Saw the midnight showing. Not too bad. It fits in very well with the established XMen movie-verse. Better than X1 and 3 and just under X2.
That said, the other branded Marvel titles have far eclipsed the X-verse series in story telling and feel. I don't feel it was up to par with Hulk or Iron Man.
FINALLY a really good Sabertooth!

No more mindless animal, he is a cunning and very dangerous predator.
Wade Wilson... He made me smile.

A lot.

To the film's credit, it managed to hold my interest enough to prevent me from falling asleep. I was pretty bushed, so that's something. The portrayal of Wolverine was not quite what I would have wanted. The whole Weapon X arc from the comic is very, very dark. It shows a more brutalistic and savage side to Wolverine. You don't really get that at all from the movie. He is shown as one of the nicest and most humane characters in the film. Definitely not the quisinart that he apparently is in the video game.
The special effects pleased me. The way they had Sabertooth move at times was a bit akward at first. But when he gets into it it manages to come across as properly primal. There's this one scene where he is pouncing down a hallway that is especially nice. I was also very pleased with the actor that they chose for Sabertooth. I felt he did a much better job than the actor from the first X-Men film.
The inclusion of Wade Wilson was a plus. The only downside was that he doesn't get nearly as much mouth time as I would have liked. For as long as he does talk, they definitely play up the chatty nature of his character. I believe the actor they used for him is the same one who played "Van Wilder?" He was an effective and entertaining choice.
It's not going to rock your dramatic socks off. But I would say that it is worth seeing. I hardly need to say this, but wait for the credits to end. (this has become Marvel's MO for their films)
I really wanted to like it because I love me my comics but this felt like a bad 80's action movie. It even has the obligatory scenes of "Explosion behind main character as he walks away, explosion with character driving through it, and someone dying whispering about how 'cold' they are." Mainly lame sauce.
The more I think about it though, the more some things bother me, like what has been said above.
I really didn't like the way they handled Deadpool. I don't like his secret ending either. Pretty lame.
Gambit was pretty useless too. He didn't do anything that was specifically something only he could do. He really was just tossed in to appease the fanbase.
The intro credits were badass though. My favorite part.
be prepared for him only being in about 20 minutes of the film, if that...
Deadpool at the end is not played by Ryan Reynolds.
I love how hard it apparently is to write scripts of preexisting characters and not completely fuck them up.
But he was pretty cool in Wolverine. A really good match.
Given the way he looks at the end, this wouldn't surprise me. I was really disappointed in the way they addressed Deadpool's character at the end. They essentially took away his defining feature. What the hell were they thinking?
And I know they want people to relate to the character of Wolverine. But the violence in this film was way too tame for the character. After he undergoes his adamantium procedure, he just runs out of the building naked, and then befriends an old couple. You would think that someone who has a proclivity for animal rage would respond a tad differently when put through hellish traumatic pain. I was all fired up for the walls to be painted with the blood of bad guys. I was expecting a massacre. Talk about a let-down.
But at the same time, I can't stress how satisfying Sabertooth's performance was. I think he was the real stand-out in this film. He managed to convey an understated menace throughout. He would smile at the other characters, but you could never shake the feeling that he was staring at your throat. A snide, bullying veneer over a barely contained cauldron of savagery.
I suppose I should just go see it...I can squeeze in a midnight showing...
But it sounds like, for the most part, y'all enjoyed it?
I hated what they did to deadpool.
Wolverine has always been a freaking teddy bear compared to the comics, but it's not like that was a surprise.
Gambit was fine.
Agent Zero had some badass scenes.
I forgot to stay to the end of the credits.
Some really good cg, and some not so good. They actually managed to fuck up the motion tracking of the cg claws to his hands in one scene. Really obvious if you were looking at where they connect to his hands and it really bugged me. Should not have slipped through.
Xavier had a major facelift. Lay off the botox! (yes I know it was cg.)
I consider this the best of all the x men movies, but ya know... None of them were as good as they could have been if they'd stuck closer to canon.
(watched it while working, I guess it helps lowering the criticism!)
Overall I liked the movie. I can't place a finger on why I didn't think it was great, but it was a good action flick. I think I would have like to have seen more of them as the team. I also thought, based on the trailers, that there was going to be more of him through the generations.
Skanker: I thought the same thing about his woman
Wait a sec! Were there different after credits endings at different viewings?
All and all i want fox to give back the IP more now than before. Because to them this and x3 will be success's.
Best moment in the movie was after they showed his ass naked the sounds from the lady's, my wife included...
I don't know what happened, but somehow i first read this as an order to do chinups.
I'm going to, actually.
I've read the comics.
All the OC bullshit in them drove me away...
I was really hoping for a good movie since xmen have always been a letdown. My hopes were shattered again.
Quoted for truth!
the movi was ok not wfat wolverine could be, its the sort of character that needs a director like ridley scott 20=30 years ago
Victor pounced, I think my brain just blocked that. To lame to tolerate....
Yes if you read this correctly, you'll gather I liked the movie so much I had to change the topic.
I liked Gambit except the crappy accent, and I really liked Sabertooth in this one. Way better than before. Deadpool was ok, but
Ruined Deadpool!! Of all of the characters he had the most potential for a spin-off. Swords out of his arms was soooooo lame. covering his mouth so that they could have that one liner was retarded. He's "the merc with a mouth"!!
Skinny Fred was bad ass in the old group. They dropped the ball with the fat suit.
- BoBo
The movie was delayed about a year and a half, and I believe all the stuff involving Gambit was added during that time.. That's probably why he was so disposable and just.. wrong. I still feel like Josh Holloway would have nailed the role of Remy.
I felt like the entire movie was just hopping from character to character, with no real plot holding it together. At least the original xmen films had a storyline. I actually really liked X1 and X2.
And my last bit of annoyance... Xavier. Or, as I like to call him, Professor Uncanny Valley. Seriously.. If they couldn't get him on board, they should have went another avenue. Full screen HD shot of him and the less-than-stellar voice hurt IMO. When it came on screen, there were quite a few gasps of disbelief at the theater.
I won't say I hated it, but I'm definitely glad I didn't pay to see it.
I agree wholeheartedly. This speaks to one of the basic problems of this film. It started off so promising. The intro was fairly satisfying. They didn't harp on anything, they got the elements they needed and moved right along. They spliced the "war" scenes into the credits, and then its right into the Weapon X program. The Weapon X team was pretty cool, and violence abounded. Deadpool at the beginning of the movie was great. He was a witty, mouthy asshole who brought the blades.
And after that, everything just went downhill. The action and excitement fell off precipitously. The pacing just fell apart. When Deadpool comes back at the end of the film, they bone his character royally.
I still think that Victor Creed's portrayal was a high point for the film. Of course, even his dialogue turned to rubbish near the end.
This was one of those instances where I went into the theatre with my expectations lowered in advance. Partially due to the nature of the previous X-Men film. And partially because I'm very jaded where the modern film industry is concerned. The whole film was Marvel fan-service, and could be enjoyed on that level.
If I'm not mistaken, the film is #1 at the box-office at the moment. A testament to the popularity of the franchise and the lead actor. But then it isn't unusual these days to see critically panned films knocking down solid sales numbers. Just look at the Resident Evil film franchise.
I mean if u want to see a better film watch Hulk vs.
I hope they can make the next one way more brutal.
Nah, it just does not have much in the way of competition right now.
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Obsessed, 17 Again, Hannah Montana.... Something has to be #1. Doesn't mean it's great.
Lee: It was actually cheaper for me to see the midnight showing than wait for a DVD rental. XD
Hulk VS is awesome.
Hope Marvel takes more control of the Deadpool and Magneto movies.
Godzero they probably have claim to every character that has appeared in Xmen, Uncanny Xmen, Xforce, New Mutants, Xfactor... So yeah it's quite extensive. I'm surprised they haven't tried making a Cable movie yet.