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[Portfolio] - Schultzie, environment artist

polycounter lvl 13
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Schultzie polycounter lvl 13
Hey everyone,

I thought I'd also join in on the fun and add my portfolio on here as I'm looking for a job.




  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    seems like a lot of people are looking for jobs, nice stranglehold assets....hopefully you'll find smthn soon
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    get a web site... get a website please!
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    hell, even flickr is better than having to scroll to the side to see the whole image.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    some really nice work :) but like the guys before me, get another side. It seems to be sometimes slow and it get on my nerves to allways scroll down click a thumb scrolling or clicking again to get full view of the work, click back and again scrolling down...
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I brought recently a art book of midway mainly because of the concept art in it (awesome art book). I agree as well with the portfolio - it is not so nice click'n reloading whole big page while browsing. It feels slow and makes me not want to look everything through.
    Another con is that you can not organize things in categories/ projects,.. so everything looks a little bit cluttered especially if you have a few items of 1 project and single items of single projects.

    I hope you don't mind if I speak this bluntly but...

    The pencil drawings are weak and the presentation of most renderings is dull and rough (get some colors in the renderings and avoid default light setups), a example of what I mean is this one:
    its really boring that way,- add some specular in the rendering, some colored lights perhaps a 3 point light system to give it more depth and maybe even some slight gradient in the background (like photographs do when they create photos from objects). Like now they appear flat and boring.
    Your strongest single piece (not counting those game screenshots as I don't alwasy know what part of that you did) are the arches:
    It looks solid design and execution wise.

    your list of titles you worked on sounds impressive but your portfolio is not- I myself mainly think its because of the presentation not necessarily the content. You really need to push out the maximum of your content. Make it match up the list of games you worked on. So all in all my suggestions are:
    - Make better renderings or screen shots
    - get a real domain and plain website (not much work) with simple click able thumbnails
    - include only the best and ditch whats not so good (Id say ditch the pencil sketches on white paper for example).

    Sometimes its easier to impress or blow someones mind with just a few items instead of many - how much to much is depends. But personally I think you can cut off a few. Also put the best and most recent to the front because that will often stick more on someones impression and probably should be the first he/ she should see to get the first impression of you.

    hope that will help, ask some question here if you need help on the website creation e.g where to start, what's best, etc. I am sure people can help you here.
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