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Head modeling


I use 3ds Max.

I've done a lot of inorganic modeling, but now I'm trying to get into character modeling. When it comes to making the main body I'm not worried, as this has gone fine in my quick attempts. But when it comes to heads, I'm really not doing well at all. I've practiced for quite a while now, but I'm really not getting any better. I've tried all the tutorials I could find, but it's just not working for me. I'm of course doing video game modeling, not production. My main references are Half Life 2, Call of Duty 4, and Modern Warfare 2. If I could make a head that is as good as the ones in those games, I would be satisfied.

At first I tried box modeling, but that went really really badly (http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/Nimbus5000/render_2.jpg?t=1255023871). I have trouble getting the main shape and then adding detail such as the features of the face.

I'm best at poly extruding, and I'm most comfortable with that method. But I still get bad results (http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/Nimbus5000/face_2.jpg?t=1255023874, http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/Nimbus5000/Face3.jpg?t=1255023879, http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/Nimbus5000/Face4.jpg?t=1255023877). It's mostly the topology that I have trouble with; keeping the topology correct but still defining the shapes. I'm also trying to keep it simple.

But as the pics illustrate, I'm not doing very good. Any tips or help anyone can give would be great; I really want to learn and get good at character modeling. I've tried tutorials and studied other people's works. But I'm just not getting better. :poly122:



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