The Three Horsemen enter the race! Comprised of myself, Jouste and Funky Bunnies. We're looking forward to bringing forth our disparaging level of doom(sprinkled with fun, contraptions and puppies).
its time for the first few colouds of the thumb storm! we decided to try taking the endgame theme literally and put our environment at the end of a game! here's some rough thumbs!
who can escape the dreaded SCREAMATORIUM!?!?!
a simple flick of the switch will set things right! watch out for those cannons and sawblades!
a powerful gem needs some stealing but first you gotta make it through the floating labrynth!
behold the enchanted toilet and the pillars of frozen flame!
This stuff is made of solid frozed win, hope more quantities of win is to be expected. I personally think the Screamatorium is a wicked ideas. Good luck guys!
@jbrant: sweet! glad you be diggin' the thumbs! @Diwan: hooray! thanks for droppin' in! @yadao: cool, the first one is what we were leaning towards as welll. the others were more of additions to that one. @boomz: and pan it shall friend! thanks for the boost! @c0ldhands: another screamatorium fan! awesome. thanks for the votes of confidence! there shall be more win to come! @greuh: thanks for that comment! refreshing sure is a nice thing to say about someone's work. we'll be keeping the refreshments coming like a cocktail waitress in vegas! @purewall: thanks purewall! i'm sure we are as well. the team is pretty excited. @ben apuna: sweet! long live the screamatorium! and the name was all em.'s idea, she even wanted to be the rotting corpse, i assume this is because there is something terribly wrong with her.
so a quick mash of the first two images! (and a bit of 3). here's the screamatorium version 2!
here we see that the path is gnarled and littered with bear-traps, land mines and a myriad of other malcontents. old style cannons are mounted on floating islands of doom and destruction and whirling saw blade traps act like a speed-summary of the pit and the pendulum!
after some feedback from em. and funkybunnies we'll be shifting the sharptooth head back to the original drawing, adding more smoke stacks, and bringing in a rough color pass with the next one. some rough asset sheets shall be coming.
and stay tuned for some sweet ass shader work that our resident bunny has been cranking out! whooooo!
Jouste, the most energetic team-mate ever and such dopeness coming out of your head!
I will hopefully have some asset starts to post up in the next couple o' days. Thanks all for the comments and support, we'll do our best to live up to the ideas.
@kenisis: clever boy! 10 points! yeah i figured if i cant get some monsters in there at least things can look all monstery!
@teriyakistyle: get on your concept guys ass my man! (or if it's you than get on your own!) its their job to get people pumped! thanks for dropping by dude! much appreciated.
so here's an asset rough! yowzers!
in this scribble we can see one of the aggressive floating platforms hindering the pathway with a furious amount of firepower! between the green metal cannons and the stockpile of sharptooth bombs, safety is in short supply!
the fencing is made from the tusks of the horribeast, crude and violent creatures that are sought after by many a last boss due to their low prices and familiarity with goring things.
greenmetal is a super tough combination of 1 part steel and 4 parts awesome that must be forged by a werewolf barbarian under a blood red moon while listening to zeppelin. the stuff is nigh invulnerable.
you'll also notice that the island is bleeding! well that's because it runs on the blood of the innocents! but nobody at polycount needs to worry for obvious reasons. in a pinch the floating doom islands can also run on game artisan members and other competitors.
thanks for the boosts people! hope you dig our crazy plan!
This is one of the best entries I've seen so far. I like the idea and your cannon concept is really good. Is the final going to be somewhat cartoony or realistic?
Zip: To anwser your question we're following the style of the concepts almost exact in style and have been doing a lot of style tests and shader tests behind the scenes this week.
LoM: Yes, yes we do. But we give him lots of treats and keep him warm and safe and love him and therefore he loves us back and makes us presents of sweet, sweet drawings. Really, anyone can team with anyone, you've just gotta ask. But yeah, we're stoked.
Meant to have a bump long before now, alas we've all been busy at work and I haven't had as much time as I woulda liked this week.
But, good news everyone, the weekend is upon us and my whooole Saturday is open. Yay! In the meantime I have the rough-out I got to do of the magnificent Floating Island of Fisti...maybe we'll just call it a floating island. So here she blows, have refining to do but getting there:
@popeadam: word? hmmm... ok how about "rutabaga!" thanks popeadam!
@zipfinator: answered by em! but yeah realism is not one of my fortes. and i'm lucky to have a great team that is excited to build some un-earthly stuff!
@MDschee: glad you like the style pal! there will be plenty more where that came from!
egads! its the polycannon rough detail pass version 1!
when the players need pwning, the powerful punch of a polycannon is just what the assassin ordered!
here we see that it's masterfully crafted by some blind lepers, the polycannon is hobbled from items found in the brainstorm drain and a lot of hope.
it fires sharptooth bombs through its bomb hole that totally ruin anyone's day that's in the way. there is also a few warning lables and quick fix bandages on the bombs. duds are also to be sent to vig for some sweet fixing! (thanks again for those vigtools vig!)
duds are also to be sent to vig for some sweet fixing! (thanks again for those vigtools vig!)
Ha, glad I could help in some way. Psst... I actually just paint a GA penis logo on the duds and sell them as is to their team. I then take a portion of the proceeds, buy polycount shirts and give them to the homeless and tell them to stand on our front lines.
I don't like bumping without work, buuuut, we're working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes right now. Should be a bump this evening. Thanks for following us though, Zip, promise we won't disappoint.
@monkeymhz: sweet! glad you like the bomb designs. we may be going too far with the whole sharptooth thing but hey, when your team has got the coolest logo someone's gotta use it!
@popeadam: lol, glad you liked the word. thanks for th evisit!
@orgoth02: hooray! thanks dude! it's going to be super sweet getting them all together. i'm stoked to be on such a great team.
@frubes: the puppies are on their way! and we are going to try and copy the styles of the concepts as much as we reasonable can, because it is well known that my art is lazy and slobbish and should not be taken seriously.
@killahk: awesome! glad you like our use of the greentooth! thanks for following us on this journey of awesomeness!
@vig: haha, man that's a great idea. i know the vig label was a little left field but its all good intentions and i apologies for any confusion.
@a.kincaide: many thanks for the luck! we will be trying our damndest to make cool crap happen!
@zipfinator: thanks for the boost zip! we'll be posting a lot more regularily once we get a bit more momentum.
egads! its a few screamitorium ideas!
here's a few ideas of what the screamitorium oven would look like. the pipes will be longer and twist off into the background.
the first guy is more like the original drawing with some sweet exhaust additions, and a more prominent patio deal.
the second one is a skinnier profile with a more pronounced maw. the bottom teeth are supposed to be mirroring the fang gates on the rocky arm.
number three sports a smaller mouth with oven grill chins and two leaky nuclear towers on his back. luckily some bandages have been applied to the cracks in traditional chaos repair.
these guys have been discussed by the team and we've come to a decision regarding what the oven's direction should be, but we wanted to show you guys what we got done up!
Looking great! I can't wait to see some of the models based on these concepts. Your art style and quirky little comments in your concepts remind me a lot of Castle Crashers Jouste.
We've been working hard in the background, going back and forth with style tests and shaders and ideas and whatnot. Just to tide you over, here's a few WIP shots of the polybomb and a quick blockout in UE. We've done several things that have been scrapped over the past few weeks as well, but we're making progress and have no fear, we will finish this beast.
A Blockout of the Screamatorium, temporary...well, most everything:
Quick rough-out of the Polybombs(sans spikes, opps, guess I hid those!):
This is Rens to Bunny, do you hear me out there man!?
Em. I'm making a lasagne!
Jouste, you've got it going on ..
Just like last time, use of great concept and presentation, hopeing you guys kick it even further this time around, and i dont know where im going with this, a.. motivation post i suppose
On a more serious note .. do it, Seriously cmon do it!
Cool atmosphere you guys have going, not every day you see so many colors in a scene and one of the rare ones where the jet black doesn't bother me, fits right in with our color scheme. Lookin' forward to where this scene goes
@zipfinator: sweet! thanks for the boost zip! and dan paladin is my favorite game artist and has always been a welcome influence on my work. thanks for the encouragement pal!
@vassago: thanks vassago! awesome to hear from you! we shall continue to march onward to a strange and bizarre victory!
@sirdelita: you and me both pal! it's really awesome working with such talented and driven folks. i'm super stoked as well!
@rens: thanks for the motivation rens! always good to hear from you!
@crazyfingers: so am i man! there is a pile of stuff going on under the hood that we are just trying to figure out how to present properly, it'll be coming soon!
here is some fragments of freaking doom to populate some areas of the screamatorium! just some roughs to keep the thoughts flowing!
here we got some war banners, sweet tesla coils and jarred brains! theres also some of the metal/rock mounting plates and some spiny S&M collars to keep those demonic stones in check!
thanks for checking out our stuff oh brave warriors of the gray and green, let us mosh towards victory!
Hmmm perhaps I should actually post as well!
I did the rock claw, though I admittedly didn't follow the concept as thoroughly as I should have. So I'll probably go back to it soon.
Anyway we were a bit disappointed we didn't get much time to mess with fancy shaders last time around, so I've mainly been trying to figure out some shaders in UE to help us with our visual style on the 3d, so here's a couple ideas we've got so far
here are a couple tweaks to the two general ideas we were thinking of, still not totally sure if we're going sketchy or watercolory. But we won't know for sure till we get to fleshing out the scene some more.
its time for the first few colouds of the thumb storm! we decided to try taking the endgame theme literally and put our environment at the end of a game! here's some rough thumbs!
who can escape the dreaded SCREAMATORIUM!?!?!
a simple flick of the switch will set things right! watch out for those cannons and sawblades!
a powerful gem needs some stealing but first you gotta make it through the floating labrynth!
behold the enchanted toilet and the pillars of frozen flame!
@Diwan: hooray! thanks for droppin' in!
@yadao: cool, the first one is what we were leaning towards as welll. the others were more of additions to that one.
@boomz: and pan it shall friend! thanks for the boost!
@c0ldhands: another screamatorium fan! awesome. thanks for the votes of confidence! there shall be more win to come!
@greuh: thanks for that comment! refreshing sure is a nice thing to say about someone's work. we'll be keeping the refreshments coming like a cocktail waitress in vegas!
@purewall: thanks purewall! i'm sure we are as well. the team is pretty excited.
@ben apuna: sweet! long live the screamatorium! and the name was all em.'s idea, she even wanted to be the rotting corpse, i assume this is because there is something terribly wrong with her.
so a quick mash of the first two images! (and a bit of 3). here's the screamatorium version 2!
here we see that the path is gnarled and littered with bear-traps, land mines and a myriad of other malcontents. old style cannons are mounted on floating islands of doom and destruction and whirling saw blade traps act like a speed-summary of the pit and the pendulum!
after some feedback from em. and funkybunnies we'll be shifting the sharptooth head back to the original drawing, adding more smoke stacks, and bringing in a rough color pass with the next one. some rough asset sheets shall be coming.
and stay tuned for some sweet ass shader work that our resident bunny has been cranking out! whooooo!
hope you dudes dig the progress. go polycount!
I will hopefully have some asset starts to post up in the next couple o' days. Thanks all for the comments and support, we'll do our best to live up to the ideas.
@teriyakistyle: get on your concept guys ass my man! (or if it's you than get on your own!) its their job to get people pumped! thanks for dropping by dude! much appreciated.
so here's an asset rough! yowzers!
in this scribble we can see one of the aggressive floating platforms hindering the pathway with a furious amount of firepower! between the green metal cannons and the stockpile of sharptooth bombs, safety is in short supply!
the fencing is made from the tusks of the horribeast, crude and violent creatures that are sought after by many a last boss due to their low prices and familiarity with goring things.
greenmetal is a super tough combination of 1 part steel and 4 parts awesome that must be forged by a werewolf barbarian under a blood red moon while listening to zeppelin. the stuff is nigh invulnerable.
you'll also notice that the island is bleeding! well that's because it runs on the blood of the innocents! but nobody at polycount needs to worry for obvious reasons. in a pinch the floating doom islands can also run on game artisan members and other competitors.
thanks for the boosts people! hope you dig our crazy plan!
go polycount!
I love it.
sexy as hell, jouste!
i might have to bookmark this one.
Zip: To anwser your question we're following the style of the concepts almost exact in style and have been doing a lot of style tests and shader tests behind the scenes this week.
LoM: Yes, yes we do. But we give him lots of treats and keep him warm and safe and love him and therefore he loves us back and makes us presents of sweet, sweet drawings. Really, anyone can team with anyone, you've just gotta ask.
Meant to have a bump long before now, alas we've all been busy at work and I haven't had as much time as I woulda liked this week.
But, good news everyone, the weekend is upon us and my whooole Saturday is open. Yay! In the meantime I have the rough-out I got to do of the magnificent Floating Island of Fisti...maybe we'll just call it a floating island. So here she blows, have refining to do but getting there:
@kenisis: thanks for the boost pal! glad you dig it!
@r4ptur3: hooray! thanks for spurring us on to greatness buddy! good to hear from you!
@divi: sweet! glad to hear you enjoy it enough to bookmark. more cool stuff will be coming!
@adam: *cowers in fear* i'll do my best not to make it suck adam!
@rooster: hooray! thanks for the boost roost!
@minotuar0: excellent, thanks for stopping by!
@popeadam: word? hmmm... ok how about "rutabaga!" thanks popeadam!
@zipfinator: answered by em! but yeah realism is not one of my fortes. and i'm lucky to have a great team that is excited to build some un-earthly stuff!
@LoMchaos: dude, don't be a douche.
@MDschee: glad you like the style pal! there will be plenty more where that came from!
egads! its the polycannon rough detail pass version 1!
when the players need pwning, the powerful punch of a polycannon is just what the assassin ordered!
here we see that it's masterfully crafted by some blind lepers, the polycannon is hobbled from items found in the brainstorm drain and a lot of hope.
it fires sharptooth bombs through its bomb hole that totally ruin anyone's day that's in the way. there is also a few warning lables and quick fix bandages on the bombs. duds are also to be sent to vig for some sweet fixing! (thanks again for those vigtools vig!)
Ps. You promised puppies! Im waiting!
@popeadam: lol, glad you liked the word. thanks for th evisit!
@orgoth02: hooray! thanks dude! it's going to be super sweet getting them all together. i'm stoked to be on such a great team.
@frubes: the puppies are on their way! and we are going to try and copy the styles of the concepts as much as we reasonable can, because it is well known that my art is lazy and slobbish and should not be taken seriously.
@killahk: awesome! glad you like our use of the greentooth! thanks for following us on this journey of awesomeness!
@vig: haha, man that's a great idea. i know the vig label was a little left field but its all good intentions and i apologies for any confusion.
@a.kincaide: many thanks for the luck! we will be trying our damndest to make cool crap happen!
@zipfinator: thanks for the boost zip! we'll be posting a lot more regularily once we get a bit more momentum.
egads! its a few screamitorium ideas!
here's a few ideas of what the screamitorium oven would look like. the pipes will be longer and twist off into the background.
the first guy is more like the original drawing with some sweet exhaust additions, and a more prominent patio deal.
the second one is a skinnier profile with a more pronounced maw. the bottom teeth are supposed to be mirroring the fang gates on the rocky arm.
number three sports a smaller mouth with oven grill chins and two leaky nuclear towers on his back. luckily some bandages have been applied to the cracks in traditional chaos repair.
these guys have been discussed by the team and we've come to a decision regarding what the oven's direction should be, but we wanted to show you guys what we got done up!
thanks for the kind words all, go PC!
A Blockout of the Screamatorium, temporary...well, most everything:
Quick rough-out of the Polybombs(sans spikes, opps, guess I hid those!):
Em. I'm making a lasagne!
Jouste, you've got it going on ..
Just like last time, use of great concept and presentation, hopeing you guys kick it even further this time around, and i dont know where im going with this, a.. motivation post i suppose
On a more serious note .. do it, Seriously cmon do it!
@vassago: thanks vassago! awesome to hear from you! we shall continue to march onward to a strange and bizarre victory!
@sirdelita: you and me both pal! it's really awesome working with such talented and driven folks. i'm super stoked as well!
@rens: thanks for the motivation rens! always good to hear from you!
@crazyfingers: so am i man! there is a pile of stuff going on under the hood that we are just trying to figure out how to present properly, it'll be coming soon!
here is some fragments of freaking doom to populate some areas of the screamatorium! just some roughs to keep the thoughts flowing!
here we got some war banners, sweet tesla coils and jarred brains! theres also some of the metal/rock mounting plates and some spiny S&M collars to keep those demonic stones in check!
go PC!
-the three horsemen
I did the rock claw, though I admittedly didn't follow the concept as thoroughly as I should have. So I'll probably go back to it soon.
Anyway we were a bit disappointed we didn't get much time to mess with fancy shaders last time around, so I've mainly been trying to figure out some shaders in UE to help us with our visual style on the 3d, so here's a couple ideas we've got so far
here are a couple tweaks to the two general ideas we were thinking of, still not totally sure if we're going sketchy or watercolory. But we won't know for sure till we get to fleshing out the scene some more.