I'm going to try and do a next gen model of Christian Bale as Jon Conner from the new Terminator movie.
Right now I'm just trying to gather my reference and really plan out his outfit, seeing as how it's kind of complicated with all of his straps and little tid bits.
I can't really find any good behind shots of him, so I'm going to have to use the film as reference for that i guess.
Here's just a simple layout of his clothing and stuff. I'm going to start modeling as soon as i can find some good shots of his back.
The knees pointing straight vs. toes pointing out on your sketch is scaring me a little though.
Hopefully my model will look abit more...Bale.
dirty, smelly trouble
But yeah, I just started blocking out Christian Bale's face...No subdivisions yet. I might go ahead and retopo abit just to make the rest of the sculpting abit smoother.
I'm having one problem though. My transparency button is greyed out....so i can't see through this guy to the image reference behind him. Any one know a fix for this?
I'm going to try and keep at it tonight, maybe even some at lunch tomorrow.
I'm moving at a snails pace with this new internship..it's hard to find time for this guy. I'm going to keep at it though.
I realized some of his geo is abit messed up looking...like on his adams apple and stuff...but it's just because i started with a basic sphere.
I'm going to retopo at this point, so i can get some good ear details, instead of having to subdivide super high.
but yeah, it's getting there.