Hi there!
I thought I should give handpainting a try. So its just confirmed that I love this! I can do this all day long every day.
Planning to land on around 3500 tris for this, and Ive set the texture size to about 2x1024 diffuse and alpha. Quite early stage atm, just started today.
Also, most of the stuff is just blocked in and not at all optimized!
Anything you like? Dislike? Just shout!
Concept from blizzard:
Other than that your 2d texture work is really solid
Some colored lighting, and maybe some champfers here and there might help kick this up a notch too.
@crazyfingers: by champfers you mean bevels, right? 3Ds max = champfer, maya = bevel.
Looks a little clean for a diablo model imo
I am jealous of your modeling haha, im not too amazing at low-poly stuff yet
Rory_M: Thanks! I really enjoyed making those carpets, glad you liked them
And as I was saying, I was looking at alot of screenshots, I wasnt able to see any specular. If there is specular added to stuff they are sertenly really subtle. I think most of what may look like specular is just shader effects and lightning. Ill wait with the spec anyway
Anyone who can confirm if there is spec or not? Would be awesome!
Updates tomorrow!
Look how shiny the rock looks in lit areas against unlit areas, you only really get that effect with spec maps. Same goes for the skeletons, so i'm thinking they're in. But again, i'm not 100% sure!
Sirdelita: Whoa, thanks man. I dont have any tutorial for the wood, but I can probably make a short movie tutorial when I make the next wood texture if you like
bounchfx: Thanks man! Yeah, youre probably right about the carpet, Ill look in to that later!
rooster: Thanks! Yeah, I noticed that and also went through like every single screenshot of the game. Ill keep that in mind for sure
crazyfingers: Im still not sure about the spec. I also searched alot but couldnt find anything about it. I think, not sure though, that they use bloom or something similar to brighten up the brightest parts of the texture, like a fake specular. Thanks for taking your time hehe
All these kind words makes me really wanna finish this now
A really tiny update on the wood. Made it a bit more rough and tried to match the color a bit better. (the color is always easy to change later)
Hope you like!
Wow this makes me want to make some environments too :<
Can't wait to see it all finished!
Is this supposed to be a desert scene? If so your wood should look a lot more sun bleached, maybe a bit more splintery too.
I also suggest deviating from the concept a bit by adding some more stuff down by the barrels maybe some sacks of grain or some rolled up carpets standing against the wall.
When you get to the ground and other stuff it might be nice to add a bit of foliage to the scene even though it's not in the concept. A palm tree or dried up dead tree might be cool. Some tufts of grass sticking out of the ground to help conceal the edge of the building.
Ben Apuna: Hey, thanks for the feedback! I was actually planning on adding foliage and maybe some more props or something
rihotzu: Thanks man!
JasonLavoie: Thank, Ill do my best to update more
So this update was a disappointment atleast for me. I had a really hard time to decide how to texture the building itself. Obviously its not even close to done ^^ I just slapped on some paint (not at all adjusted colorwise). The building will have one 1024 diffuse. And I made the small wooden pieces pointing out of the building. Again I looked at screenshots and apparently they are square shaped in the game, so I went with that
Way more updates tomorrow, thats a promise to myself(slacker) atleast
Hope theres something you enjoy!
- I think the planks are too segregated and by that I mean the lines separating them are too straight and uniform. In the concept the edges are kind of rough and the gaps are uneven and they are worn and warped together in places.
Hope you don't mind but I did a rough paint over,
it needs to be refined a lot more and I'm sure someone with more skill could illustrate the point better but you get what ya get =P
I also think emphasizing the gaps with highlights and shadows will help boost their readability from a distance.
I agree with Vig about the boards. They may not need as strong of highlights on the edges like he painted, but the general effect is still really good.
Take a look at some of the high-res gameplay footage or screenshots on the website; it's pretty obvious that the textures are all hand painted with most of the lighting painted in.
Vig: Thanks, I think that paintover was really helpful! Some really helpful feedback
vj_box: Thanks man!
spahr: Thanks! Im trying to make it more rough all the time, it might be a bit rougher in the end when I can see the whole thing textured and then Ill go in and change some colors and stuff like that.
Proxzee: Yeah well. Im using quite alot of brushes already. But mostly the round one
Swizzle: Thanks man. Yeah, I actually dont believe they use any spec on the environment. Maybe on bigger, more unique stuff.
commander_keen: I really think the effect is really neat when they dont use any normal or spec. Also more computer friendly for those who doesnt have a fast/good cpu. A really smart move imo.
Okay. So I took some time and made a tutorial of my wood texturing and some small tricks I use.
Planky tutorial. Hope its useful for someone
Mini update.
Its lookin good still, i am dyin to see you start working on that building more!
And i agree that you should maybe add a few small props along the base of the building to break up the harsh line with the ground. Depending on how it's textured, it could be an eye-sore :x
And Zwebbie, you are totally right. I always add some blue hues when I am painting other stuff so why not here
A small update. Just started on the building itself.
And heres last update for today, with some grunged up walls. Not even close to finished, but its a start
Look forward to seeing the end result (strangely makes me think of Raiders of the Lost Ark too- where's the date-eating monkey Nazi?)
Nice plank tutorial too
I made something that is suppose to look like rocks. Looks like crap imo. Just slapped on some colors and textures, just a base.
As you can see, the stone mesh is not that optimized yes.
Got any suggestions? Should I make every stone into a separate mesh? Skip the alpha?
Looks great, man. I like the rock addition and the cracks in the wall. Although the rocks in the corner look really flat, but that might be lighting.
i think if you redo the modeling part of them and get some nice references it'll look much better automatically.
still, why does it need to be rocks ? if i should build a house there, i shall better get rid of the rocks, as good as possible. the transition should be more vibrant, i guess. you don't build house against flat rocks, i think. i'd much prefer much more tinier "rocks/stone pieces" along the house borders.
apart from these points, i think overall it looks very nice !
On some, you wonder how they stand on the wall not falling. Looks like they are glued.
I threw away those crappy stones. Im gonna give it a new try next time.
Made some adjustments and stuff.
Im a real fan of the diablo 3 / WoW painted art styles, and this is coming out really nicely.
The rocks were nice, but they threw off the colors, maybe they should be more yellow-ish and "part" of the wall instead of up against it
the wood looks really nice, although maybe it could use some color differences per plank, for instance, if you dont mind the paintover:
Thanks for the mini tutorial
Ahh the paintover is really good. Very valuable to see it rather than have it explained
Totally agree with Jfletchers comments aswell. The whole things definitely could use some colour variations to help bring out the big shapes easier.
Keep up the good work!
Actually you know what you could do with the rocks? Just paint some rocks onto a plane, then when you are done with the texture, just pump out some of the shapes using some cuts and vert pushing. I find that's much easier for me when making rocky walls. Paint the textures first and build the model off that
mLichy: Thanks man
butt_sahib: There is some mirroring going on, but Im focusing on making the texture really tight first. After that Im sure Im gonna move around stuff and mirror/tile some.
Anuxinamoon: Thanks alot! Yeah, Im gonna try your rock theory, but I will, as I wrote above, paint the rocks directly on the wall texture
Heres the planks. Starting to feel that I can move away from these planks for a while and start with all the other stuff
Personally I don't like to get too caught up in putting a lot of polish on things until close to the end. I do this for a few reasons.
1) Speed and ease of detail application.
It's easier to remember brush settings and apply the same refining techniques to a bunch of pieces in passes instead of trying to remember and recreate those methods a few hours or days later. It's good to take notes, save brushes, create pallets but its still easier to give everything the same pass than constantly switching tools.
2) Overall quality.
If you're working in production there's a chance you won't have time to bring the pieces your working on last, up to the level of the pieces you first worked on. With passes you might not get a chance to do one final pass and really sew it all together but at least all parts are at stage 4, instead of some stuck at 1, others at 8 and the majority at 3.
3) Detail what matters.
It's easy to stare at a UV'ed texture and want to detail everything but then when you put it all together you find you detailed a lot of stuff that really didn't need to be.
It's coming along nicely keep pluggin away at it. I'm glad you're sharing methods and techniques and open to ideas, that's a great attitude to have, makes the threads useful to a lot of people too!
I love it when polycount works like it should!