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Art-Machine's Mini Environments

Hey guys me again!

I'm starting a new thread to document the same kind of little project as my RPG weapons thread. This time I'll be making a few 'mini environments'. That is to say, a small diorama based around a central focal point. Like with the weapons, i hope to explore a spectrum of styles and themes. Hopefully these mini environment will be successful at communicating the larger world they represent.

Here's my first entry which is still a WIP for lack of a basic terrain for it to sit on. Sunburst is the name of the giant cactus-like plant which is the focal point.


Those aren't birds... :\


Clearer look at those little guys:



I would have liked to finished this scene before starting the thread, but this week i will be going in for a minor medical operation that will probably have me out of commission for a couple weeks. So hopefully more to come before too long ;)

Hope you like.


  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    dude...this little guy is rad!!!! good luck w/operation
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Art-Machine, you are truly inspiring. A fine artist of the 3D medium.
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    Aye good luck with the operation.

    Fantastic work. Looking forward to seeing more.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    I really like it, great colors. How are you planning on presenting it? are you going to have just stills or like a gentle 10 second camera pan with the focal point on the sun burst? If you wanted to blow everyone away you can rig that little fella up and do some animations of him flying around or landing, as well as the plant's tentacle whipping through the air.

    Really though, great colors. It adds to the fantasy element and it works really well. Can't wait for more :-)
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Have a speedy recovery mate and nice little blue.. thingies.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Kick ass as usual man!

    keep it up :).

    And yeah good luck with the operation. Hope you have a fast recovery!

    One thing that always looks cool with environment dioramas (ive mostly seen it done in 2d art though) it to actually have a chunk of dirt as a cut out, so you can see the underlaying levels of dirt. It Is just a nice way of capping off an enviro when it is so small, to make it look like it is intentionally that small.

  • Generalvivi
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    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    Loving the design of the plant and creatures! Looks ace!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I like the colors: bright yet not to bright also the variations in the flesh from red to blue - very nice.
    Maybe I should play at some time with that marmoset toolbag as well- most of the things I saw with it had nice lighting.
  • Farfarer
    Great stuff, dude. Love the design of the wee creatures and their colours.

    Can't wait to see the final piece with the base.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    lol this little guy rocks as hell!
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nice little dude :)
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Great stuff man! I love the little lizard guys, they remind me of little green anoles I used to have when I was younger. I cant wait to see the full scene. Hope the operation goes over well.
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    really nice stuff man! love the style
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    yea fantastic... love the vibrant colours and clean textures
  • vladino
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    vladino polycounter lvl 15
    Amazing! :) Love the small creatures and the vibrant colours.. good luk with the opertaion ;)
  • rasmus
    Sweet stuff, keep 'em coming.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    lookin really cool
  • Art-Machine
    Hey guys, Thanks for the words of support.
    The operation went smooth as ice. The recovery... Not so smooth today. Hoping it'll be behind me soon.
    How are you planning on presenting it? are you going to have just stills or like a gentle 10 second camera pan with the focal point on the sun burst? If you wanted to blow everyone away you can rig that little fella up and do some animations of him flying around or landing, as well as the plant's tentacle whipping through the air.
    I'm planning to just present still shots. If i could figure out how to get everything rotation in marmoset i might do a little turnaround though. As for rigging, never could find the patience for that, at least in Maya when i tried years ago. I want to try it again but those wing membranes might be too much for a noob rigger!
    One thing that always looks cool with environment dioramas (ive mostly seen it done in 2d art though) it to actually have a chunk of dirt as a cut out, so you can see the underlaying levels of dirt. It Is just a nice way of capping off an enviro when it is so small, to make it look like it is intentionally that small.

    Thanks for the links, i like the grassy hill. Yeah still not sure how to make the terrain since i want to show more than one angle. I'll think it over.

    Thanks again to all, I'll update soon as i'm able to use my desktop again.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Glad the operation went real well man :).

    Looking forward to the updates!
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    Looks great! I dig
  • DrillerKiller
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    DrillerKiller polycounter lvl 11
    Dude! this is some hot shit! i lovelovelove your colours!
  • slave_one
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    slave_one polycounter lvl 18
    Love it! Very nice design, great colors and beatifully executed, very inspirational. Creature looks very lifelike (if that is the correct expression). It's got that expression on its face you would expect from a creature like that, and nice anatomic features. Also nice to see something that stands out from what I usually see.

    Also, nice tip Muzz, might come in handy some day!
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Looking cool already, sense of there being a magical world there that makes me want to explore it. As far as presentation goes, whenever I go into Aggies and look at all those little new england, or dickens buildings and disney pieces I can't help but feel thats the best way to present these sort of little mini environments.

    I'm trying to do the same with my Conan scenes, just cut away everything that isn't adding to the scene but model everything that would make a whole scene, just let it be seen through a circle like magnifying glass.

    I think thats why people are calling out the notion of the grassy knoll, but that principal can be applied much broader than it is, it can be used to tell a story, show part of a path, basically it can be used to make people hungry for more.
  • woogity
    cool stuff chief i really like those lil lizards

  • Art-Machine
    Hey guys, I think i'm ready to call this one finished. I wanted to have a lot more plants going on at the base but ran into a lot of alpha sorting problems in marmoset. I think I'll have to start looking into other engines for future pieces requiring alphas, which is sad cuz it's nice lighting.

    The story to this scene is basically a desert in bloom, the little lizards are flying around to eat the spores that fill the sky this time of year.


    What do you guys think of this kind of presentation? I had to fight the urge to make it an endless sand field with a skybox, and really shrink it down to a small stage that makes those elements a given.
  • Art-Machine
    really nice stuff man! love the style
    Thanks HntrLuc, coming from someone who's characters kick my ass :poly136:
    Also nice to see something that stands out from what I usually see.
    Thanks for that, it's absolutely something i try to deliver.
    Looking cool already, sense of there being a magical world there that makes me want to explore it. ...basically it can be used to make people hungry for more. ...
    I should expect someone like you to totally get it like that. Definitely what i aim to do here is give you a peek at a world and set your imagination in motion and want to see more. :thumbup:

    Glad you guys continue to like my stuff. I already have an idea fermenting for the next one.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    I like it, its a nice lil piece....from the textures all the way to presentation, I think its well executed. not much I can see that I can critique...anything I could mention would just be nitpicky
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    i really like this piece dude, but there are some issues with the pedestal. some of it's subjective, so take it with a grain of salt.

    I'd chamfer the top loop of the cylinder, and just add some more polies overall. the hard lighting change (with the transition of smoothing groups / normals) from the wall of the cylinder to the top, as well as the jagged crack don't really read so much as 'naturally sudden and sharp', just low poly.

    the new brush you've added to the base of the flower doesn't really add anything. they kinda look out of scale with the larger flower, and look like they're presented in a completely different style, like the cutout of a photograph vs. the extremely clean centerpiece.

    that being said, this is still one of my favourite pieces i've seen on the boards recently. really cool, but the pedestal's quality has to be near equal, or it might as well not be there.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    ArtMachine: I have to say i really like your style of work.
  • Art-Machine
    Thanks guys.
    I'd chamfer the top loop of the cylinder, and just add some more polies overall. the hard lighting change (with the transition of smoothing groups / normals) from the wall of the cylinder to the top, as well as the jagged crack don't really read so much as 'naturally sudden and sharp', just low poly.

    the new brush you've added to the base of the flower doesn't really add anything. they kinda look out of scale with the larger flower, and look like they're presented in a completely different style, like the cutout of a photograph vs. the extremely clean centerpiece.
    Thanks for the feedback. For the outer surface of the base, i will be deleting it completely based on a friend's review. I wanted to fade the sand with an alpha but marmoset wouldn't hear of that with the other alphas going on already. As for the low poly-ness of the sunken pit, I'll see what i can do about that if it is that distracting.

    For the bushes, i will have to disagree and defend their existence. As you said the scale difference is strong and that's exactly why they're there. The Sunburst is a huge cactus-like plant at least 2 people tall. Knowing the lizards could be imagined to be any scale, i added those bushes to further communicate how big the Sunbursts are. For the photo-cut-out-ness, I'll see what i can do about that. Possibly the sharpen filter is working against them.

    Thanks for challenging me to push it a little more, I'll see what I can do. Here's a quick photoshoping to remove the base and fade the edges as i originally planned but was unable to do with alphas.


    Is this better guys? Let me know.
  • woogity
    beautiful work man, seems very personal to me for some reason.

  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • wisebrownmonkey
    great work. Shame i can't foliage/plants/trees this good.
    I am digging this mini scene! I really like the way you textured your flowers. Great job!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    The unwashed masses demand MOAR MINI ENVIRONMENTS.

    Ones with glowing mushrooms.
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Very cool man, this really turned out wonderful. Those lil lizards are still one of the coolest creatures I have seen in awhile. I know coldkodiak had some problems with alphas in marmoset during the domwar and after he got it worked out he posted up this little example, maybe it will help.
  • slave_one
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    slave_one polycounter lvl 18
    On the scale "issue" It is really difficult to get the right scaling across for a piece like this. Since it is all fantasy, it does not have anything we can relate size to. I guess the only good way to do this is to add a prop that we (humans) could identify as a scale reference object. Some extreme field of views and camera angles might also do the trick, but those are also difficult to find for a scene like this. Since you would want an overwiew of the whole thing I guess.

    In my humble opinion the low poly ground does not help. I think adding geomety there woud help a lot. The shape as it is now is too abrupt. I suggest smoothing out the form as well and make it less deep.

    I must admit that I was set off by the topic of the thread "mini environements" where I got the idea that that everythng was small in size (Like micro cosmos: ) Anyways I realize now that it means just a few things that make up an enviroment.

    Just my 2 cents and looking forward to the other things you have cooking !!
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