Littlefoot can take this guy on in a hearbeat! YOU sir, are a machine... especially with the holidays all up ons and with your family the size of a small country and all.... keep on keepin on man... keep on keepin on.
Love it! Now move the front flippers up they blend in too much with the legs. Then lengthen the tail and thicken up the tail fins. The concept had them much thinker and it helped with the visual balance.
Here is a new guy Im working on:
Seriously though,
your work is amazing, and very inspirational. You've got such an awesome style to
Looking forward to seeing more!
awesome work as usual, josh. Keep it up
Love the arms and hands on this guy, nice volume and shapes!
nice addition to the other security guard dudes you were doing. Like how his forearms turned out especially, killer style as always
just... dude.
gnarly though
Keep it up man
Love your characters!
p.s. I'm psyched you got involved with the mini-comps over at GA, it fills a bit of that cgchat hole in my heart
here is something I have been working on. It's for the pawn Competition over at Game artisans.
Here is a bigger shot:
and some Progress shots:
Poly Paint:
Reminds me of an Ewok for some reason
sweet job
- BoBo
Amazing work, keep giving us more!
the last one reminded me a bit of bobby chui`s furry carrot critter
keep up the awesomeness
Oh totally
And teh second one from one of his sketchbook videos I saw the other day on youtube. :P
Orrrr liek Peeeekachoooo!
Nonetheless! SUPER COOL! Love it!
The shark definitely looks like he's going to fall on his face, but that adds to the adorable nature of him.
The pawn takes the idea of pikmin to the next level.
Can't wait for more.