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Weapon polycount?

Hi people

I am about to begin work on some weapons, but I was wondering if any one knows the polycount for weapons (typically assault rifles) in first person games like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 etc?

I have done a bit of research and all I can find is numbers for CounterStrike, which is around 2000, but since it is quite old I expect it would be higher for the previously mentioned games

Thanks loads!


  • El Burritoh
    I'll bring this up again, since I have the same question...

    Games like COD, Halo, or TF2... what's the polycount like for average handheld weapons on those?
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Well it usually works with multiple levels of details, but the one you hold ingame I assume must be between 5k and 10k triangles nowadays.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    and do a search next time, there are lots of threads like these - and the most common answer is : it depends.
    Also try to study those games from a visual standpoint and not just number comparison ways. If you look close you can often see how the polygon flow is - or even better fire up their editors and load the models to see the real triangles.
    This is often way better to get a feel for the polycount as just pure numbers.
  • Mark Dygert
    Polycount is an art board. There is only one. It is not normally involved with the production of weapons for commercial titles. So how many polycounts are in those weapons? Probably none.

    Poly count is the total number of polys in a 3D object. BTW count triangles not polys.

    How many polys in a piece of string is a good read and a good way to understand why people don't automatically regurgitate hard numbers.

    The only real way to know for sure is to:
    A) Be the artist and remember.
    B) Decompile the model and take a look. I know this is easily done with all source based games so I suggest starting there. The other titles you listed off, well they might have a wireframe mode you can enter and get a sense for trinagle counts that way.
    C) Honestly its more work for me to go dig up all that info and post soft numbers and its all something you could/should probably be doing if you really want to know...
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    about 5-10k seems pretty good. Typically an FPS weapon is about as important as a character, since it usually takes up at least as much screen space and possibly more screen time.

    For a third person shooter I'd cut that down to 500-5,000 depending on the size and complexity of the weapon.
  • PieJesu
    In the Source Engine, the accepted is 2000 - 3000 triangles.

    Optimum for the Source Engine is 1500 triangles.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    PieJesu wrote: »
    In the Source Engine, the accepted is 2000 - 3000 triangles.

    Optimum for the Source Engine is 1500 triangles.

    Why is that the optimum?
  • PieJesu
    Because all weapon models that Valve have made for the Source Engine lie exactly at 1500 triangles. All of them.

    They must've done it for a reason, hence most people aim to make it at 1500.

    I think it's simply the budget that the modeller was given but, regardless, it's the same budget I use.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    DKK wrote: »
    theres no way 1500 is source optimum, I decompiled some tf2 weapons and one of Them is 9k triangles.

    This Thread is also a good read

    This was pretty much my thought - I could swear I had read on a a source SDK wiki that most of the HL2 weapons were between 4 and 7k.

    There is no reason for an FPS weapon to be that low. That's lower than a number of the third person weapons I've made :D
  • CastratedWeasel
  • Mark Dygert
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    This was pretty much my thought - I could swear I had read on a a source SDK wiki that most of the HL2 weapons were between 4 and 7k.

    There is no reason for an FPS weapon to be that low. That's lower than a number of the third person weapons I've made :D
    You have to remember the style also. Not a lot of techno carved sci-fi wizardry in TF2. I also think Source is not aging as gracefully as everyone would hope. But to their credit they keep a wide audience happy and for what they have, they managed to do a lot with it.
  • PieJesu
    Without arms all of the Half-Life 2 weapons lie at 1500 polys.

    Only the left half of the gun is modelled and hence we get the number 3000.

    Sure the engine can cope with a lot more, but it's nice when all the weapon models you make for an engine lie at the same poly count.
  • Mark Dygert
    I would consider HL2 out of date. It's over 5 years old which means when they sat down and actually dreamed up the specs, it was 7-8 year ago?
  • PieJesu

    I guess I'm having problems letting go :P

    It's such a stable and neat Engine, my favourite. I don't want to accept that it's out of date!
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Pretend you got a job tomorrow at a studio making a game for either the end of this-gen of consoles or the next. PC specs are improving daily, so if you were working on a weapon strictly for PC you could probably get away with even more.

    Make it look good. Prove you can do the whole baking, texturing, etc. workflow down, and if it's 1k tris or 5k tris will matter less and less.

    Pick a target game type, and model accordingly. (FPS, RTS, MMO, etc.) But don't kill yourself with limitations. Prove you can do it first, then let the studio tell you how it should be.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I agree - if you work with tech guys its often a team play to balance things off,- just looking and comparing numbers alone wont do it. You have to experiment and see what works.

    Alternatively you could reduce some polygons from the characters or other objects to put them into the guns - it really depends.
  • Mark Dygert
    Well, another thing to keep in mind is multi-platform. Sometimes its easier to shoot a little low on all your items rather than build separate items for each platform. But that depends on the company the pipeline and who's making what...
  • Bruno Afonseca
    I think it's all a matter of flow. It's hard to give numbers like that. Play those games and pay attention to what's modelled and what's textured, try to get a feel of the detail level.
  • MatchlockStudios
    I'm currently creating a first and third person survival - world builder game, I aim to squeeze in as good of a tri count as I possibly can, The characters will be carrying a sword, Dagger and musket, What would be the appropriate count for the musket? (as it has a few parts and will be the most detailed)

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    This thread is from 2009. It depends on your game engine and target platform, audience, and the actual game. Up to 5-15k for a modern FPS might be reasonable. 
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Funny how things are changing. Ive heared from people working in the industry that 40k Triangles for a AAA FPS Shooter is not a big problem.
    I think that it more depends on the texture size. So a 4K Texture will lower the Frames much more then +20k Triangles Geometry. There are often Attachements on weapons which have his own Texturemaps. So for example 4k for the weapon and 2k for the attachements. And i think that these combinations are the biggest frame eater ^^

  • EarthQuake
    For an AAA FPS on modern hardware, upwards of 40,000 tris is not uncommon. The thing with a FPV weapon is it's typically only on screen once, and takes up so much of the screen space that the polycount really does not have much of an effect on performance. So, since it's what the player will see literally 99% of the game, it should look as good as possible. The player shouldn't be able to see jagged edges, crappy textures, obvious mirroring artifacts or uv seams or anything like that.
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Good to hear that from you,too@Earthquake :) Thx
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