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mudbox: edge padding on mirrored seams?

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rooster mod
using mudbox for painting, I tend to find when I have a mirrored model, and paint down the center, there's no edge padding- I can see occasional bits of pixels that the paint hasnt caught down the seam edge.

My uv's are on top of each other atm- if I move them off 1 unit, half the model is a different colour in mudbox and it helpfully informs me that some uvs are off on another area

any ideas?

here is mudbox's helpful error message

This mesh has multiple UV tiles (shown in different colors). To maximize performance, Mudbox allows you to manage which tiles are in memory. To load a tile for painting (or to unload it), hold the cursor over the tile and press ''

anyone know wtf ' !! ' is supposed to mean?

edit2: moving the uvs by 1 does solve the edge padding, but I can't figure out how to make both sides display the texture.. one side is a solid colour. the help file says ' position the cursor over the texture tile region and click the Up arrow key ' but that aint doing jack shit

... ok. so ctrl and up displays both sides, but the painting isnt mirrored anymore, each side is painting to a unique texture! argh


  • pior
    Online / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah Mud2 is quite broken for 'game style' UV painting. I grabbed the email of one of the demo guys at GDC, we agreed I'll send him all the broken mud2009 stuff. Maybe if you take a few screenshots I could send this along aswell. I ran into the same problem last week or so, with the same weird error.
  • rooster
    Offline / Send Message
    rooster mod
    I think I can just about live with it for now, I'll just have to manually clean up the seams.. (but dammit that's what 3d painting is for :P. maya to the rescue..)
    I'll take a screen next time i run into problems :). there's also some weird jaggedy line stuff that occasionally shows up

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