Hello! We are Imagineer Games. A collective of Indy Game enthusiasts. We are producing an Incredible adventure game: Shades of Violet, Song of the Clockwork Princess!
We need a bit of help though! Were seeking for a 3d modeller to help us create the backgrounds over which the adventure takes place!
So, Who are we looking for?
An experienced or amateur background modeller that will work from concept art pieces to assemble background scenes
- We use 3d max, but its not a requierment!
-We would love it if you can Unwrap. We wont cry if you cant though.
-Backgrounds are pre-rendered. so anything goes.
-Someone dedicated, serious, and of course, good!
Whats in it for ya?
-Work with us in a memorable game thats sure to become one of a kind!
-Were dedicated, talented, hardworking, and organized. That makes us a keeper Ill tell you!
-We wish to push this project to commercial status. This isnt a freeware, and your work will be remunerated with time. We dont joke (Well we do, but were serious, really)
Also! Check out our small teaser for Shades of Violet here:
We're also about to release an adventure iPhone game this very November. See it here:
Write to us at:
You won't regret it! I can assure you of that.