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3D Coat 3.1 update released!

Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux

Many, many new features.

See here for full details:


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    wow that is a lot of new features to get your head around
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    wow even the GUI looks more professional as it used to be in the earlier versions- nice stuff

    yes!!! he even added a almost same feature as Silo for quick adding shortcuts:
    you just hit the [end] key and then a combo while you hover over a menu item, kick ass - I will check this app. out
  • philnolan3d
    Haha Yeah the UI changes have been in since version 3.0 and the shortcut editing like you described is a little older I think, but still both are awesome features.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    now he should just fix his features and gallery page with more professional content and not that programmer art/doodles also with the new GUI.
    I think it would make better impression to many new users that are from the professional industry. Most other companies basically know how to do that,- making slick websites with demonstration screenshots that look like they were taken from a professional case.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It keeps getting cooler and cooler!! Can't wait to try the new voxel booleans.

    I am starting to wonder tho ... with all these new features requests being implemented after someone asking "hey can you add that, just like in app X" ... there must be tons quite some patent infringement going on there, right? But at least IIRC voxels are safe since it's an old technique only refined. (correct me if I am wrong)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    it would not be healthy for bigger companies to sue others in this industry because innovation (and not in terms of patents but actually whats made with it) so far has been the driven factor.

    Almost every package these days uses catmull rom interpolation (subdivision, researched at pixar/ ILM), the way 3d data is handled (tris, quads, uv, faces, smoothing vertex, obj) and with all the GI and normal mapping tech in the last years they basically all copied each other and improved on it- thats why the whole 3d industry is blooming so great with lots of niche and special tools, unlike the print industry that quark xPress pretty much killed innovation wise in the past.
    So until one company starts suing in this business I don't see much of a problem, because it has been peacefully most of the times, or did I missed some of those court fights in the CG area?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well thats the thing, small companies can do pretty much whatever they want. But as soon as you start growing, it is more and more worth it to try and sue you ... (more money to get from the case)

    For instance SAI most likely happily violates Painter and Photoshop patents. But for instance Corel couldn't steal an original feature from SAI since they would likely get legal trouble.

    It seems like the 3D world is indeed more flexible on that regard (Lazystroke / Easymouse) wich is cool yeah. I hope it'll last, especially for small innnovative devs ...
  • philnolan3d
    renderhjs wrote: »
    now he should just fix his features and gallery page with more professional content and not that programmer art/doodles also with the new GUI.

    I agree that the main gallery could use some updates. Have you checked out the galleries in the forum? Some amazing work in there.
    pior wrote: »
    with all these new features requests being implemented after someone asking "hey can you add that, just like in app X" ... there must be tons quite some patent infringement going on there, right? But at least IIRC voxels are safe since it's an old technique only refined. (correct me if I am wrong)

    From what I've seen Andrew is very careful about patents. People are often pointing out cool white papers they've seen and that's usually one of the first things he asks about. Voxels are not entirely new. Andrew used them to make environments at his previous job at a game studio. It has also been used in a program called Claytools which is very expensive, partly because it requires this hardware haptic device to sculpt with. I think Andrew also uses a different technique I think, a "marching cubes" algorithm. I couldn't explain any of that stuff though.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well just don't rip it 1:1 instead think ahead,- I think many companies have done that already even the big ones. Like mudbox that just like zBrush now can also take snapshots and store via metaData the camera positions in the file so that you can tweak the shot in photoshop and take it back in mudBox. Its the same as in zBrush but extended ahead with spec, bump,... layers supported.
    And also the new PS comes now with tabs,- something (even though they own the patent for tabs, yes thats right) other applications had before. But also the 3d painting stuff in PS,- its not new and it was already available even as plugin (enzo3d).

    I think many companies that do great are in a way proud of them anyways and they would not just copy something to have it as well but more to extend it- do it better give it their own spin. At least thats how I see it.

    The thing that happened a few weeks ago to Microsoft and its openXML format in word is sad for them,- but when reading the whole story it seamed that the suing company (i4i) worked wit h ms together on the format,- but Microsoft ditched them at some point because they had something on their own apparently.
    THe whole story is not yet clear and also what it means for software patents.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ouah 3Dcoat came a long way. It's fantastic for secondary mechanical details. VOXELS! Oh yeah!


    Fascinating workflow changes ahead!
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    3D Coat rox. I use it for all my re-topology work. The voxel tech has really come a long way, it works wonders for merge/welding highpoly organic assets together, something booleans couldn't dream of doing. It has transpose too!
  • philnolan3d
    pior wrote: »
    Ouah 3Dcoat came a long way. It's fantastic for secondary mechanical details. VOXELS! Oh yeah!


    Fascinating workflow changes ahead!

    Very cool! Was the orange part added with Cut & Clone?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    i have that useless piece of hardware here, support it and i'd definitely buy me a copy of 3coat :P
    damn i would love to use it with mudbox, zbrush or another modern software, the new update looks good, way better then the last time i tested it
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    That looks interesting pior, how is it different from adding detail in mud/zbrush? only been using it for retopo so far, haven't even gotten into voxels yet, great program
  • philnolan3d
    Neox: I never said haptic devices was useless, just that it made the package more expensive. Apparently Andrew has one and is looking into implementing it. 3D Connexion support is already in there.

    Kite: I just made this quick video a few seconds ago that shows some things that can't be done with polygonal sculpting.
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    ah ha! that's very cool. need a hole in a mesh? just draw one. definitely play with that
  • philnolan3d
    Yup, of course the brush tools will punch all the way through too, just hold Ctrl while brushing to carve in and keep going in until you reach the other side.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    Ouah 3Dcoat came a long way. It's fantastic for secondary mechanical details. VOXELS! Oh yeah!


    Fascinating workflow changes ahead!

    Damn this program is starting to looking appealing. The hard surface work here looks more efficient than with Zbrush. I'm probably gonna raise the 7th level of hell for stating that but I could never get really good results doing HS on Zbrush.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    love the style pior, yeah the toolset is really powerful and diverse, in fact it is so diverse that I havent even had time to play with it all yet. Just when you think you know what a tool does someone like pior or this dude tinker( http://www.3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2378&st=40) goes ahead and does something different with the same tools.

    OBlastradius Id say it is quite powerful for hardsurface but you do have to increase voxel res to get smoothness and you cant decrease voxel res so you cant step up and down and also its easy to end up with very slightly curved or lumpy flat surfaces that you really wanted completely flat...sometimes it feels a bit like sculpting with a hot knife and a block of butter hehe
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    as a matter of fact it is possible to step up and down voxel res! Just by transpose-scaling the object!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    pior wrote: »
    as a matter of fact it is possible to step up and down voxel res! Just by transpose-scaling the object!

    there we go, another purpose for a tool that I hadnt realised existed haha thanx pior I gotta try that when my pc is working again
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    bought it a while ago, and meddled around with v 3.0.
    i created a 9 million poly model forest with voxels, and tried to make it into a polymesh for painting, but well, i guess i don't completely understand how i'm supposed to work the interface.
    model file ended up at 300mb, and doing anything was so slow and unresponsive it was impossible to work with it.
    it works better with 4 million polys, although its still slow.
    i think you're supposed to rough out the shapes with voxels, and then convert it for displacement painting for the final detailing.
    had some slight problems with the brush jumping from one place to another, causing streaking as well.
    overall though, the voxel brushes have had a huge update, and are much more responsive.
    now i just need to finish up all this other garbage, so i can play around with it properly.
  • philnolan3d
    Another fun fact if you did know was the quadrangulation, say you sculpted a prop for your game, something that won't need a good polyflow for animation. Like a statue for example. I took Stanford's Lucy statue and had it retopo'd, then baked normal maps, a texture map, and displaced in under 4 mins. (I timed it) and maybe 3 or 4 mouse clicks.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey phil, would you mind posting a screengrab of the orginal high, and the final low with normals, but with a regular blinn-like shader. At the moment it is impossible to tell if the app did a good job :P

    Would quadranglation work on a voxel object?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    pior wrote: »
    Would quadranglation work on a voxel object?

    yup heres one of mine, just hit the quadrangulate button to get the lowpoly mesh, not the best flow but it would work for a static asset, also the quadrangulation settings can be changed to get more large quads or use symmetry


  • philnolan3d
    I don't really know "blinn", I figured you meant something simpler. So I picked the one I normally work with. The lighting is a little different but you should be able to get the idea. And yes for now it can only be used on voxels, if you want to use it on an imported model you have to import it as voxels. This is the original and low-poly, no displacement. Of course you acan alsways continue working on the low or med poly model, painting, sculpting, etc.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    I havent tried baking in 3Dcoat I prefer to export voxels and use xnormal, some of the normal mapped edges are quite scratchy in your lowpoly there is that because of the baked map or what?
  • philnolan3d
    I haven't played with the quadrangulation as much as some others, but using more polygons gets rid of most of the spots you see. Others can be smoothed over.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    what gets better results, meshlabbing the high down, or this quadrangulation?

    Or meshlabbing the quadrangulation?
  • philnolan3d
    I've never used meshlab, so I can't comment on that one.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Muzz wrote: »
    what gets better results, meshlabbing the high down, or this quadrangulation?

    Or meshlabbing the quadrangulation?

    depends what you mean by better? quadrangulation builds a medium/low poly all quads model based on a voxel mesh, its not like decimation or meshlab in that it doesnt try to retain all the details and doesnt seem to be able to output a very highpoly model.
  • philnolan3d
    Ged wrote: »
    depends what you mean by better? quadrangulation builds a medium/low poly all quads model based on a voxel mesh, its not like decimation or meshlab in that it doesnt try to retain all the details and doesnt seem to be able to output a very highpoly model.

    I was able to get a pretty high poly model with this test I did back in June. Just not sure how I did it. :)

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Quadrangulate your mesh, then in the retopology screen you just hit the "subdivide" button. Each time you subdivide it projects more detail. Keep pressing it until it projects all the details you want for your sculpt. Export.
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    Quadrangulate your mesh, then in the retopology screen you just hit the "subdivide" button. Each time you subdivide it projects more detail. Keep pressing it until it projects all the details you want for your sculpt. Export.

    sweet, good tip scooby, not quite like decimation but it has better flow and its quads, might take quite a few subdivs with some objects I would imagine? must try this later too!
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Cool, nice to see more polycounters using 3dc!
  • philnolan3d
    3D Coat 3.1.01 Released:

    - Doubleclick in Quad tool in Retopo will create triangle.
    - Better fitting of stroke to surface in Stroke mode in retopo tool - leads to better work of strokes tool on rough surface. Nodes on strokes will be visible much better.
    - fixed: ESC in quad retopo tool leads to appearing of triangle instead of quad on next stage.
    - Pose handler rotation handlers will not rotate with viewport, the will remain direction in world space. Up/forward rotation works right too.
    - fixed: undo and Pose handler issue (was not returning to previous place after undo)
    - Undo/redo problem in voxel sculpting solved. Adding/subrtracting/deleting objects was sometimes destructive with undo/redo.
    - Axial symmetry tool will act on child objects too
    - fixed: invisible preview of spike/curves/merge problem
    - Stability of surface tools improved
    - fixed: incorrect work of "Rotate along motion" in voxel mode with symmetry
    - There is new checker in Retopo menu - Merge/bake only selected faces
    - Quadrangulate will create new layer in retopo tools.
    - Add new material improved - like Phil Nolan proposed.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    What the heck is a 3dcoat and what are you guy's using it for?
  • philnolan3d
    All of my sculpting, texturing, and retopology. I haven't checked out the latest UV mapping tools so maybe that too, especially with some of the new UV functions that are planned.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    malcolm wrote: »
    What the heck is a 3dcoat and what are you guy's using it for?
    a religious software

    just check out the website and or some youtube videos. It can do many things, is cheaper and might fill gaps between certain techniques better as other tools.
  • philnolan3d
    It's not a religious software, it's software created by a religious person, no reason to even bring that up.

    Javis Jones does most of the official videos, here are his on Youtube
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Ged and Phil, where is that automatic retopo tool you are using? I cannot seem to find anything on it in the manual, and the Coaty forums are a bit of a mess...

    Getting quite familiar with voxels now. For some very specific things, it blows out Mud and Zbrush altogether!
  • philnolan3d
    In the Voxel room right-click on your object in the Vox Tree and pick Quadrangulate, or one of the Quadrangulate and Paint options if you want to automatically continue on to painting. I actually just used that for a job today. I needed to model a rather complex organic shape and decided to sculpt it and quadrangulate it. I was all done my model in like 2 minutes.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    I'm still looking most of these videos and just blown away by the ease of retopologizing objects and sculpting out of nothing. Great stuff.
  • philnolan3d
    New update for 3D Coat just came out 3.1.02, big features are a couple of new tools called Muscles and Toothpaste. Here's a quick demo video I made.


    Here's the download link (can be used as a demo version)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Neox: I never said haptic devices was useless, just that it made the package more expensive. Apparently Andrew has one and is looking into implementing it. 3D Connexion support is already in there

    i know, i did, becausevright now it is useless to me ;)
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It's totally playing catchup with zbrush 3.5, loving it!!
  • philnolan3d
    Is it catch up? 3DC has it now, ready for anyone to use. :p
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    It doesnt need to catch up it justs needs to do what it does in its own way.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hehe very true Phil!!

    By the way guys I was thinking of something (will suggest it later on the 3DC forum) :

    You know how when sculpting with voxels, there is a little pause at the end of most strokes for the stretched geo to 'find' the corresponding voxels in the 3D grid. Quite often I feel like that pause stops me in my modeling flow. I wish I could just sculpt/stretch things, but only update to the voxel grid only whenever I need it. When doing organics, maybe once every 5 minutes, at the press of a button. This would really make the Voxel modeling much more fluid. I don't mind it at all for mechanical stuff, but for organics I find that pause to be quite a deal breaker.

    What do you think? Maybe there's also a better way to formulate that?
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    I actually think it used to be like that in the alpha when he just introduced the voxel sculpting. Unless I'm actually crazy and imagining things.
    I remember wondering where the feature went when I tried V3 first anyways. There were seperate sets of buttons for voxel scultping and surface sculpting. Would love to see this back!
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