Hi everyone, I had completed my course in 3D animation and visual effects a few weeks back. I am currently looking for an internship\job.
i have been advised by fellow poly counters to place myself in the market so as to improve myself and gain industrial experience.
Thus before doing so i am posting my show reel here looking for as much feedback as possible about my work.
I would also like to mention that the first female model in the show reel was my first entry in DW4.
Thanks a lot guys
The output is real crappy in certain scenes as we had trouble with maya files and rendering but we were happy to have finished the entire movie...which seemed to be an impossible task. we were able to pull it off just at the last moment.
Nidhin Thomas
One quick example is the back of the heads, where you have the same number of edges at the top of the head (needed for roundness) as you do at the nape of the neck (way too dense).
Keep the reel if you like but definitely set up a website as your main method of showing your portfolio to prospective employers.
Before you go and make your website be sure to read the article from this thread: Your Portfolio Repels Jobs
Good luck with your job search.
poly optimization is something that is really troubling me, i have realized it every time i model something.. i fall in trouble with the mesh while applying normal maps, as i don't have any knowledge of triangulating poly in mesh flow.
are there any help sites\post\forums\tuts where i could learn the process of making a low poly with tri and the places where i can put tris which won't be faulty for the mesh deformation....
For the very first character (your DW entry), alongside with what others mentioned, you should have added/removed polies in places. Main problematic area being the tummy imo. Its waaay too blocky
Orgoth, i personally prefer seeing my models aswell as others from different continous angles.It looks better(shows off the model alot better than stills) and its easier to see the work someone put into the model/vice versa. Ive seen reels where the character was on a pedestal and was animated with a standing idle pose, which really appealed to me