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APB is the greatest game ever!



  • amotaf
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    @Justin - I'm not angry but I find it intriguing, as I said I'm not trying to flame or troll but my opinion has been carefully pieced together. I hadn't been taken in by other people's perceptions or entirely by the reviews.

    That's why I took to experiencing the game firsthand and upon reflection the reviews are fairly rating this game.

    If that weren't the case http://www.mcvuk.com/news/39974/APB-getting-radical-overhaul
    read this article.

    In my opinion when I saw the first video of the character content I thought one word "stop" it was enough they didn't need to overdo the character customisation right now they could have waited and built it up.

    The missions do get very repetitive and I say this again it makes me wonder, if they spent so much time on making all this great character content why didn't they spend as much time on the "actual game". I mean the character content is really good top notch and props to the artist's they are really good.

    I totally agree with you in regards to playing games online games with friends in fact that's the best way to pwn in online games imo.

    I used to play Guild Wars, Baldur's gate and NWN avidly and part of the allure was the real life people I interacted with. You are right it is a phenomenon among online games and partly responsible for their immense success.

    As I said I'm an honest gamer I'm not trying to be rude or anything.
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    Flava-Fly wrote: »
    I'm never really sure what I'm allowed to say and not to say on here but looks like we released some positive information today.


    The release of APB went really smooth and rolled out nicely, now we can devote time to addressing the little problems and growing the game like was always planned. Building on a solid base! It has a lot of potential and I'll be working crazy hours until we get there!

    Well if your taking suggestions...I like swords and bludgeoning devices. :D
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    amotaf wrote: »
    @Justin - I'm not angry but I find it intriguing, as I said I'm not trying to flame or troll but my opinion has been carefully pieced together. I hadn't been taken in by other people's perceptions or entirely by the reviews.

    That's why I took to experiencing the game firsthand and upon reflection the reviews are fairly rating this game.

    If that weren't the case http://www.mcvuk.com/news/39974/APB-getting-radical-overhaul
    read this article.

    In my opinion when I saw the first video of the character content I thought one word "stop" it was enough they didn't need to overdo the character customisation right now they could have waited and built it up.

    The missions do get very repetitive and I say this again it makes me wonder, if they spent so much time on making all this great character content why didn't they spend as much time on the "actual game". I mean the character content is really good top notch and props to the artist's they are really good.

    I totally agree with you in regards to playing games online games with friends in fact that's the best way to pwn in online games imo.

    I used to play Guild Wars, Baldur's gate and NWN avidly and part of the allure was the real life people I interacted with. You are right it is a phenomenon among online games and partly responsible for their immense success.

    As I said I'm an honest gamer I'm not trying to be rude or anything.

    Well if you say that your honest.. and that we should be more honest..doesn't it mean you think we should all have the same opinion of the game and are not being truthful? I can see you or others not liking parts of the game play but that doesn't mean other people don't find it the game fun.

    I don't really even need to say it, most people here have a passion for games. An honest to goodness gamer isn't exactly a rarity.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    @Esprite Jump onto you respective region forum (Europe or North America) on APB.com and get your ideas in! People are listening!
  • amotaf
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    @Esprite- I never said I disliked it but merely stated issues in the game as I said it has the potential to be really good. The game has some very good strong points such as the visuals and the custom content.

    I mean there were other things that I wanted to mention but I don't want to continue now.

    My point wasn’t to coerce you to fall in line with my opinion, for instance I don't always concur with 3rd party perspectives.

    But in this instance I cited that I did so after going through the experience, you may like the game but that is neither here nor there as that s not what I'm making a query about.

    I’m not trying to bash you for liking the game, I mean I’ve been repeatedly bashed for liking NWN, ridiculed for playing Maple Story and scorned for playing Rumble Fighter people have accused me of not playing a “real game” in years.

    I'm not trying to indoctrinate you to my opinion, that wasn't my intention and you are justified in your resistance. An apology is forthcoming if I’ve agitated you as that wasn’t what I wanted to do.

    I just felt that my criticism was valid as APB is essentially a driving and shooting type of game and the driving and shooting were unresponsive and slow in this game. Well being more accurate there aren't any location shooting modes (legs,arms,heads) the shooting is very basic "point and click".

    The game unlike WoW which is great by the way doesn't have varied play like PVE for instance some players actually do like that type of stuff.

    Anyway the guys there probably have a hundred versions of myself bleating into their ears and bombarding them emails about what to do so I will silence myself about this topic.
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    amotaf wrote: »
    @Esprite- I never said I disliked it but merely stated issues in the game as I said it has the potential to be really good. The game has some very good strong points such as the visuals and the custom content.

    I mean there were other things that I wanted to mention but I don't want to continue now.

    My point wasn’t to coerce you to fall in line with my opinion, for instance I don't always concur with 3rd party perspectives.

    But in this instance I cited that I did so after going through the experience, you may like the game but that is neither here nor there as that s not what I'm making a query about.

    I’m not trying to bash you for liking the game, I mean I’ve been repeatedly bashed for liking NWN, ridiculed for playing Maple Story and scorned for playing Rumble Fighter people have accused me of not playing a “real game” in years.

    I'm not trying to indoctrinate you to my opinion, that wasn't my intention and you are justified in your resistance. An apology is forthcoming if I’ve agitated you as that wasn’t what I wanted to do.

    I just felt that my criticism was valid as APB is essentially a driving and shooting type of game and the driving and shooting were unresponsive and slow in this game. Well being more accurate there aren't any location shooting modes (legs,arms,heads) the shooting is very basic "point and click".

    The game unlike WoW which is great by the way doesn't have varied play like PVE for instance some players actually do like that type of stuff.

    Anyway the guys there probably have a hundred versions of myself bleating into their ears and bombarding them emails about what to do so I will silence myself about this topic.

    Criticism is valid and opinion is valid. I was taking issue with how you had worded your original post about how we some of us viewed the game, but you changed to clarify, so it's not worth getting worked up over.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Just watched the GiantBomb Quicklook, read the comments.. I seriously do not get the intense hate for this game... It seems everyone who hates it has a couple of things in common though: They're used to FPS twitch shooters, mostly play on consoles, do not consider using teamwork in the game and only play with strangers without a mic.

    I really don't get it, right now I'm just thinking of the pure bile spewers(Not those who dislike certain aspects and hopes for it to better of course) as really really stupid people, who can't adapt to anything new. :/

    Bleh, I will be getting it when I have money, I loved the beta and everything else. Keep up the good work RTW!
  • amotaf
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    @Skamberin - Huh what the?? I guess my secrets out.. how did you find out that I like FPS twitch shooters..and that I mostly play on consoles and yeah you are right I couldn't possibly imagine using teamwork in the game or any game for that matter and finally I must stress playing in Pick up groups without a mic is the best way to go, probably the best way to end up rage quitting.

    Damn dude you sure your not Simon Baker who plays Patrick Jane in The Mentalist......
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    amotaf wrote: »
    @Skamberin - Huh what the?? I guess my secrets out.. how did you find out that I like FPS twitch shooters..and that I mostly play on consoles and yeah you are right I couldn't possibly imagine using teamwork in the game or any game for that matter and finally I must stress playing in Pick up groups without a mic is the best way to go, probably the best way to end up rage quitting.

    Damn dude you sure your not Simon Baker who plays Patrick Jane in The Mentalist......

    Uh, my comment was directed at the:
    pure bile spewers

    Meaning people who absolutely hate the game and go so far as to say they hope the developer fails and everyone in it gets fired forever. And there are many of them.

    Judging by your previous comments this does not include you, but seeing how you seem to have taken offense to what I said,well, I don't know.
  • amotaf
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    @Skamberin - I was being sarcastic of course I don't want the developer to fail why would I want that???

    I'm not evil I want the game to do well that's why I rant about it if I didn't care I wouldn't say a word. But it's because I care and many others care that we speak up and put our voices forward.

    I want RTW's to do well, the UK can never be too short of leading game developers in the world.

    They should take heart from the fact that they are getting soo much heat it shows that the gaming community over here is active and buzzing but also shows that we care. As I said if no one cared no one would say a word, (when and I say when not if) when they prove people like myself wrong I will happily eat humble pie and wash it down with a glass of humility.

    I hope it makes them strive harder to make a great game as we all know they can and shut critics like myself up.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Ive been trying to get on to the apb forums to give some constructive criticism but it keeps telling me my product key is invalid but its not its straight out of steam.There are moments of excellence in this game but there are lots of problems with the actual gameplay.

    some problems Ive encountered:
    *The guns are all a little too powerful and people can move too fast right from the start and firefights last only a few seconds because of this, which just results in spray and pray gaming where the biggest fastest gun wins. So I think the players need to move slower and the guns need to be less powerful so that conflict can be more tactical eg take a few shots, then take cover then take a few more, whereas now its like "take a few shots try to take cover oh no you cant your dead".

    * you cant shoot while running, this really sucks, some missions you have to take kills off your opponent in a set amount of time eg 3 mins, but if they just keep running till the 3 mins is up you cant even shoot them because you need to run in order to keep up with them. This is really annoying and just destroys the mission.

    *criminals can rob people or steal cars when they want for cash whereas enforcers have to catch the criminals doing these things in order to get a reward. This is unfair because its very rare and difficult to catch a criminal( a real person = difficult ) in the act but it is very easy for a criminal to commit the act(against an npc = easy).

    *there are many player balancing problems but those are getting some attention already according to the forums

    are there special servers where they test out new rulesets or something?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    rob people and steal cars isn't really a good way to get money for a crim, it's reaaaally shitty. And enforcers can take stolen cars and return them, you can also just witness crims committing these crimes with the witness button and surprise them with a bullet to the head, so it's pretty fair there to be honest.

    And they test out new rules and stuff on the PTW servers, I haven't tried them in a bit but I jump on whenever they tell me they're up and trying out a new patch.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I got invited to send in an application for participation in the closed beta.
    First thing I saw when I got the mail was a key, so I thought I was already in :P
    In reality I was just picked as someone who could send in an application and who might be picked as a participant later.

    Seeing how my current net didn't exactly score super well on the ping tests I'm not so sure I'll get in this time, though I hope I do. The last beta test was a blast.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler wrote: »
    So APB is returning in the form of APB: Reloaded. I got into Closed Beta, just wondering if anyone else has and is playing it?

    Missed out on signing up for the Beta, though if anyone gets a spare invite I'll gladly give it a go. :poly136:

    Reloaded is supposed to be a Free to Play at launch with extra zones and upgrades being purchased content, right?
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    I got into the beta also, was tempted to download it. But not sure yet, going to see some videos online as honestly I'm very sceptical and I also hate the concept of having this Games Live application on my PC, I have Steam. Don't want anything else!
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    The old devs where all given an invite but from what I hear little to none of them have activated it. Not sure I can go down the APB road again so soon.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    The title of this thread is fantastic. Oh, hindsight.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Waits for the giant penis tatoos on all the characters, cars, and clothes.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    I bought this game a while ago just to check out the character creator, unfortunately you can't just create a character without logging in , really wish the character creator was a separate app like spore. I have no idea why this game is still sold at stores when you cant play it.
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