took it as a challenge to figure it out. Then when it's figured out, I get that small "rush"... the same rush I get from putting live gerbils in my... my cage. THE cage. Yes. Gerbils go in cages. Oh wait. Wrong forum.
  • Rib
    I created a whole City Scene (minus Sky) in Maya and i wanted to import the whole thing in Unreal Engine. Is there any tutorial online for this?
  • haiddasalami
    Offline / Send Message
    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Rib wrote: »
    I created a whole City Scene (minus Sky) in Maya and i wanted to import the whole thing in Unreal Engine. Is there any tutorial online for this?


    Thats a step by step guide. You can also check out the 3d Buzz video tuts on there. As a beginner I would advise not making a new package but using your map as the package (when you're importing just click the drop down and look for the name of your map, you want to save before importing)
  • Rib
    cool thanks for the link and advice man :D, will try them out
  • Snipergen
    I've got a problem: Lightmass keeps running and keeps emitting photons. I just created a boxed room in substractive mode (1024x1024x1024) with one light in it. From what I know this should work fine? It worked in the previous versions?

    When I make a map in additive mode it works like a charm :/
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ok so here are my issues I am having.

    Working on a sidescroller much like Bounty Arms and that is the type of camera/movement system I would like to achieve with this. Problem is I'm not a great scripter when it comes to stuff on this depth.

    I have my custom characters in and animations and all that jazz but still can't get the movement down right.

    I have created the camera angle and locked it in place the way I want in the level through kismet.

    Now my issue is I can move in all the directions I need to BUT my character does not turn to face those directions. So he basically just keeps facing right on the screen but runs backwards, away and towards the camera.

    So I need to find a way to get the movement/camera system pretty much along the lines of that in Bounty Arms. I will be changing it up a lot after that as far as a few other details go but this basic functionality is what I really need.

    Thanks for any help that you are able to provide with this.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Snipergen wrote: »
    I've got a problem: Lightmass keeps running and keeps emitting photons. I just created a boxed room in substractive mode (1024x1024x1024) with one light in it. From what I know this should work fine? It worked in the previous versions?

    When I make a map in additive mode it works like a charm :/

    You need to make a lightmap importance volume. Basically create your subtractive map, then make your red builder brush bigger than your map and create a lightmap importance volume, found under volumes. reason is because in a subtractive map you are carving out of space.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Ok so here are my issues I am having.

    Working on a sidescroller much like Bounty Arms and that is the type of camera/movement system I would like to achieve with this. Problem is I'm not a great scripter when it comes to stuff on this depth.

    I have my custom characters in and animations and all that jazz but still can't get the movement down right.

    I have created the camera angle and locked it in place the way I want in the level through kismet.

    Now my issue is I can move in all the directions I need to BUT my character does not turn to face those directions. So he basically just keeps facing right on the screen but runs backwards, away and towards the camera.

    So I need to find a way to get the movement/camera system pretty much along the lines of that in Bounty Arms. I will be changing it up a lot after that as far as a few other details go but this basic functionality is what I really need.

    Thanks for any help that you are able to provide with this.

    Just brainstorming but could you not figure out the axis of the camera and where it points and have your character point there. Just throwing out ideas but dont know too much about indepth Kismet and unreal script :(
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Is there a way to tell the "Game-View" (shortcut G, which i thought only hides everything thats not visible to the game like sprite icons for lights etc) to look like the editor view?

    I'm losing a lot of contrast here :/

  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Neox: I've been struggling with that loss of contrast for a while now too in my UDK maps, and the only way I found was to patch it up pushing the post process contrast and saturation...

    But there has to be a more professionnal way to this.. I'm curious what Epic lurkers can say about it.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Moody, in the default pawn uc you are going to have to change some code. I can't figure it out with kismet only. I would recommend making another udk install for this project.
  • Snipergen
    haiddasalami: Thanks, I didn't know that yet. I just started messing with the UDK Editor, watching all the tutorials now on the train :)
  • Needles
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    Needles polycounter lvl 20
    Dum question neox
    Is there fog in the map?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Lamont wrote: »
    Moody, in the default pawn uc you are going to have to change some code. I can't figure it out with kismet only. I would recommend making another udk install for this project.

    Yeah Lamont it's a custom install so I can go all crazy on it...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Needles wrote: »
    Dum question neox
    Is there fog in the map?

    yes there is, but it has no impact as it starts too far back, also, the probem remains when i delete the fog or press 'F' to hide it
  • Ben Apuna
    Neox & ParoXum:

    I think this answers why the loss of contrast is going on, not sure what to do about it though.
    JordanW wrote: »
    Szark, your colors get a little desaturated in the game view due to it being tonemapped. This is something that is applied to the post process so that the highlights don't get banding and crappy colors as they get bright, the downside is colors get -slightly- less contrast. The positives of this tonemapping function far outweigh that negative though :)
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the help Ben, I guess I'll stick with my post process boost then.
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