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Catacomb Slasher

polycounter lvl 10
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mLink polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone, I'm working on making all new creatures and characters in hopes of landing a different job. For a while I was posting on sites like CGtalk and ZBrushCentral, but I couldn't seem to get many honest critiques. The forums were too filled with posts of "awesome work!" on obviously half-assed models.

Please critique, comment, complain, whatever you feel like doing. I don't take offense to constructive statements, not that you'd hold back anyways. :P

I went a bit heavy on the polys with this one, but there are some areas I can (and probably will) reduce the geometry. I'll be adding some hair to his back soon.




  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Welcome! Your other work on your website is great!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Fantastic, has a real diablo vibe.

    Anyway, I don't think this guy needs much work. I think you'd be better off making new stuff at this level than trying to make this guy much better because this is pretty kick ass as is.

    The eye could use some work though, it's a bit flat.

    The gum area looks too much like skin, this looks a bit odd considering how far out it hangs beyond the teeth. I'd be curious to see what they'd look like if you darkend them a lot and added lots of spec. Could be cool

    Considering the tris already used, you'd probably want to add just a bit to make those boils pop off the mesh a bit. Could just use the cut tool and make cirlces around 'em then pull 'em out a bit. It's worth it considering there's only a couple of 'em.

    Skin seems a little barren, I see some splochy areas at the very top near the spikes, would be nice to see more of that filling out the creature. Not too much though, the skins already pretty good with just the stretch mark normals. But there is that area on his back that could use some of those colorful sploches.

    I wouldn't worry about tri count too much. As i was reading some of the senior members say in here not long ago, you don't get jobs because you save tris better than anyone else. You get a job because your portolio has kick @$$ (*#$ in it.
  • DrillerKiller
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    DrillerKiller polycounter lvl 11
    does that say 16388 tri??
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    might want to duplicate the mesh, take out some edge loops on the head and feet, then normal bake some detail back onto your old normal texture with an overlay, just the head and leg area of course.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    would not want to run into that thing. His teeth are really nice. Maybe too nice, like the catacombs have a great dental plan. Dirty em up a bit, IMO
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    The overall texturing looks great! The spikes seem to be plain though. Like I know they are spikes, but the materials aren't quite reading correctly to me there. Too perfect as mentioned earlier I guess. Same goes with the teeth but less so IMO.
    I would also say, if this character is for a video game, then the polycount should be taken down by about half of what it is currently at. If the character is for cinematics however; then never mind that statement. I'm thinking the stats would realistically be like that of the wretch in Gears of war (1024x1024 texture, around 8,000 tris if memory serves me correctly). Lastly, I would bump up the spec value in some areas like already mentioned also.
    Anyways, these are as tough of crits as I can give you because it really does look nice.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey, just checked out your site also. Demo reel is truly bad ass. The work on your demo reel is far superior imo to your gallery. Since many people don't bother looking at demo reels I would strongly recommend you put stuff from your demo reel in your gallery section.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    The concept is a bit strange. A mishmash of ideas and talons, that confuse me a lot.
    How does this critter spend it's days?
  • GugloPWN
    zenarion wrote: »
    How does this critter spend it's days?

    It obviously spends its time waiting in dark corners to eat YOU!

    What does it look like face on, I'd expect that view would be the most important. I think the eyes could stand out a little more.
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    Hey everyone, thanks for the great feedback so far.
    I forgot to mention in my first post where the concept is from, it's a Guild Wars concept done by Jaime Jones.

    Adam - Thanks, I'm glad you liked my other stuff too.

    Crazyfingers - I'll add the skin detail you mentioned and try bringing out the boils with geometry. I wasn't going for in-game specs with this one when I started, just a nice creature that doesn't have any faceting on the profile.

    DrillerKiller - Yes, it does.

    Lampoly - Glad you like it, I'll definitely be making the gums darker and more specular, the images I posted above don't have a spec map on them yet.

    P442 & BradMyers82 - Thanks for the suggestions, I'll dirty 'em up and probably break a couple of them. I'll be reducing the number of tris today, there are plenty of them that aren't serving much of a purpose right now.
    Brad, could you elaborate on what makes my demo reel better in your opinion, just wondering because that is my work from a year ago. I plan on adding a few human characters to my gallery, which it is obviously lacking right now.

    zenarion - The concept isn't mine, it was done by Jaime Jones. I'd like to think that he spends his days relaxing by the cave pools smoking cuban cigars, but that's just me.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    I'm not feeling the eye, as it looks very cartoony compared to the rest of the creature. Something reflective and watery with a "wild animal" vibe would really improve how intimidating it looks, maybe something feline? A more pronounced eyelid structure would probably help too. The spikes on the back could use a bit more individuality and texture TLC, as right now they almost look like simple normal + ao + flat color. Might also want to emphasize the bits of skin around the base of the spikes a bit more.

    Very cool creature! I like the way you sculpted the different kinds of skin. Welcome to PC. :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    mLink: I much prefer the demo reel art, mostly because it is full of very realistic highpoly/sculpted work. The stuff in your gallery is very stylized. Having stylized work is great, but it doesn't make your skill as clear imo. Both of those characters in your gallery could potentially look like anything, but when I see a spot on Robin Williams Sculpt like that, I think "Damn that's good".
    Therefore, once you add some realistic humans to your gallery I'm sure I will have changed my mind about your demo reel being better. I like the fish guy better than the glowy guy, because the glowy guy is just too out there. The main thing (which is very very small thing) that bothers me about the fish guy is how he isn't properly gripping his staff. I also find it sort of strange that an underwater creature would have a staff like that in the first place.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Also, can we see the high poly and textures? :)
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    Brad, thanks for explaining it, I agree.

    Here's the Zbrush sculpt and textures:


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nice dude! The diffuse and normals look great. Are you going to give this guy some hair? I see it in your diffuse but not the model.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    he is too cool! nice creature, i love his head
  • Michael Knubben
    Looking at the model in mudbox, and the initial shot you posted in this thread, I must say your textures complement the sculpt very nicely. I also notice you seem to have exaggerated the shapes somewhat in the normals, which is a very good call. perhaps some more grime in his skinfolds would look good, but it's hard to tell. Try using an ao-bake as a mask for some contrasting colour, to make the folds pop more. Also, some more colour-variation might be nice to make him look more defined. Large swatches of discoloured skin, a gradiant from front to back, some more variation between his belly (traditionally the least guarded, most fleshy part of animals with similar amount of lumbs and posture to this one) and more 'armoured' parts...
    Things like the subtle play between green and pink on his fore-'arms', you know?
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    Brad - Yep, there's hair in there. I didn't have it displayed with the other posts because I was having some severe alpha problems.

    killingpeople - Thanks! : ]

    MightyPea - Those were great suggestions, thanks. I think I was able to get quite a bit more depth in the color map.

    Here's an update, I think I'm pretty close to finished with him.
    I'll most likely have to start setting him up in another engine/viewer soon though, Marmoset isn't playing nicely with my alpha.

  • fohobogazz
    zenarion wrote: »
    The concept is a bit strange. A mishmash of ideas and talons, that confuse me a lot.
    How does this critter spend it's days?
    I agree. When looking at the model I can't really see how it moves around when it isn't in it's attack-leap-of-death.
    Those huge claws on his front legs are way to big for any form of agility, if he could get up on his rear legs, then maybe, but the anatomy dosn't allow that.
    And when talking about anatomy, his front "hip-bone" seems to connect to his jaw.. and that looks a bit wierd.

    that reminds me of a song from monkey island..
    The hip-bone is connected to the leg-bone..
    the leg-bone is connected to the head bone.. la la la laaa :)
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    I'm really liking the update, that is definitely looking way better than before. The skin tones are working together very nicely, the eye has come a long way from the cartoony looking one you had in the beginning and the only issue I can see is(prolly cuz you said the alpha's) but the hair(The smaller ones) don't seem like they fit as well. The edges seem really dark and of course pixilated, they just don't match the much lighter/larger hair that he has coming from his neck/back area. Change up those little hair guys a bit to match the larger hair or just try it in a different rendering program and I think it'll look a lot better.

    Huge improvement from the first post though, good stuff
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    Very nice and painterly.

    16k is tremendously large in terms of poly count though, for any engine -as far as I know. He's small enough that you could probably cut him down to about 4-6k tris. The extra poly counts probably help make him look super aliased for presentation purposes though!

    Great job!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I love it, it looks amazing. I think you could cut a few tris in the head area, a lot of that detail wont be seen as such and you should get away with some good normals there, but even still it looks amazing. Wish more games had art of this quality.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Excellent revision, it feels much more like a bizarre creature than a generic pink demon now. Very strong work.

    One idea to try out for the hell of it: see how it looks with the normal map intensified. You may already know this, but to do that try duplicating your normal map texture over itself and setting the dupe to "overlay" or "hard light" blending mode, then use the RGB Levels to set the dupe's maximum blue level to halfway, and dial the layer back to 33% opacity or so.
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