Thought I would make a new thread for this because I didnt want to clog up MOP's game art ws thread.
Well I was trying to create some inset lettering on this object
I was attempting to use MOP's method of applying a sweep and creating my own profile line and ran into a few problems I can create the profile fine and get it applied to the text , but I can't seem to get the text to close the shape on the interior. I can add an edit poly modifer to the stack and just create or cap the wholes, but I think there is a better way from the looks of everyone elses. If so what is it?
Also, How do I inset the text into the object above? Do I punch a hole in the side, match up the verts and weld it in, or is there a better way? This one maybe obvious to others but I haven't done this before in max since I have been doing organic characters for so long now.
As for the inset you just hover it like other floaters. When the projection happens it will look at the pieces more or less straight on and not be able to tell one is floating above the other.
Some times you need to exaggerate the bevel/slope to get something to even be picked up at all. The closer to 90 degrees the angles are the higher the chances are that it will miss the edges and read it as flat.
There might be another way to do it but I haven't found it yet.
I used the sweep technique to produce the letters like the ones above; capped the interiors. Converted it to an edit poly and created more polies between the faces of the letters and extended the letter edges out. Squared it up and optimized the edges.
I then detached the face from the main mesh the I wanted to align the letters to. Aligned it to the face. I then added edge loops to the face to match the edges of the letter object. Deleted the faces, so that i had the edges with just the verts.
Then attached the letters object to the face and target welded the verts of the letter object to the detached face. Then optimized the number of verts on the edge.
I then Reattached the face to the main object. Made the appropriate edge loops on the main mesh to integrate the face back in. I then smoothed it and I think it turned out pretty good.
The only thing I wish I could still do is edit the curve used to make the sweep, but I didnt see anyway to keep it.