From the hobby thread i noticed that many of us play guitar. And as a result it seems fitting that a guitar thread should be made (if thats ok with everybody else

So talk about gear, songs or whatever but try to stay away from big flamewar threads over whether les pauls are better than strat's.
or post pix of guitarists you like

Currently i want to upgrade my own guitar amp.. my budgets around $1k AUD. I like to play TOOl, King Crimson and some other stuff. any thoughts?
Really unconventional way of playing (he detunes his strings mid song).
I have a Fender Strat Jimi Hendrix Re-issue (right handed). Switched the stock pickups with Dimzarzio HS-3's.
Fender Deluxe Amp (similar to a modern day reissue to Hendrix's Twin Reverb Deluxe)
Also have a Fuzz Face (Jimi Hendrix pedal), and a Korg Digital Delay to round out my tone.
Sounds kinda like Eric Johnson's tone with more of a Hendrix type clean-tone.
I miss my old Marshall Valvestate and my Ibanez Musicman (on loan to a friend in another city), for the more crunching kinds of metal-sound, and ease of shredding.
Wanted an ESP explorer, but kinda lost my passion for playing enough guitar to warrant another major purchase. Will probably get a classical nylon string if I get anything else.
I play a schecter omen-6 (my first guitar) for my own enjoyment whenever i get the chance.
my roomate just cracked the neck of my 1995 black les paul studio =( It was such an awesome guitar.
I personally use a Peavey 5150 head and a 4 x 12 Mesa Boogie halfback cab, plus a lot of pedals like Boss compression, Line 6 DL4, Subdecay Noisebox (very cool noise oscillator pedal), Holy Grail Reverb, and Big Muff fuzz pedal. I really want to get one of these bad boys:
My house is kinda stocked with gear because my roommate records bands. We have an orange head, a 4 x 12 orange cab, a 4 x 12 marshall cab, Vox head, THD head, 2 more Peavey heads, a Fender telecaster, Gibson bass, Fender P bass, Ampeg bass head and 8 x 10 bass cab, Marshall Valvestate combo amp, and a Heritage Gold top Guitar... Phew!
If anyone is interested here is a torrent of my old bands full length :
My roomates also play in a pretty sick touring band:
Sadly though I haven't been playing enough since I got out of school to really warrant spending that kind of cash on a new guitar. If anyone down here played drums it'd be easier to justify though...I haven't jammed in forever, let alone played live with a full's been driving me nuts.
currently I have a Fernandes Monterey Pro, Jackson KVX10 (fixed bridge), and a marshall MG100. With Halloween rolling around soon it makes me miss the days of playing a small themed set with some friends at the party I used to throw every year with my girlfriend...
I guess its just for fun and songwriting at the moment because although Ive had a band in the past I dont have one now.
Any 7 string players here? Maybe 8? I have been playing a 7 string for 5 years and love it
my sister send me that one while she was in japan.
i play a rather small brand guitar (pro natura silver series) with savarez strings. and an old ibanez 50 accustic and a ovationes concert guitar.
she's made out of walnut and cherry wood. love it.
yeah it is pretty much between line6 and boss, the boss looks easier to operate with your foot though hehe. 7 string guitars do sound pretty cool, there was a good band in south africa that rocked the 7 string.
Eric Mongrain, seeing him next month
'nuff said.
And Yes, bassists are allowed
I want to learn to play like these guys.
he called the guitar a guit steel and its half fender telecaster and lap steel slide guitar,
poor juinor is a bit too different to get wide fame from the country audiances and a bit too country for wide fame with the rock crowd. but he has a decent enough following to make enough money to get by.
i play one of these
and here me is playing it with justin on voc an bass
for amps i do everything digital pluged straight into my pc via a presonus firestudio project into cubase and for amp simulation i use guitar rig 3 which i love you can get pretty much any sound you want via it
I just recently bought an Ibanez Artcore as73b, nice semi-hollow guitar that has inspired me non stop, loving every minute of it.
Oh and Rhinokey, have you tried Peavy's ReValver Mk 3 software? I've been using it for over a month now, and from what I've been hearing, kinda kicks the snot out of Guitar Rig... give it a go in your space time man.
I figured there were only so many years I could play music games before the "real guitars require too much time/money" excuse didn't really work anymore... especially when the guitar + amp + shipping + dollar conversion was cheaper than rock band.
I'm thinking of pulling an Everyday Shooter and working it into a game I'm developing. Not playing songs, because I can't manage more than 2 notes before screwing up, but just recording the chords and setting them off as sound effects. I don't know, we'll see. ES set the bar so goddamn high, it's scary to try and follow.
Amazing buttery low action, wonderful gotoh locking tuners, fantastic EMG 60/81 (kinda miss the seymour duncans they used to use though), ebony fret board, and snazzy looks.
Then get a marshal haze mhz40c (40 tube watts, one 12") for 700 and you come in under budget.
You could save even more and drop the tubes for an MG101FX for 500; like I said earlier I have the older MG100FX with the same chipset; phenomenal amp for the money. I've gigged with it in bar sized venues against a double bass drum kit with no problems, kept up with a band mate's tube Crate half stack and sounded just as nice. Plus it sounds just as nice at low volume (unlike tube amps).
I'm not a Tool fan so I cant speak for/care about his tone, but you can very easily cover the classic rock -> NWOBHM -> thrash -> deathmetal sound spectrum on the marshall with no pedals and no effort.
Either way no money, so I can only dream and drool for now
oh i should probably mention i'm in australia where everything musical is overpriced.
for example Dual rectifiers in us cost about $1400, here they are about $4000 FOR NO REASON
and the full song: (worth a listen! whole album is cool)
sampson you said you were looking to upgrade your amp? you think of going digitial? you could get either revalver or gtrig and an input device for the 1k you can even use it live route it out to a pa, and boom, gtrig has an optional footswitch you can use to control effects and such (i'm sure revalver has one also) i've never felt more free with choices than since i went all digital amp
As far as cheap guitars, the fixed bridge KVX10 (which I own myself) is an amazing deal;
You'll have to go to ebay since they've recently switched to licensed floyd rose's (no thank you, if you dont get an original they're worthless), but the fixed bridge ones have fantastic action, great looks, run 350-400, and have awesome tone. I got mine 4-5 years back intending to swap out for real seymour duncans and ended up just keeping the duncan designs in there because they sounded so good.
Would a KV2 with a set neck, floyd rose original, real duncans, and ebony neck be better? Of course, but for 2,000US I think it's a worthwhile trade off
I've been playing for a little more than 10 years now and other than wanting a floyd original for a toy to play with, I have yet to feel held back by either of my sub 500US guitars. I play misc metal, Maiden, Slayer, Ensiferum, etc as well as stuff like Misfits, classic rock...lots of stuff; hell I played ska back when I started on the Fernandes...So the whole "you need a 1500+ dollar guitar to be good" thing is bs.
EDIT: found them. took 'em for another forum with a thread about guitars.
Painted it over, and did a VERY poor job doing it, but oh well. Since it was pretty much ruined visually I had friends sign the sides of it in red permanent marker on graduation day. Oh and it was black initially.
The classical:
Just a classical. Love how it souds though.
this guy's good. He even played with GunsnRoses for a little while.
I've seen people exclaim "blues's better then sex!!!" after watching this guy so he's well worth it.=)
meself plays a Fresher Les Paul, which i had delivered from japan. She's almost as old as me. They stopped producing them like 10 years ago. And I really adore her warm and rich tone.)
It's pretty great to see that people here enjoy trying many different fields of art. That's really amazing.
Buckethead rules BTW.
Boat neck, scalloped frets, reverse head-stock
Rear-routed, three humbuckers
EDIT: The crappy super long lead on the right between wah-delay has been replaced with a proper, short patch cable since this photo (dont diss me)
I built a bass with warmoth neck and body over the past summer.
Mahogany J body w/ rosewood laminate top
Wenge neck with ebony fretboard
Active MEC j pickup set from a late 90s Warwick Thumb
EMG preamp wired w/ 18V
Hipshot ultralite tuners
Schaller bridge & straplocks
Just sounds AMAZING. I have never once felt the need to fiddle with my mid/low/high knobs since the first couple days playing it. The sound is perfect for everything all the time. Love it.
Picture is crap though, not that it's the best lookin bass out there, but whoa the sound
And feels great to play with the raw neck (I did use beeswax on the neck, though for a slight bit of protection)
The amount of time I spent picking out the parts and woods, etc... wow haha...
Worth it though, I don't think I'll ever need or want another bass!
also picked up one of these a year ago, its pretty sweet
I had the Les Paul for a little bit before getting the PRS. Apart from the warmer tones, one of the biggest things that sold me to the PRS was the comfort and easy of use. The Les Paul is great but it can get uncomfortable after a bit. And I absolutely hate how the G string always goes out of tune.
The PRS, somehow, miraculously barely gets out of tune. Doesn't matter how much abuse you give the strings. It's audible when turning the strings individually... but during play it isn't that noticeable.
I have them hooked to a Vox Valvetronix amp. Neat amp. Got it on a clearance sale for super cheap. Emulates lots of different sounds and gives you some solo and combo effects along with it.
Also, if any of you come across this at a shop:
PLAY IT. It sounds amazing.