ah haha sorry, I might have explained it wrong. Yes those two are the same shader (the right one from the first image), just with slightly different specular and colors.
I just meant we've set 2 directions with the shaders, but haven't really chosen where we're going inbetween with them for sure yet.
the one on the left looks cool... but you could probably achieve that effect with lighting? if so, i would say the one on the right = win and awesome. no wrong decision here.
Bunnies, I love your shader work soooo much.
WIP time! Polybomb variants in UE, I've decided these guys must be filled with toxic urine and glitter(Jarate?). I know the misty sparklys are overkill right now, they'll be scaled back somewhat.
Another block-out shot, imported the bombs and cannons and some sky stuff I'd worked on just to feel it out. The sky will most likely be shifting more evil and menacing. The sky color itself may be fairly similar(probably darker), but I think the clouds would do better as grey or something.
here we can see the horrific patio jaw with gnarled fangs and un-grounded extension chords! *gasp* the smaller pipes in the bg are meant to trail off into the background while the larger ones are a lot more foregroundy in their use.
the earmuff type cylinders on the side of the head are meant to be horrific generators that spin when the oven is stuffed with souls, powering an evil great and powerful.
the exhaust ports spew a noxious smoke that once inhaled turns your weekend into two mondays!!!! nooooooo!
so primarily this piece is just done up for inspiration, i'm well aware my stuff has some problems transferring into 3-D even though em. has done an awesome job thus far.
sweet work guys I like the color scheme that's going on in engine -- might want to start tightening up the two styles. The hand/sky feel real watercolerey but the cannons and spikes in the foreground are a very different style. If anything I would lean towards watercolor
Ah, good lookin out. The issue is the fact that both of those things(and the bridge too actually) aren't textured/don't have the shader on em. They'll all mesh when that happens.
truth, glorious work and decidedly outrageous descriptions as always!
yeah we hope to tie it together a bit more uniformly as we move along. Onward!!!
sef, I can show the shader network at some point for sure. At its most basic level though it's basic lighting - just a dot of normal map/light vector - piped into a ramp and multiplied by appropriate maps. Afraid it looks a bit needlessly complex right now for extra control and because I'm forgetful. Once it's a little cleaner I'll slap it up here somewhere though.
Blarrrrgh, been losing a lot of time to work work stuff the past couple of weeks.
For this weekend, I'm knocking out these small miscellaneous props, greentooth furnace o doomage and a shit-ton-o'textures(including the sky, which is shit at the moment). Trying to finalize the layout a bit more, right now it's cluttered and our "end game" isn't very clear, many things to work out.
Thanks all again for the lovins', it keeps us warm on these crispy fall nights baby. Yeahhhh.
Fantastic work so far. I love your art styles, and think you're all a really great fit for each other. I loved your entry from last year, and definitely one of the most original entries so far.
Thanks danshewan! It's been great working with these guys for sure, we're meshin' really well so far I think. Really been enjoying working on such wild stuff, it's refreshing.
Didn't get as much done today as I was hoping, much of it is still unfinished and not worth showing quite yet, but thought I'd share my initial blockout of the screamatorium furnace. I even remembered to change the caption this time, there's been a lot of "cannonizing" lately. 0_o
Hello all. Yes, we're still here. See that rock way in the back of the picture, no not that one, yeah, that's it. That'd be the rock we've been hiding under.
Much like last year we've fallen victim to massive shitty overtime. On top of that, I was a moron. Decided to try out the shiny new UDK, which ended up being more crashy than shiny for me. When it was working fine, I'd saved my files and whelp, of course, you can't open em in UE3 after ya do that. Bodies under the bridge, scene is re-built and whatever it takes this will be finished on time.
Things I'm aware of:
Few things to still texture.
The clouds and sky aren't to my liking, clouds need some reflected color, stuff like that.
Layout is feeling a bit crowded for me.
Lighting needs some tweaking, wayy too much pure black for my tastes.
Any comments or crits are much appreciated as I've been staring at some version of this thing for a couple o' months. *Hi-Five's Y'all* Gooooo PC!
I should be texturing instead of commenting, but I wanted to point out that overall, your scene is reeeeally dark, and you're loosing most of your environment in the shot. Brighten things up a bit.
Good lookin' out Nate, and I agree, as did others. Quick update before bed, mainly concentrated on lighting and the sky as I'll be bustin' ass on this friday-sunday in order to leave that nice bonus week/weekend for tweaking. Any comments or crits are awesome.
i dig the atmosphere in this one, and the color palette is sweet! the only thing id say is i dont see any actual light sources for your lighting yet and you may wanna create a plane with a panner for the clouds to make them look more realistic.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Japhir: You're our favorite backpacking cheerleader.
AJR: Glad you dig the colors. We've actually got some light sources in the works, lamps or tiki torches or whatever other craziness comes out of jouste's head. Perhaps GA t-shirt-wearing teddy bears burning in green flaming effigy. The clouds like everything else will be polished until awesome.
I'm going through and finalizing all of our assets this weekend. Here's a quick shot of the cannons, moving on now to all of our rock props.
you guys need some cannon operators with hooded toothy masks... lanky hunched buggers with torches at the ready and fat little midget sidekicks that load the toothy bombs and carry a big ramming rod that says "smash stick BOOM" on it and then hop around on the cannon in anticipation and excitement to see your head esplode like a five year old on christmas morning trying to get his parents out of bed so he can open presents.................................. but you can't put characters in there
everything is coming along fantastico! keep it up! GO PC!
Quick bump, finalizing the rock props. They need some small adjustments to the specular and a couple of other things and I'm working on the material for the glass/brain part of the brain jars(all of our brains will make an appearance in the scene). I'm currently working on finalizing the furnace, will probably post it later tonight along with a couple of other small things. Jouste is busy working on finalizing our layout, end game goal and some light sources for the bridge. Unfortunately he's without interwebs at home this weekend, so all of that will have to wait till Monday.
Blvd and Sef: The style is about 50/50, the textures are fairly cartoony and have a lot of outlining in them, and our shader also does some outlining and cartoon gradient stuff. We'll of course post flats and I believe Bunnies will be sharing his shader after we're done.
A quick bump with the composition mock-ups Jouste was able to send via Canadian Moosenet. He would have posted them himself, but his moose got distracted by a particularly tasty looking bacon and maple syrup sandwich and he lost his connection. Crits and comments always welcome.
Quick update before bed, this shot doesn't take into account the new layout. I've finally been able to get a start on the texture for the screamatorium itself. Have a medium-sized list of things to accomplish before next weekend, and it's all manageable keeping with the current pace.
Glad you dig the new shots, ae. Thanks for stoppin' by.
@killingpeople: that's a sweet story dude, maybe you just constantly had to go? i know i equate toilets with a whole lot of reading...
phewf, bit tricky at home with none of that neat internet stuff as of late but let another prop sheet cometh!
here we can see the very stylish corkscrew lanterns that populate the precarious pathway of poly-power. they cast an evil glow and actually turn curious moths into blood thirsty savages that do nothing but assault the eyes and lay eggs in your ear.
the item to the right is the renowned "win switch" the much sought after reward for completing the perilous path of the screamatorium. simply dodge some cannon fire, avoid tetanus on the rusty scrap metal, and make it by the noxious fumes of the burning innocents and you're there!
just give it a flick to the ol' "win" position and there you have it!
Japhir: At this point, we're gonna need the win switch! XD
I'm draggin' ass at this point. Between this and work...yarrrgh. But, we trudge on towards the top of the snowy peak of completion! I'll be modeling the lamps and switch at lunch tomorrow, we also have some plans for playing with a darker, more forboding sky and swirling clouds.
Quick update, the Screamatorium and a new composition shot. Crits and comments always welcome.
Looking great! As ZacD said, lighting can use some work. I'm not liking the new position of the hand though. I can't even tell it's supposed to resemble a hand anymore. Also seems like something should be back near the Screamatorium filling up some space. Maybe some larger rock formations or more cannons? It just seems a bit empty back there to me right now compared to the filled in foreground.
Hey guys, thanks for the support!
Aye, the lighting and layout are the focus of tomorrow good sirs(and a lot of work has already been done as well). We also have new clouds and sky action, there'll be a flood of posts tomorrow finalizing our shots, crits will be most welcomed and appreciated. Have a lot of stuff not quite ready to show affecting the scene as a whole, for now though, the win switch and the lamps for the bridge. I'm off to take a quick nap.
Wow, ae. you are such a dick! Nah dude, the clouds did indeed look like shit, I'm working on em. Glad you dig the other stuff though, much appreciated.
Workin on it, here's a WIP of shot one, moving on to shot 2 now due to time constraints. Crits and comments would be awesome, I've spent wayy to much time with this enviro. :P
Alright, trudging through trying to finalize the shots and lighting, still messing with sky and bg stuff as well. C&C would be awesome from anyone willing to give some, we're currently down two men and I've been staring at this thing too long. Need a montage...
Alright folks, gonna have to call it on this one. It was lots of fun to work with these guys, especially in the early stages of crazy brainstorming and over the weeks I've had many an opportunity to dig on Jouste for being of Canadian persuasion, which is always good. XD
We've been plagued by overtime, internet loss, moving, computer blow-ups and various other hurdles, but, we've finished and I'm happy for that. I wish I had more time to refine things more, but we've done what we could.
Thanks guys for all the support over the past few weeks, much love. I'm off to play with my new kittens, go PC!
I just meant we've set 2 directions with the shaders, but haven't really chosen where we're going inbetween with them for sure yet.
anyway thanks kinesis and Notorious P.I.G.
MOAR! Screamitorium oven please
WIP time! Polybomb variants in UE, I've decided these guys must be filled with toxic urine and glitter(Jarate?). I know the misty sparklys are overkill right now, they'll be scaled back somewhat.
And here's a WIP of the cannon itself:
i did up a front view of our screamatorium!
here we can see the horrific patio jaw with gnarled fangs and un-grounded extension chords! *gasp* the smaller pipes in the bg are meant to trail off into the background while the larger ones are a lot more foregroundy in their use.
the earmuff type cylinders on the side of the head are meant to be horrific generators that spin when the oven is stuffed with souls, powering an evil great and powerful.
the exhaust ports spew a noxious smoke that once inhaled turns your weekend into two mondays!!!! nooooooo!
so primarily this piece is just done up for inspiration, i'm well aware my stuff has some problems transferring into 3-D even though em. has done an awesome job thus far.
sweet work guys
This is looking great guys!
truth, glorious work and decidedly outrageous descriptions as always!
yeah we hope to tie it together a bit more uniformly as we move along. Onward!!!
sef, I can show the shader network at some point for sure. At its most basic level though it's basic lighting - just a dot of normal map/light vector - piped into a ramp and multiplied by appropriate maps. Afraid it looks a bit needlessly complex right now for extra control and because I'm forgetful. Once it's a little cleaner I'll slap it up here somewhere though.
For this weekend, I'm knocking out these small miscellaneous props, greentooth furnace o doomage and a shit-ton-o'textures(including the sky, which is shit at the moment). Trying to finalize the layout a bit more, right now it's cluttered and our "end game" isn't very clear, many things to work out.
Thanks all again for the lovins', it keeps us warm on these crispy fall nights baby. Yeahhhh.
Moar! MOAR!
Didn't get as much done today as I was hoping, much of it is still unfinished and not worth showing quite yet, but thought I'd share my initial blockout of the screamatorium furnace. I even remembered to change the caption this time, there's been a lot of "cannonizing" lately. 0_o
The concepts rock my world and the real time version is shaping up to be just as good!
Much like last year we've fallen victim to massive shitty overtime. On top of that, I was a moron. Decided to try out the shiny new UDK, which ended up being more crashy than shiny for me. When it was working fine, I'd saved my files and whelp, of course, you can't open em in UE3 after ya do that. Bodies under the bridge, scene is re-built and whatever it takes this will be finished on time.
Things I'm aware of:
Few things to still texture.
The clouds and sky aren't to my liking, clouds need some reflected color, stuff like that.
Layout is feeling a bit crowded for me.
Lighting needs some tweaking, wayy too much pure black for my tastes.
Any comments or crits are much appreciated as I've been staring at some version of this thing for a couple o' months. *Hi-Five's Y'all* Gooooo PC!
Japhir: You're our favorite backpacking cheerleader.
AJR: Glad you dig the colors. We've actually got some light sources in the works, lamps or tiki torches or whatever other craziness comes out of jouste's head. Perhaps GA t-shirt-wearing teddy bears burning in green flaming effigy. The clouds like everything else will be polished until awesome.
I'm going through and finalizing all of our assets this weekend. Here's a quick shot of the cannons, moving on now to all of our rock props.
you guys need some cannon operators with hooded toothy masks... lanky hunched buggers with torches at the ready and fat little midget sidekicks that load the toothy bombs and carry a big ramming rod that says "smash stick BOOM" on it and then hop around on the cannon in anticipation and excitement to see your head esplode like a five year old on christmas morning trying to get his parents out of bed so he can open presents.................................. but you can't put characters in there
everything is coming along fantastico! keep it up! GO PC!
Blvd and Sef: The style is about 50/50, the textures are fairly cartoony and have a lot of outlining in them, and our shader also does some outlining and cartoon gradient stuff. We'll of course post flats and I believe Bunnies will be sharing his shader after we're done.
Thanks for the support guys!
Glad you dig the new shots, ae. Thanks for stoppin' by.
This made me smile, I used to draw shit like this all the time when I was in junior high.
I'd always found myself drawing toilets randomly into pictures... I made a comic about a super hero who had a poophelmet ... buuut, I digress
phewf, bit tricky at home with none of that neat internet stuff as of late but let another prop sheet cometh!
here we can see the very stylish corkscrew lanterns that populate the precarious pathway of poly-power. they cast an evil glow and actually turn curious moths into blood thirsty savages that do nothing but assault the eyes and lay eggs in your ear.
the item to the right is the renowned "win switch" the much sought after reward for completing the perilous path of the screamatorium. simply dodge some cannon fire, avoid tetanus on the rusty scrap metal, and make it by the noxious fumes of the burning innocents and you're there!
just give it a flick to the ol' "win" position and there you have it!
I'm draggin' ass at this point. Between this and work...yarrrgh. But, we trudge on towards the top of the snowy peak of completion! I'll be modeling the lamps and switch at lunch tomorrow, we also have some plans for playing with a darker, more forboding sky and swirling clouds.
Quick update, the Screamatorium and a new composition shot. Crits and comments always welcome.
Almost there! Keep it up!
Aye, the lighting and layout are the focus of tomorrow good sirs(and a lot of work has already been done as well). We also have new clouds and sky action, there'll be a flood of posts tomorrow finalizing our shots, crits will be most welcomed and appreciated. Have a lot of stuff not quite ready to show affecting the scene as a whole, for now though, the win switch and the lamps for the bridge. I'm off to take a quick nap.
Workin on it, here's a WIP of shot one, moving on to shot 2 now due to time constraints. Crits and comments would be awesome, I've spent wayy to much time with this enviro. :P
We've been plagued by overtime, internet loss, moving, computer blow-ups and various other hurdles, but, we've finished and I'm happy for that. I wish I had more time to refine things more, but we've done what we could.
Thanks guys for all the support over the past few weeks, much love. I'm off to play with my new kittens, go PC!