Greetings... is nearing the completion of the open source game engine Zen Engine.
It has some fantastic capabilities as far as support for shaders, particles, dynamic clouds, moving water, physics, etc, but we're in desperate need for artistic types to work their magic and make it visually look awesome.
We can help with whatever technical requirements / assistance you may need in getting your artwork in the game engine, and we have several people capable of writing / tweaking shaders to improve the lighting and shadows.
We would like to provide a small set of sample games / levels that demonstrate the gameplay and graphics capabilities of the game engine.
The type of talent we need includes an art director, environmental artist(s), 3d character modeling and animating, etc.
Since this is not a commercial project and it's free, open source software, we do not have the funds to pay.
Our website gets up to several thousand hits per day (and we expect this to increase as the popularity of the engine increases). We do not normally advertise on our site, but we will provide links to your portfolio / resume on our front page as well as prominiately display your name in the credits of the game engine demos in exchange for your help.
Feel free to post a response here, in our forums under the help wanted section, or e-mail me at trichards at indiezen dot org.