both of these songs pretty much make me automatically happy. There's a simple joy to both of them and stickerbrush symphony is possible the best thing in my childhood (i'm kindof young, shut up.)
We're a game art community and all, but what about music, guys? Do you like game music? Would/do you listen to it outside of games? Favorite songs!
I don't really like most game music, but the problem is that when you listen to something so much, you start liking it after a while, that's maybe why some people like it? Theres a lot better music out there really, so I can't listen to game music when I'm not playing games (when i'm forced to listen to it ).
I like it usually when games find existing music to fit with their games, like wipeout series (or rollcage, best game soundtrack ever maybe), GTA or recently brutal legend. Original music for games i find is often just a derivative of stuff thats been made before
The Okami soundtrack is my favourite soundtrack/album/anything. Makes answering the "desert island" question very easy. No hesitation: it's the Okami OST. End of story.
I went through that soundtrack, picked out only my favourite tracks, and still had well over an hour of music.
I also like a lot of Final Fantasy tracks and listen to some remixes now and then (yay Megaman 2). The Black Mages are a fun mix of those two things.
And OMG who can forget the NIN music for Quake? That music put Quake over the top. Quake 2 and onward have sucked as far as atmosphere without Trent giving it the quality.
God, I wish Id would get off their ass and make a real sequel to Quake, with Trent. Versus outsourcing their Ips to others. Stroggs suck.
BTW, playing the Quake soundtrack for Halloween trick or treaters is perfect.
Then there was Dragon Siege, some of the ambient music in just made the environments that much better. I remember this really quiet music played climbing up a snow covered mountain. Classic. Totally got me emotionally. Kudos, Jeremy Soule. Kudos.
It's funny, since it first came out, I can't count the number of times I've installed and uninstalled Morrowind, but everytime, I make sure to copy the music files. I still play them to this day, I guess playing a game for countless hundreds of hours will force you to enjoy the ambient music.
And I found this just now and it definitely put a smile on my face.
Warcraft 1 and 2's music was great!Listening to these takes me back , great memories... I am also a HUGE fan of ALL the Bobby Prince Doom and Doom 2 music!
I really liked the music in Unreal II and dug up the sound track ages ago. And ofcourse Contra! who doesn't love that one. Another obviously awesome one is Megaman.. That would be Megaman 2 for me. Good memorable music.
Old games had very memorable tunes that can pop into your head at any moment.
EDIT: Sorry I have to mention this because i listen to it so much.
Yeah, video game music rocks!
damn noobtube just deleted Metal Gear Solid 2 theme...
I like it usually when games find existing music to fit with their games, like wipeout series (or rollcage, best game soundtrack ever maybe), GTA or recently brutal legend. Original music for games i find is often just a derivative of stuff thats been made before
Amon Tobin's soundtrack for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
I went through that soundtrack, picked out only my favourite tracks, and still had well over an hour of music.
I also like a lot of Final Fantasy tracks and listen to some remixes now and then (yay Megaman 2). The Black Mages are a fun mix of those two things.
Too early?
This one is actually a remix of 2 different themes.
Metal Gear Solid OST is probably my fave game soundtrack
Of course, my contribution is (skip to 1:40)
Haha this is so awesome!! Thanks!
fukin epic
every once in a while when I feel like listening to retro game music I'll go to
I love how the clip features an earlier version of the ingame snake model :P
Fuck thats so good!!!
also, on the subject of newer music
MegaMan 3 Theme
Punch Out!! - Fight Theme
Pretty much the entire Freedom Fighters Soundtrack by Jesper Kid.
good music.. comrade..
And OMG who can forget the NIN music for Quake? That music put Quake over the top. Quake 2 and onward have sucked as far as atmosphere without Trent giving it the quality.
God, I wish Id would get off their ass and make a real sequel to Quake, with Trent. Versus outsourcing their Ips to others. Stroggs suck.
BTW, playing the Quake soundtrack for Halloween trick or treaters is perfect.
Then there was Dragon Siege, some of the ambient music in just made the environments that much better. I remember this really quiet music played climbing up a snow covered mountain. Classic. Totally got me emotionally. Kudos, Jeremy Soule. Kudos.
Then who can forget, the fast paced, music of Unreal Tournament Series...
Gameplay with music... You whom have never played the PC version, missed out.
And I found this just now and it definitely put a smile on my face.
I have the soundtracks from Tyrian 2000 and Warcraft 2 in my playlist
Warcraft 1 and 2's music was great!Listening to these takes me back , great memories... I am also a HUGE fan of ALL the Bobby Prince Doom and Doom 2 music!
Personally, some of my favorite music in general, it's quality stuff.
<- first time I heard that I realized just how epic a video game could get.
Hiroki Kikuta - "Video Game Mozart"
This takes me back, so peaceful then you get to kill some rare animals hehehe
wish we had picked a better title :=
Nazca C2
I LOVE those 90's cars, music and video's! Too bad it's all gone now because EA decided Fast & Furious style sells more
Lets just get to my fav game. RCR boss music!
Blaster Master Stage 1
Mario Bros 2 in general
I'm realizing all of these above are ringtones i made for my phone
The entire Super Castlevania s/t takes me back.
I really liked the music in Unreal II and dug up the sound track ages ago. And ofcourse Contra! who doesn't love that one. Another obviously awesome one is Megaman.. That would be Megaman 2 for me. Good memorable music.
Old games had very memorable tunes that can pop into your head at any moment.
EDIT: Sorry I have to mention this because i listen to it so much.
Katamary Damacy... lol