I've been trying to paint the skin waight on one side then mirror it on a symmetrical model.
But after I mirror it, one of the collar bone gets the skin weight of both sides and the other side is completely blank. I'm not sure whether I'm the only one who's had this problem before. It's very weird. The model is at origin. x 0 y 0 z 0. I mirrored it through yz so it is supposed to copy +x to the -x. Thanks in adavance. And here is a screen shot of the problem.

Make sure your character is in bind pose before mirroring.
Imagine when mirroring, the value is 0.123, so when its mirrored, it becomes -0.123
By having some weight on the center, which is 0, will still be 0 after mirrored. Hope you get what I mean.
Select the verts of half the model u want to mirror, except those in the center/symmetry point, and perform default mirror, hope it works.
The Joints are in different world spaces and I've got the weights pretty good on one side and when i apply the mirror painted weights tool it just TOTALLY messes up what I've done.
Any ideas what's happened???