6412 tris
Object space normals to illustrate the uv layout, although the renders are using a tangent space normal map.
Is there any particular reason for the bake errors on the curved areas - the grips and charging handle? I know the grips have uv seems down the middle but I'm not sure if that is the cause.
And whats with the intense normals ?
It looks like you just need a larger cage in those areas.
I wish, conceptually, people would branch away from modeling perfect replicas of guns. While it may be an impressive display of technical skill, it lacks any sort of "umph" or creative sizzle.
I would look to Ratchet and Clank, Zeno Clash, and games like that for reference and inspiration rather than games like Counter Strike or Ghost Recon, or w/e.
And if you need more motivation than my ramblings, the absolute most common thing I hear from people that are hiring is that "We don't want to see photo-real cars/guns, we want to see imagination" or some variation along those lines.
But if you want to work on shooter mod X or sim racer Y, I guess it's pretty good subject matter.
As for the model itself, looks excellent.
Fixed the bake errors by baking the affected components separately, I guess exploding the floating parts would've had the same affect.