love it, a great and straight line up of quality work showing of skill in many different styles
If someone held a knife against my throat making me crit something, i would probably want emma's ass to have some more volume, looks a bit flat from behind, :P but that might just be my opinion great work
The first image (reading left to right) and the center, focal image, are both fan-art. They are beautiful, and expertly executed, but they are also borrowed concepts. It might be helpful to rearrange the work so that your original concepts stand out more, so that potential employers know that you are a creative individual.
However, this could be a moot point, because employers also need to see that you can take a concept/art direction and create work, so take this with a grain of salt.
About the site, I'd make it so it's obvious that clicking your name takes you to you linkedin because I clicked it to go back to your home page and it sent me there instead lol.
Hey Jon,
Some critiques for your site. It's super clean and simple, and the work is definitely Ace. Emma Frost is your strongest character in my opinion and should be featured on center but that's just my personal opinion.
I clicked on your name, banner on the top left thinking it would return me to the index but it opened up to your linked in page. I'd suggest perhaps think about opening the Linkedin page to a new tab(window) or just allowing that button to take you to the index, and adding a linked in Button over by the email.
I agree that id rather one of the other chars big than the Orc, maybe you could work out some random large center image as a watermark instead of link? Strong work though, love the diversity.
Great stuff Jon! Overall I think this portfolio does everything it should. If anything I might make it more obvious where in the world you're from. I only accidentally found your linkedin page which gave me more of the info I wanted. It might be better to separate it or make an about page where you link to it and give some of your vital stats.
My favorite image on the site is probably this one. Is this 3d with paintover or what is it?
Enviable talent on display and a great portfolio. Really enjoyed browsing through it.
If I were to offer one minor point it would be to possibly remove the last sketch in your 'Quick Portrait Studies' section, the one of the baby; in comparison to the others it has an unfinished quality and plus it kinda freaks me out a bit...
Stertman, ralusek, AaronF3D, Stutts, JacqueChoi, BradMyers82, moose, achillesian: Thanks guys for the kind words!
Jonas Ronnegard: More junk in the trunk ?! I do agree with you man, something i shoudl have adjusted afterwards doh!
jakelear: Thanks man I know what you mean for sure, I may in fact move stuff around... good point!
carlo_c: good point man thanks will fix that up soon!
kaburan: thanks man noted, ill fix that up and im going to put emma in the centre!
ZacD, ScoobyDoofus: Thanks dudes, some male characters coming soon - in the past 3 years all ive been doing is making male characters so once i left Fuzzyeyes i decided it time to work on some chicks haha!
moose: interesting idea man! ill think about that!
SnarG: Haha thats funny man, freaked out by the bubba sketch! he does look pretty evil hey, ill think about killing it off and replacing slowly with new life drawings and paintings anyway
Okay looks like ive got some adjusting to do, thanks again everyone !
sampson: This place is a far better coach than i could ever be man, post up your stuff !
Junkie_XL: I and my team finished all the characters about 9 months ago, I left after a couple months of trying to help out in other areas, and just recently Fuzzyeyes closed.
As far as whats happened to Edge of Twilight, I honestly couldnt say.
sampson: This place is a far better coach than i could ever be man, post up your stuff !
Junkie_XL: I and my team finished all the characters about 9 months ago, I left after a couple months of trying to help out in other areas, and just recently Fuzzyeyes closed.
As far as whats happened to Edge of Twilight, I honestly couldnt say.
They closed down? wow.
Not long ago...April or May I think...a recruiter over there was trying to fill a special effects artist position that FuzzyEyes needed and contacted me. They ended up going with someone local. Now I'm glad I didn't get it. Taking a leap from the US to cross the ocean is quite a jump only to get canned. Sad to hear about those effected. Was looking forward to the game...hopefully it still surfaces.
Plutko: Sorry I totally missed your post! Its a 37mm high miniature printed, had a mould made and casted for production, the entire process probably cost something in the vicinity of $1500 for a run of 100 mini's but I dont know exact numbers. Where I got it, im not obliged to say unfortunately, its not my project - you'd have to contact Adam Poots, the owner of Kingdom Death
Hey Hazardous, just a heads up, your site may have been owned by some shady people before you, as it's totally blocked by the corporate network here at work. I'm assuming other studios may have similar problems.:
Security risk blocked for your protection
This Websense category is filtered: Potentially Damaging Content. Sites in this category may pose a security threat to network resources or private information, and are blocked by your organization.
Needs more dong :P This is awesome Hazardous, and ditto to thumbs up for your layout. Are you in the process of looking for a new gig? Or just wanted to update the ol portfolio?
shrew81: Weird, not even sure what to do in order to fix that.... hmmmmm ?! cholden: Thanks bro! dustinbrown: Yeah I moved some stuff around, killed off some older stuff, will do the same again pretty shortly with some new stuff goin up JasonLavoie: Dong coming soon,... after some more ass. I'm not looking for a new gig, just an update - gotta keep dat shitz rollin man!!!
awesome layout Haz-man, when you do future updates, are you going to replace stuff or shrink the main/middle pic down? Or just add to a new row and break the grid?
Scudz: I dunno hey, I'm thinking about that myself, I really like pior's website so maybe I'll just add some big pics and stuff and you just have to scroll up and down... not certain yet. I also want to add a '?' passworded section for top secret goodness - the gods know I could fill that section up with plenty of stuff that is not public.
Hey man, great website you have there. And the portfolio as well.
I can understand why you would put that Miku (your most recent anime girl ?) in the spotlight, but the viewer has no clue that she is your most recent. And one would wonder why it's not Emma Frost or the Valkyrie or Chun Li (who have much more details especially the texture) in the spotlight instead. My point is, why Miku and not any other girl, especially Miku isn't your best of all time piece, is she ?
Also, I would suggest a resize of some of the images. Some are way too wide to fit a screen. (especially the Valkyrie. Surely you can crop, or breakdown 1 big image into 4-5 smaller ones) Scrolling up and down is fine. Scrolling side to side is unforgivable.
PyrZern:Thanks for the thoughts man. I see your point about the viewer not knowing. I'm not sure that it matters though... I put in the centre whatever my favourite piece is That usually ends up being my latest personal piece.
Good call on resizing some of the images, will have to look into this.
Whats the max image width would you guys say ? I've had dual 24' monitors running at 1920 x 1200 for years now.. So I'm guessing somewhere around there ?
It's either 1280px or 1024px wide that's considered the smallest screen size for people who use the web, so you could probably make your images anywhere from 1000 to 1200 pixels wide and be okay, you could then have them link to the higher res versions.
Great portfolio site mate. Good layout with the latest work being the largest prominent image is a great idea. Its the type of portfolio that is a real inspiration for me own. Top job!
almighty_gir: Way ahead of you man........
alemja: 1280 wide seems so small..... that must be like 19' monitor at 4:3 native res.... or maybe smaller ?! good idea to link to bigger res.. hmm have some thinking to do
Di$array: Thanks man
Another update here, I've been considering changing the entire layout to one gigantic scrolling, everloading page - It seems to be all the rage these days. Anyone have any thoughts on that ?
I still need to get around to shrinking many of my images so they are more friendly on people with smaller monitors....
I've always preferred site layouts like yours, to those gigantic walls of images as at a glance you can see roughly everything that is in that person's portfolio. However with the sites where you have to scroll through the thing to see all the images, depending on the amount of work they have, it can end up being a little bit much; for me at least.
I'd say that Pior's is a good example of a nice middle ground, as he has a set of larger images at the top of his portfolio, presented in that scrolling manner, with a set of tiles at the bottom where he's able to show off more work, or break up individual projects.
Looks good to me bro. i dont think you need to shrink images all that much. no offense to anyone with smaller monitors but for the most part, anyone who matters or needs to see your work for professional reasons will have a decent sized monitor and in most cases, images should resize automatically to fit someones monitor resolution. layout looks great and i agree about showing off more non female, non human characters if possible...along with the orc, a couple creatures would be cool. though i know humans are the hardest so your folio shows you should easily be able to handle creatures. really loved your rift heads...use them for inspiration myself when creating head layouts for the game i'm currently working on. don't sue me if my renders look similar!
looks great in my opinion.. love the layout, its ver clean..
Emma frost is really nice=)
If someone held a knife against my throat making me crit something, i would probably want emma's ass to have some more volume, looks a bit flat from behind, :P but that might just be my opinion
However, if I must offer one criticism:
The first image (reading left to right) and the center, focal image, are both fan-art. They are beautiful, and expertly executed, but they are also borrowed concepts. It might be helpful to rearrange the work so that your original concepts stand out more, so that potential employers know that you are a creative individual.
However, this could be a moot point, because employers also need to see that you can take a concept/art direction and create work, so take this with a grain of salt.
About the site, I'd make it so it's obvious that clicking your name takes you to you linkedin because I clicked it to go back to your home page and it sent me there instead lol.
Some critiques for your site. It's super clean and simple, and the work is definitely Ace. Emma Frost is your strongest character in my opinion and should be featured on center but that's just my personal opinion.
I clicked on your name, banner on the top left thinking it would return me to the index but it opened up to your linked in page. I'd suggest perhaps think about opening the Linkedin page to a new tab(window) or just allowing that button to take you to the index, and adding a linked in Button over by the email.
Overall nice work.
You don't have any male characters, besides the orc, and that doesn't really count.
I agree that id rather one of the other chars big than the Orc, maybe you could work out some random large center image as a watermark instead of link? Strong work though, love the diversity.
My favorite image on the site is probably this one. Is this 3d with paintover or what is it?
If I were to offer one minor point it would be to possibly remove the last sketch in your 'Quick Portrait Studies' section, the one of the baby; in comparison to the others it has an unfinished quality and plus it kinda freaks me out a bit...
Jonas Ronnegard: More junk in the trunk ?! I do agree with you man, something i shoudl have adjusted afterwards doh!
jakelear: Thanks man I know what you mean for sure, I may in fact move stuff around... good point!
carlo_c: good point man thanks will fix that up soon!
kaburan: thanks man noted, ill fix that up and im going to put emma in the centre!
ZacD, ScoobyDoofus: Thanks dudes, some male characters coming soon - in the past 3 years all ive been doing is making male characters so once i left Fuzzyeyes i decided it time to work on some chicks haha!
moose: interesting idea man! ill think about that!
SnarG: Haha thats funny man, freaked out by the bubba sketch! he does look pretty evil hey, ill think about killing it off and replacing slowly with new life drawings and paintings anyway
Okay looks like ive got some adjusting to do, thanks again everyone !
Anywho, awesome portfolio man.
Junkie_XL: I and my team finished all the characters about 9 months ago, I left after a couple months of trying to help out in other areas, and just recently Fuzzyeyes closed.
As far as whats happened to Edge of Twilight, I honestly couldnt say.
They closed down? wow.
Not long ago...April or May I think...a recruiter over there was trying to fill a special effects artist position that FuzzyEyes needed and contacted me. They ended up going with someone local. Now I'm glad I didn't get it. Taking a leap from the US to cross the ocean is quite a jump only to get canned. Sad to hear about those effected. Was looking forward to the game...hopefully it still surfaces.
Anywho, once again, nice portfolio.
Do you think an about page is necessary? If an employee was really interested wouldn't they just email you?
But overall you have a great piece of art there.
Mind if ask a question about the 3Dprint you have there? Where did you do it and how expensive it was?
I got a new domain and updated some stuff, some more new things going up shortly.
Thoughts / crits etc welcome
Security risk blocked for your protection
This Websense category is filtered: Potentially Damaging Content. Sites in this category may pose a security threat to network resources or private information, and are blocked by your organization.
cholden: Thanks bro!
dustinbrown: Yeah I moved some stuff around, killed off some older stuff, will do the same again pretty shortly with some new stuff goin up
JasonLavoie: Dong coming soon,... after some more ass.
I can understand why you would put that Miku (your most recent anime girl ?) in the spotlight, but the viewer has no clue that she is your most recent. And one would wonder why it's not Emma Frost or the Valkyrie or Chun Li (who have much more details especially the texture) in the spotlight instead. My point is, why Miku and not any other girl, especially Miku isn't your best of all time piece, is she ?
Also, I would suggest a resize of some of the images. Some are way too wide to fit a screen. (especially the Valkyrie. Surely you can crop, or breakdown 1 big image into 4-5 smaller ones) Scrolling up and down is fine. Scrolling side to side is unforgivable.
Those are my 2 cents for you
Good call on resizing some of the images, will have to look into this.
Whats the max image width would you guys say ? I've had dual 24' monitors running at 1920 x 1200 for years now.. So I'm guessing somewhere around there ?
man, just give up.
just kidding man, you know i love ya!
alemja: 1280 wide seems so small..... that must be like 19' monitor at 4:3 native res.... or maybe smaller ?! good idea to link to bigger res.. hmm have some thinking to do
Di$array: Thanks man
Another update here, I've been considering changing the entire layout to one gigantic scrolling, everloading page - It seems to be all the rage these days. Anyone have any thoughts on that ?
I still need to get around to shrinking many of my images so they are more friendly on people with smaller monitors....
I'd say that Pior's is a good example of a nice middle ground, as he has a set of larger images at the top of his portfolio, presented in that scrolling manner, with a set of tiles at the bottom where he's able to show off more work, or break up individual projects.
Agreed man, I think I'm going to have to put up a secret section soon, most of the creature work ive done is still underwraps. (3 years old too)
I somehow completely missed seeing the LMS tribute, looks outstanding.