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Neox godlike master sticky
Soooo after a good decade we have removed the dust of this very special project that sorta kickstarted many of our careers.
I am happy to call many of the people we worked with back then my friends and colleagues. It has been quite a ride.


Follow me to the last page for the latest updates



Here is where the history lesson starts:


As we are moving closer to our first demo, i thought it might be time to start a dump for all our stuff over here...

So first of all what is Airbørn (not Airborne, more like born in the air, with a propeller as the o, awsum isn't it? :D)?
Airborn is a universe we are working for well, humm... quite some time i think 2 of us started experimenting with the world in 2006 maybe late 2005 i'm not sure, so it went quite a long way from the first ideas and artworks to what it is now.
Airborn plays in a steampunkish (sort off early industrial, more brutal then the fine victorian steampunk) world quite a while after the World collapsed from over exploitation.

Our first Demo will take place in a story around Piño (he got the name after he was designed, as at first his projectname was just "boy" and a lot of people said "oh he looks just like Pinocchio" and also posta and niño - courier boy)
it's been done with Unreal Tournament 3, we created almost every asset from ground up, as the unreal assets didn't help us much (as opposed to some other mods that are way further but can reuse assets, like animations, shader etc) the only assets we reused are sounds, but even those will be replaced if we win at least a little amount of money at MSUC ;)

http://nonpublic.airbørn.de/wip/neox/boy01/09.jpg an earlier design from 2006
outlines5.jpgnewer image should update to the latest build but i'm too lazy :P we worked on the colors and changed some details
boy_04.jpg the zbrush sculpt

he wants to be a postman just like his father was (more about that story part later ;) ), he is living with his grandparents


only one of them is modelled yet.


the first demo will take place on one small part of his home island, the harbour of said island


we are currently working to get the rough framework to be ready to add more
environment and gameplay, so the first demo will mostly be just about the artdirection, you will be able to walk around look at stuff, do some veeeeeeeery basic gameplay (really not much, so don't expect too much).

so i guess i just opened a junk yard for all our stuff, going to post a brief history of the enemy design later in a seperate post, i guess this is enough for now to give an overview.

you can see some of the other stuff over at moddB:



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Love it :)
    You guys have done some great work. Hope it all comes together as planned, should be fun. I should ask Flavius to show me some stuff, is he still doing shaders or scripting for you?
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    love it this reminds me......
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Loving the style Neox. Been seeing bits and pieces of this for quite some time and cant wait to check it out.

    Great job and good luck!
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    @mop flavius has been a major part on the "get things running" - we wouldnt have been able to do stuff we can do now. so im very grateful :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    ok and here we go with a brief history of the enemy design

    so it all started with a steamgun for them by me


    then a first idea that fit into the universe


    and based on this new elements for the uniforms some of them made it in the final designs, even if it's just the idea and not the original shape we had in this sketch by dario


    then johannes started doing some uniform and ship sketches which went more into the direction we liked



    so based on that we developed a scout unit which is skinnier and a bit taller then the usual soldier, has light weapons but flies his own scoutship



    based on that i played a bit more with the shapes and values to get a more military feeling



    an overpaint of the mask


    the basemesh


    and a first sculpt


    and the latest version, i tweaked the spec a bit more bt no screenshots of that for now


    and some more designs

    a supportclass that generates steam for the other soldiers guns and has the ammunition, the idea of his is a movable ammunitionbox ingame, this guy has more armor but is slow and once you have him down, the others will get out of ammo over time


    and the brute, as the name says this guy hurts big times, when he hit's you you are almost gone, so better get out of his way, but he will be wuite slow, so you can get past him (hiow slow is tweaking, we will work on this once we have the first fighting basics settled)


    and i did a first sculptsketch of him in mudbox for a autodesk presentation was surprised about the optical quality of mudbox, some really nice features, but i'll work more on him in zbrush, i just need my retopo tools

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    @all other airborn helpers: now it's jour turn to join and fill this thread :D

    @Mop: shaders are mostly my part, flavius is the awesome dude that ties all this together, really i doubt we could even walk around without his help
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    That last image is great, he's just oozing character. Really inspirational stuff so far.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Fantastic, as always!!
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    love every bit of it, awesome stuff.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    God I love art dumps, awesome work
  • e_x
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    e_x polycounter lvl 18
    Really awesome stuff guys.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    simply amazing. the support class guy rocks my face. some of the vehicles remind me a bit of a comic series from heavy metal called "keepers of the maser" by Frezzato. defiantly worth checking out.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Oh man, I love those character sketches - so much style and quality, it's great :)

    This guy is my favourite!
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    glorious work, as always guys.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    The Brute sculpt is absolutetly awesome. Fucking John-K, George Liquor awesome.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17

    beautiful stuff guys
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    looks nice. great concepting and realization
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    looks better than most retail stuff. I can't wait until this is finished. amazing work.
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Great stuff guys, all the vehicles and things on the modDB page are awesome. Cant wait for the demo :).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    That steam guy is a really great idea! So is this gonna have sorta a mix between TF2 and 3rd person action/adventure gameplay? Are we gonna have maps where we can jump in and out of ships and go flying around? Who is animating on the project with you guys, or are you doing it yourselves?

    I wish I could download the demo on the first day, new laptop first methinks lol.
  • katzeimsack
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    katzeimsack polycounter lvl 18
    I wish I could download the demo on the first day, new laptop first methinks lol.
    it's running fine on most setups :)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    chucking brilliant, cant wait
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    it's running fine on most setups :)

    i have like 35fps constantly on my laptop, and there is nothing optimized yet, no lod or anything, we might add some simple options for now, but not sure about that.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    fantastic stuff Neox and team!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    its more like team an neox i only did a few characters and shaders :P
  • morte
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    Ever since i saw that little guy I literally fell in love in this project- great style and awesome execution! give us more!
    Those sketch strokes are directly paint on the texture or is it some shading trick?
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    You lazy german!
  • Calypso75
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    Calypso75 null
    Neox wrote: »


    I suppose you baked the lighting in a separate program since it's not possible to bake global illumination using the lighting system in the UT3 editor build.

    How were you able to set up the scene in the program you baked the lightmaps in, and then set it up exactly the same in the unreal editor after you imported it in so that the lightmaps you created would match up perfectly.

    Also, do the lightmaps you baked outside the unreal editor act correctly? For example, if a dynamic object were to land into a shadowed area of the lightmap would the object darken?
  • pixelchaot
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    pixelchaot polycounter lvl 17
    my part at the moment...

    asian trader

    only a ruff wip...shame on me :)
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    This looks great, reminds me slightly of studio ghibli for some reason, i think its the character variation.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i take this as a compliment, of course ghibli and also frezzato are inspirations to this project, it's not like invented something totally new, it's just our take :)
  • carlo_c
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    I've loved keeping up with your stuff as you've posted it in the waywo thread and the way your pushing the UE3 engine is really impressive stuff :)

    Can't wait to see more!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    it's running fine on most setups :)

    I can't run the UT3 editor or Unreal Tournament III on my laptop...might Airborn work?

    Great character pixelchaot, he has a lot of character, especially in the eyes!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    ok if you can't run ut3 it's not going to work, ut3 is definitely the minimum that needs to run if you want to start airborn
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Just want to pop in and say I have been a fan of this stuff since the beginning, and I am still inspired by it. Great stuff.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Man o man, such inspiring work. Will this be a free mod for UT3? Shit I need to get it
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    beautiful stuff, really love the drawings!
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I see soldiers. Are their gonna be any epic ships to go with them ;]
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    This is totally what kind of workflow I need to get going! Great mix of style and realistic proportions.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    fantastic stuff guys, really :) I'm soo found of the style you developed on this project !

    I can feel the "Les gardiens du Mazer" from frezzato touch here and there, and it's great. One of my favorite "EU comics" ever.

    Now I want to finish my pirate !

    Keep rockin !
  • LoJack
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    LoJack polycounter lvl 12
    every part of this project has had me crazy for it since the beginning. really great looking stuff you guys, love it :)
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Absolutely fantastic Airborn team... great inspiration!
  • frubes
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    post the hamster thing you did neox, loved watching that little thing come together in your zbrush walkthrough. Really really like the art style, its so refreshing. I would love to know a bit more about the game itself, is it some sort of exploration game or action adventure, maybe something else.

    Keep it up guys, great teamwork :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    thanks for the kind words, this builds up a litle pressure i hope we can deliver what you guys think it will be ;)

    @johnnyraptor: it's a mod, so it is free (hehe if anyone comes with a big bag full of money, we wouldn't mind, but seriously it's more likely that someone of us or all together get hit bi a lightning), but really don't expect too much the first release will be FAR from finished, we try to polish what we can in time but it's really not going to be much, it is more a glimpse of what may come :)

    @whats_true: not yet but yes, the rough roadmap is first island get the ground gameplay settled, then start with the air gameplay, but this will take some time and i'm not sure if we can add a huge airship in that time.

    @frubes: your word is my order

    about the game: this episode around pino is planned to be a mix of action adventure (like zelda) and 3rd person flight action, we will have a border between those two but it's unclear how thin it will be, right now we planned for obvious worktime reasons to have the flightmode on some sort of minimap, so we don't need to detail every island as much as we would need it to be when you can walk around on them. but with realscale dogfights inbetween.
    It's not sure how good this will work out but right now we don't see that we can make anything in a reasonable time if we have to detail every tiny bit of an island you just fly over, your jet won't be able to stop so there won't be much time to look around while flying anyways.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    This really reminds me of Megaman Legends (1 and 2), god knows why :P
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Friggin badass work, Neox!

    Amusingly enough Champions does something similar with its outlining, I think it lends to a really awesome overall look.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Calypso75 wrote: »
    I suppose you baked the lighting in a separate program since it's not possible to bake global illumination using the lighting system in the UT3 editor build.

    How were you able to set up the scene in the program you baked the lightmaps in, and then set it up exactly the same in the unreal editor after you imported it in so that the lightmaps you created would match up perfectly.

    Also, do the lightmaps you baked outside the unreal editor act correctly? For example, if a dynamic object were to land into a shadowed area of the lightmap would the object darken?

    I'm curious about this as well. Any info you could give on the lighting solution you guys are using?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i'm not that much into the whole environment process so all my answers might not be totally right, so what i know

    Manuel is baking the lightmaps with maya, i built a directional lightmap shader that takes the normalmap into account for blending the lightmaps, i did this with the help of some technical documents from siggraph i think, most of nthe stuff we did is based on the research in siggraph papers, most of it didn't work out in motion :D

    as for the second question, we just have 2 UV Layouts one with the tzextures and one for the lightmaps and blend those together in a shader, there might be a slight offset between the ingame lighting and the prerendered lightmaps, but really unless it's like a big angle its a non existing issue to me.

    the lighting won't effect the player models as far as i'm concerned but we could trigger that once we have the lighting settled, i think this is the way they did it in Naruto Ultimate Ninjastorm on PS3 too, it has a slight blend to dark once you hit the shadowline no matter if it's only your foot or the whole body in that shadow.
    I don't think we will get that functionality in that milestone, but i think it is the easiest ways (besides using beast which we don't own ;) ) to do that kind of stuff, unles anyone else knows a better way.
  • Polyjunky
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    Polyjunky greentooth
    Love it. Awesome stuff here.
  • katzeimsack
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    katzeimsack polycounter lvl 18
    as steffen said, just lightmaps baked in maya, nothing fancy. This workflow isn't the best, but we can't buy beast for our mod :(
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