So, I've been working on this guy here for the last couple of days, need crits and comments to make him look menacing and shit, like the real Wandy.
And here;s the moodboard
Let's get it on!
MAde the eyes closer to each other, and some minor adjustments to the nose.
Still got loads to do before moving on to a higher sub level.
/edit doh, forgot the pic
Need to put some facial hair and skin pores on...
Here is the latest update, it's around 2000 tris (I know, it's a bit much) and I'm currently working on the textures.
Unfortunately, he looks more like a near-future cop/soldier with a weird shoulderpad than post apocalyptic. Will probably work on making the armour a bit less symetric and add obscure tinkets and stuff on it. Plus more dirt. Definitely more dirt.
The concept is mainly a paint over, from 3d pieces which I'll post sortly.
So, in effect, I put the body, the pad and the head together and painted over them.
Crits and ideas and even paintovers if you can get bothered are very welcome
Any crits and/or ideas about the boots in particular are welcome!
:P I'll have to disagree.
However, their ugly ass mugs look good on videogames though.
I was actually thinking about creating a similar character a few months ago, only using Chuck Liddell's likeness for the head, but then I played L4D and saw that Valve beat me to it :P
On the subject of the boots, personally I find they are clashing with the rest of the design. His boots seem to look like they're astronaut boots, while the rest of clothes are very mad max-ish
Heh you know, that's the direction I was working for - I'm going to texture them to be very old and grungy and stuff, so that they tell a story, like he's salvaged them from a destroyed aircraft or something, because he's supposed to be a post apocalyptic warrior/raider etc...
Added some dirt, grime, wear n tear, gotta do some more dirt actually for the feet.
/edit oh yeah, don't have a real specular on it yet.
Did some minor changes, finished the spec map and calling it done till I create the knife/knife case thingy for the leg and a huge axe + rigging and posing.
Vrav, yeah, the spec made the pants a bit too clean, for sure. Will work on both the diffuse and spec to make them look worn out a bit more.