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Damaged Barrier

polycounter lvl 11
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Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11

Everybody and their mama got a damaged barrier in their porfolio so I thought why not make one myself?

Still got some issues with the normal map that needs fixing.

This is what I got so far, viewport grab with Xoliuls shader:


How can I improve this piece?


  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    It's a Nice start, but there are a few things I'd like you to consider; perhaps a few questions to ask...

    1) How did the rock on the upper left hand corner get completely destroyed without the metal beams being damaged ? Rock does not melt.

    2) how did the the green stuff evenly space itself across the surface such that the item has color bands? light/dark/light/dark/light

    The creases are exceedingly hard along the bottom edge, and the metal is too new, clean, and uniform.

    I think it's a nice model , and I think if you make a few adjustments, you'll have a great asset. Thanks for posting.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Edit - NM, there they are...delete me!
  • Christian Hjerpe
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    Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Peter

    Thanks for your comments!!

    1. I thought that the rebar wouldnt break as easy as the concrete but youre right, it looks kinda dumb. Will try to break up the rebar as well.

    2. It´s suppose to be yellow paint, painted in even stripes. Guees I failed on that one..
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Actually it was kinda clear to me what the green/yellow-ish things were but I have to agree on the metal bars - they are looking mighty mint to have been inside a concrete structure that's almost destroyed.

    All in all it looks good tho, just use some soft selection to make the bars look worn out and change their texture a bit in places.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I thought the paint was obvious too, and I don't think there is anything wrong there. I actually really like this, the biggest problems I see are the hard creases and the rebar. The funny thing is though, I almost thing the rebar looks cool not destroyed, it almost looks like a concrete sci-fi barrier that has been reinforced by some sort of indestructible metal. If you added a few extra outworldly components, you could almost pull it off; however I'm sure that you're going for a modern day roadblock that has seen better days, in which case you should mess up that metal a bit. :p

    Keep it up though dude!
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Sorry guys, I can't agree on the green lines. Now that I know what they are I understand, but it still doesn't look like what it's suppose to be. The effect you are trying to get with the lines is best described by keeping some of the paint's hard edges, as well as creating lots of damaged fringes , almost like buckshot through the edge of a piece of paper. Add the green/yellow on a new layer , and then use a non-standard eraser and dab the edges until it looks torn and peeled.
  • vj_box
    ya agree with peter. The model has pretty good details. Ya pls take care of that hard edge and damage the steel bars.
    Can you also share the construction sheets on this one? Did you bake in the AO on this?. Look kinda flat for me.
  • Christian Hjerpe
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    Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot for your comments guys!!

    I messed up the rebars a little and tried to beef up the color on the paint.

    Still working on the specular map and normal map. I think my specular is killing the diffuse a little bit. Will post a construction sheet later today.
    vj_box yes there is a AO baked in the diffuse.

    Heres the result so far:

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    why the dof? its making the piece look like a minature
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    the color strips seem a little fuzzy on the edges, they look more like stains then actual paint strips. check this ref: Site1RoadBlock.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    Looking pretty good. Nice work =)

    - I agree with Peter, some of those issues are still present.
    - The edges of the green lines are totally destroyed and fuzzy, it would help to keep a few edges sharp and untouched.
    - Why does the green go inside the bullet holes? Was it painted on after? Seems kind of weird.
    - The exposed inner material needs more aggregate rocks, it looks a little lump and not really chipped and broken.
    - The exposed inner material has the same level of grime as the outer, its possible it has been damaged like this for a while but you have a chance to show that some of this damage was done more recently then the distant past.
    - It doesn't take much to imply age and damage. There seems to be a lot of micro detail, leaving some large chunks of the outer most material untouched will help contrast the damage and give it context. Think of damage and surface noise like graffiti on a wall, if there's too much all over its just a big mess, but one or two pieces on a more or less cleaner surface they really pop out and draw attention.
    - You also need to think about how this micro detail will mip-map. Larger blocks of more solid color, punctuated by some damage might mip better?
    - Showing hints that at some point in the past this barrier was new, again gives it contrast and makes the damage that is there a little bit more meaningful.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i think what everyone is saying about the paint is very true, you have dyed your concrete there, visibility paint is oil based and wil sit ontop of concrete and chip or peel off, generally not be absorbed, sharpen up the edges and then change the layers opacity to normal, dont use overlay or multiply, if you want a bit of dirt use a different overlay very weak ontop of that
  • quyeno
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    quyeno polycounter lvl 17
    another minor crit: if you look at the top front facing edge, near the corners, there seem to be 'pinched' detail that protrude outwith the profile of the surface. this kind of indicates that the barrier has gained concrete in those areas? perhaps its a mould defect ;) but I think it looks odd.
  • vj_box
    the steel bars are much better now.A cavity map will also help in getting the dirt/depth
    keep em coming.
  • mLichy
    I like the broken rebar now, but that one piece thats the tallest on the corner should be bent I would say. I also agree on the stains or whatever they are, if they are stripes, make them less fuzzy on the edges.

    Also the hard edges like others said, but other than that its a nice piece.
  • Christian Hjerpe
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    Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot to everbody for taking their time to post and comment on this piece!!
    Helped me a lot!

    Here is the latest version:


    Tried to make the stripes look more like paint and added some rust around the rebars. Also got rid of the hard edges.
  • Luke_Starkie
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    Luke_Starkie polycounter lvl 8
    Great work man, But for some reason the paint looks like moss.

    Good work anyway :)
  • Rokkx
    I agree with starkie, If the greenish color is suppose to be faded yellow paint, I'd alter it to be more yellow, closer to the photo posted by malicivs
  • mLichy
    Yes, looks nice now, besides the green.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    like others I don't like the colors,- mainly the ones of the stripes but also the composition of the colors is aggressive. It is almost cartoony the way colors are cranked up metal becomes red and yellow some urine neon toxic color thing. I would say that you have to many colors coming from various sources: blue light, green/yellow lines, red metal, brown rust, grey concrete,.... and in my eyes its a bit of chaos color wise.

    my tryout/ suggestions:
    at least that way I think the colors are more in harmony
  • Luke_Starkie
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    Luke_Starkie polycounter lvl 8
    That paint over is more realistic i'd go with that :)!
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    yeah, that paintover just blew me away... I need to learn colors now? dammit!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Also the paint stops too 'early' where it's getting near the damaged parts. It should be all the way to the edge.(missing concrete chunk flew off, it wasn't gently eroded out :P)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    seriously try removing the concrete texture from the paint it will look so much better, the paint should be almost flat colour in the diffuse, try it and see then start adding a little bit of dirt, otherwise it will always look like dyed concrete not painted
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