Hey everyone!
It has been a while since I last posted on this forum.
I have been busy working as an intern! Rawr! XD
Anyway, I got clearence to show some of the things I've been doing for the title I'm working on. So started to update my portfolio with things from Mortal Online!
Hopefully there will be more things from Mortal Online in there soon.
Hope you like it!
Cant wait to see more you've made from mortal Online.
By the way, that light in the mortal scene you have there now, is that just a plane with some alpha on it, or you did that light effect in photoshop?
Where are your grates at on the flat for the space station door? Are they in those dark colors? Why are they such a bright color in the render?
I'm really looking forward to the launch of this game, and your stuff is truly brilliant!