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UC 2009 'END GAME' | IceBlade | 3D

I'm just reserving my spot for right now.

Finally time to stop Lurking!
Waiting for Dell to come and fix my desktop to post some art.

I always take a contest's concept and decide what imagery pops into my head that best represents the topic, in this case "End Game". For me I knew I wanted to do Sci-Fi, as it is my favorite style, and use T3D, since I have experience with TGEA.

I started writing down some ideas, and quickly came to whats Iconic for me as an End Game, Chess! A Checkmate popped into my head, with the king down, and the winning pieces over it.

I decided to make that into what you might see at the end of a Sci-Fi game, a downed Space Cruiser (representing the King), and a Giant Obelisk-Like-Tower (representing the opposing Queen) Looking. I'm going to try to represent the other pieces as parts of the environment, and a Personnel Transport as the Knight. I want to represent the chessboard, as cityblocks.


  • IceBlade
    Sorry this took so long (unexpected Funeral).

    So here is where I sketched out what made each chess piece iconic for me, I noted somethings that were required to keep the silhouette recognizable as each piece, while drawing them.

    I decided to sketch out a bare design of what I thought the scene would look like, even though I hadn't fleshed out the Architecture and vehicles yet.

    Then I moved onto the Knight Piece. I knew it was going to be a transport vehicle, but I wasn't sure what it was going to look like. Based on the Chess study, I knew the "ear" had to be higher than the "hair", so I sketched some silhouettes with that in mind.

    After being happy with the shape, I designed the insides.

    I moved onto the King Piece, and this was going to require more work than the Knight.

    I then moved on to making a destruction variant, as that is what I'm going to be modeling. I knew I needed to still keep it pretty unibody because the ship was going to eat into my tri count, and I still have to make a city!

    I finished up my designs with the Obelisk Tower. I knew this needed to be a giant tower, with a huge lazer cannon inside. So I worked with the Queen as its base, and Built a tower around that concept.

    I'll be moving onto the 3D pretty soon, but I'll be sketching out a Modular motif I plan on using for the City as well, until then! (probably on Friday I'll post more images again)
  • IceBlade
    Man I'm behind! WIP shot of the knight, I'm going to get the Knight, Obelisk, and Cruiser all modeled and unwrapped by Sunday!

    I still need to model the Rocketlauncher "ears" and the big cannon top, I also need to go back in and clean up some rough edges on the model (mostly on the curved surfaces).

    Edit: Finished the Knight Vehicle Model, onto the Obelisk!!
  • IceBlade
    Obelisk Complete, Cityscape coming next, then i'll move on to the downed Capital ship, I'm going to be cutting texturing this really really really close!


    Should get this into Torque 3D by wednesday!
  • IceBlade
    So I blitzed through the city, texturing, and the ship (4 times, thanks Max corruption), and here is how it turned out!


    I was a little disappointed with the lighting when I realized I could only have one "sun" light.
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