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deamon hunter thingie

hello there.

This week i started on a new project for our character workshop course at school.

the thing is that we are going to make two game characters in 5 weeks that in the end needs to interact. So this one will be a blind scifi deamon hunter who tracks his prey with the help of his evil crazy "dog" thing that he will have in a big chain.

Used zsperes2 for blocking out the body and i love it, very easy to use and fast as hell.=) armor is long way from done and still thinking about a good design for the lower body armor.

any thoughts and crits are very welcomed..






obviously inspired by gow and doom.


  • Mimp
    Looking good.

    The deltoid looks a little strange from the back, but looks ok from the front. The bicep also looks a little to "bubble" like from certain angles.

    The shoulder pads look... strange. That's the best way I can put it, try making them a little larger and rounded over the form of the body.

    Looks very promising. Are you creating the model on the fly, or do you have some concept images for us to see?
  • Stertman
    the shoulderbads will get alot more work, armor is heavy wip atm.. adding a concept i made in the first post. other than that i only have sketches of it. his creature isnt designed yet..
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    That paintover looks rad :D
    Check your brachioradialis. Its inserted on the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus and is inserted on the styloid process of the radius. So in the pose you have, it actually crosses upto the front. The belly isnt that huge either
  • iWeReZ
    Looks alot like a cross between a grenadier and a berserker from gears of war.

    Nice work though.
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    it's looking good for now and i know it's still in WIP, but the face is turning my smile into a slanted mouth look and it's hurts.
    I'd revisit the face and try and get it like your concept you have. Then again, it's still WIP and your bouncing around to different parts but try and touch that face up and it'll be win.
  • Stertman
    i dont see very much likeness to the berserker actually, more than they both have alot of muscles if that is what you ment, different arms, different legs, different head and different torso, dont know where you see the grenadier either=P but okey..

    big monster these days are always makes people think of GOW..
  • Bjoz
    I think this is coming along nice. Understand this is highly WIP and I assume that you will refine both armor design and creature detail.

    Looking forward to more updates, this is certainly one piece that inspires me to do something as cool as you :)
  • Stertman
    oh, have forgotten to update this post.. ^^
    low poly done, working on the textures, did some test renders in marmoset.. deadline tomorrow.. but will kep working on the textures afterwards..




  • zxcman
    Offline / Send Message
    zxcman polycounter lvl 10
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