Hi guys, been working on this for a couple of days and I am seeking feedback on where to go with it. Grime needs to be added and the vents at the bottom need fixing. I'm using a 1024x1024 map, and its being rendered in 3dsmax with a shadow map. The spec is an overall: 85 spec, 35 gloss. Any advice would be appreciated. The model was made from a WH40k door minature.
also... the bump map for the chipped/scratched paint looks a tad thick. tone it down some too.
You need to stop and think to yourself, why are parts of the door getting chipped? Paint doesn't just chip off magically in all places. Right now it looks like some nutter with a chisel has been at the paintwork.
There's absolutely no reason why the paint around the windows should be that chipped and flaked off. The area around the bottom of the door is done quite well, but I think the effect of that will be even better if you tone down the paint chips across the rest of the door - it will make it really clear that the bottom of the door gets whacked into a lot (people's boots, stuff scraping against it as it's pushed open etc.).
The vents could also use some water damage or rust streaks coming down, though it seems so much more "aged" compared to the rest of the door, it just feels out of place right now.
Maybe look some carrier ships for further door references.
Or maybe even just put bars over them, just to give them a little more character.
I'd say overall it's looking pretty good though man. Nice work so far
It's going well I do think the lettering color doesn't entirely fit with the color scheme.
Better yet how is it scratched but not the paint under it?
If I were a rich game developer (Which i am not)
I would Hire you
I love it good work man!
@Thegodzero: The lettering is supposed to be painted on, and the green metal galvanised, or having different properties. Not sure if that translates well. I was thinking that before the base layer began chiiping the paint would start to disintegrate/erode.
@dv8ix: Thanks, I hope I get hired too:)
The glass in the windows looks a little strange too, like it's a blue cake with stripes of black icing. Maybe use transparency here and a much darker texture, with the wires scaled down at least half the size.
Example :
mayangs textures =