I'm just reserving my spot for right now.
Finally time to stop Lurking!
Waiting for Dell to come and fix my desktop to post some art.
I always take a contest's concept and decide what imagery pops into my head that best represents the topic, in this case "End Game". For me I knew I wanted to do Sci-Fi, as it is my favorite style, and use T3D, since I have experience with TGEA.
I started writing down some ideas, and quickly came to whats Iconic for me as an End Game, Chess! A Checkmate popped into my head, with the king down, and the winning pieces over it.
I decided to make that into what you might see at the end of a Sci-Fi game, a downed Space Cruiser (representing the King), and a Giant Obelisk-Like-Tower (representing the opposing Queen) Looking. I'm going to try to represent the other pieces as parts of the environment, and a Personnel Transport as the Knight. I want to represent the chessboard, as cityblocks.
So here is where I sketched out what made each chess piece iconic for me, I noted somethings that were required to keep the silhouette recognizable as each piece, while drawing them.
I decided to sketch out a bare design of what I thought the scene would look like, even though I hadn't fleshed out the Architecture and vehicles yet.
Then I moved onto the Knight Piece. I knew it was going to be a transport vehicle, but I wasn't sure what it was going to look like. Based on the Chess study, I knew the "ear" had to be higher than the "hair", so I sketched some silhouettes with that in mind.
After being happy with the shape, I designed the insides.
I moved onto the King Piece, and this was going to require more work than the Knight.
I then moved on to making a destruction variant, as that is what I'm going to be modeling. I knew I needed to still keep it pretty unibody because the ship was going to eat into my tri count, and I still have to make a city!
I finished up my designs with the Obelisk Tower. I knew this needed to be a giant tower, with a huge lazer cannon inside. So I worked with the Queen as its base, and Built a tower around that concept.
I'll be moving onto the 3D pretty soon, but I'll be sketching out a Modular motif I plan on using for the City as well, until then! (probably on Friday I'll post more images again)
I still need to model the Rocketlauncher "ears" and the big cannon top, I also need to go back in and clean up some rough edges on the model (mostly on the curved surfaces).
Edit: Finished the Knight Vehicle Model, onto the Obelisk!!
Should get this into Torque 3D by wednesday!
I was a little disappointed with the lighting when I realized I could only have one "sun" light.