Long time no post. But here's something I worked on for the competition over at game-artist.net.
Collaboration between Ilya Nedyal, Alina Gal and Steven Chagnon.
A real time game scene which will fit into movie Blade Runner.
In Game screenshots from inside CryEngine 2.
There is no post work done in photoshop other than resizing and cropping.

Models: Steven Chagnon & Ilya Nedyal
Textures: Steven Chagnon & Alina Gal & Ilya Nedyal
Contact information:
Steven Chagnon -
www.whitealiendork.com - stevenchagnon(at)gmail.com
Alina Gal -
www.alinagal.com - alina.gal87(at)gmail.com
Ilya Nedyal - inedyal(at)gmail.com
Blade Runner is my favorite movie.
How is it using the CryEngine? Seemed to go pretty damn well for you guys.
Any major bugs or issues? I've never used it before but looks like it works out pretty nicely.
Quality work mates!
yeah, thats nice.
I wants me a new Blade Runner game!
Very well detailed out very, and well lit!
If theres one nagging thought I have its that a post porcess overlay to tie some of the colours more comfortably together might be nice to really capitalise on the cinematic quality of the thing. Fincher always does a good job of this, as does Scott, might be worth a fiddle for fun if you still have the passion for the thing.
Either way, fantastic work.
Real nice!
Can you explain how the normal maps were created? Im guessing they were derived from a greyscale height map based on the 2d texture? or was it an application used? They seem so well created that It looks like they were baked down from a high poly sculpt but I guess thats not the case...
Awesome work.
I would guess by looking at them, that its a combination of highpoly + bumpmaps. I think there are some areas that its very obviously baked, and others that look like classic bumpmap stuff.
The mood, the dirtiness, its all there. Looks like you used the cryEngine well.
Its a total inspiration to go do an environment!
I have only one crit - more like a suggestion.
For the sake of composition, you guys could try to take the police car and move it closer to the camera so that it gives the impression of passing by the viewer. At the moment it feels really stuck in the middle of the scene, which give somewhat of a scale model diorama feel (trying to squeeze everything in).
Bringing some action through composition would really make the scene even more convincing I think. You could very well just show half of it, the other chunk being offscreen.
Hope this helps!!
Ofcourse it is
G3L : We used CryEngine 2, we were going to use the Unreal engine, but neither of us had much experience with it and its lighting system other than placing a few lights to make pictures for clients. We didnt have the time to learn how to use it properly or to wait for baking the lights , so CryEngine was the perfect solution for us with a WYSIWYG engine.
ScoobyDoofus : Its possibility for later.
A.Kincade : No major issues from my side and I dont think Ilya had any either. The only downside was a limit on the amount of lights we could use which makes sense if youre making a game but a downside for us. Ilya had to scale back the amount of lights the scene was using.
For me it was the easiest engine to learn so far.
Kevin Johnstone,Peris,pior : I'm going to do another pass on the scene in a few days ,we got a paintover from a friend with a slightly different composition ideas, generel color and mood. Should look better if I do it right
Microneezia : Actually everything is modeled in those normal maps, theres some shots of the highpolys on game-artist.net