Every time I read one of these zealous forecasts of the end times, it doesn't irritate me so much that these raving loonies are out there but that they twist both Matthew 24:26 and Mark 13:32 into something that lets them make their absurd predictions. If you're a real believer, Jesus made it real fucking clear that NO ONE KNOWS.
Great! So then the Japanese tentacle rape monsters should be showing up any time now!
I wonder how long it will take to get the idea of everything has a beginning and a end out of humanity's understanding of life. I love my THE WORLD IS ENDING YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!! theory's just as much as the rest but its starting to get old.
I went and read the guy's ACTUAL site, and the whole September 21 2009 bit? It's a last minute edit.
Towards the bottom of the site, and where this guy has all his calculations, it says that the rapture will be 2008. Something tells me his math was wrong. >:)
I'm waiting to hear my apocalypse forecast for the week in my nightly news.
"It looks like Monday this will be a 40% chance for zombie invasion, with a 20% chance of hell fire in the evening." "Ohh i love watching the hellfire at sunset" "Yeah me too Karin me too. Next up on Fox news, how to find out if your neighbor a demon from hell."
Simple Cube Divinity is the most perfect and life supporting form existing in the universe and on Earth - including Earth itself. Do you realize that a 4 corner square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full circle? A full rotated square will create 16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous 24 hour Day circles within only a single imaginary cubed Earth roation. This amounts to a spiraling quad helix of Earth as it revolves around the Sun - rotating as it revolves around the Sun, to induce the value of the Sun revolving about the Earth. This act demonstrates that both Sun and Earth rotate around each other simultaneously - thus creating Opposites existing only as Opposites with a zero value existence between the binary and cancelling to nothing as One or God theism. All Creation occurs between Opposites, and exists only as Opposites - with a zero value existence.
The Earth and Sun revolve around each other as Opposites and cancel each other out as a One, or Oneism. AMERICAN FOURISM is GODLESS and ignores the opposing Hemicubal time Quadrant patterns. This opposing God-theism cancels to Oneism and proves that I fourier transformed your mom last night.
GMT -8 here, so I guess I have some time to load the shotgun and get a jump on the looting...
I'm pulling for zombie Apocalypse.
I don't know, I sure hope the Z.A. comes after Modern Warfare 2 prestige edition is released. The night vision goggles could be pretty useful when power plant workers are turned and our cities go dark.
I really wish the rapture would come and wash away all these fucking retarded evangelicals... even though their evil conniving asses would probably be left here with the rest of us sinners. Although, their stupid, ignorant, homophobic, intolerant, jealous ass set of holy ethics does happen to fall directly in line with their old testament sky-daddy... so he'd probably take 'em all with anyway. We could only be so lucky.
oh wait.
*keeps munching pizza and beating off to nasty porn*
PS: Bye slum! You going to heaven? Won´t the rest of us just stay here and continue having a miserable time or will we be sent to hell?
lol *nods*
I'd much MUCH rather prefer to die to that. Don't feel shit.
I had to shave it off. It's kind of warm in Hell.
PS: cojax. I don´t have a beard either! I don´t have enough man in me to get one. (Insert homoerotic jokes here)
Heh. "Trump" is British slang for fart.
I wonder how long it will take to get the idea of everything has a beginning and a end out of humanity's understanding of life. I love my THE WORLD IS ENDING YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!! theory's just as much as the rest but its starting to get old.
Towards the bottom of the site, and where this guy has all his calculations, it says that the rapture will be 2008. Something tells me his math was wrong. >:)
who gives a fuck
For all your apocalypse checking needs.
"It looks like Monday this will be a 40% chance for zombie invasion, with a 20% chance of hell fire in the evening." "Ohh i love watching the hellfire at sunset" "Yeah me too Karin me too. Next up on Fox news, how to find out if your neighbor a demon from hell."
I'm pulling for zombie Apocalypse.
Its 10pm
The Earth and Sun revolve around each other as Opposites and cancel each other out as a One, or Oneism. AMERICAN FOURISM is GODLESS and ignores the opposing Hemicubal time Quadrant patterns. This opposing God-theism cancels to Oneism and proves that I fourier transformed your mom last night.
I don't know, I sure hope the Z.A. comes after Modern Warfare 2 prestige edition is released. The night vision goggles could be pretty useful when power plant workers are turned and our cities go dark.
What is that about and how do I get in on it?? I mean, married to Jesus? Come on, that gal's GOTTA have it made.
private joke is private lol