xnormal shots. Looks like the concept art now yey me!
I think I'm gonna finish the texturing, do some minor rigging, and call it done with this thing. There's three things really that I've realized today:
1. I can't compete with the guys who know how to render super fucking awesome in maya or whatnot.
2. I can't get under 10,000 tris without some major cuts (like a critter and a leg), and I like this thing just how it is.
and 3. I just need a game asset for portfolio anyways. Dom war doesn't really have much to do with making game art, and more about making pretty pictures, so our dance comes to an end.
Being unemployed, and in this economy, I really, really need some work done and this has been a month of work with my dwindling unemployment.
I'll finish up making it sexy and polished, but I want to move on to the next thing so I can shop my portfolio moar.
konstruct> I'm hoping to make a sexy pose for you.
She's cool! I like the shape of the stuff on her head.
Reminds me of a pillory (wich makes her look more naughty).
Too bad you have to live the comp.
Good luck for you research.
Dagh that's a bummer to hear cold- but if it makes you feel any better I`m in the same boat. Im kind of banking on the chance that there will be a two week deadline extension. I dunno. check your pm
this does beg the question tho- why not try and learn some rendering skills? you figure you spent all this time learning how to make 3d art, why not develop a skill that allows you to pimp that shit out to the max?
sad man, very sad, im with u on the rendering tho, some people can make thier stuff look 10x better than it is in brazil or mray. Anyways its a tight character and the critter is the best so never lose him! gl with the portfolio!
Rens> Thanks buddy
garagarape> THanks for revealing your fetishes with us! I appreciate your sentiments, thank you.
Belltann> Yeah, I'd tough it out if I really was in a better place, but I have to get my life in order first. Thanks for stopping by
konstruct> Oh I intend to learn and beef up my rendering skills. I'll be ready for next year. But I feel my time is best spent making assets right now. My financial situation isn't dire just yet, but I really have to utilize my time right now, especially right now.
I also feel that my entry isn't quite good enough to really go anywhere in the final line up, so no point is going all the way this year either.
woogity> yup, rendering really is the last threshhold guardian for this comp, and I'm just not there this year.
As an aside, I'm going to release this character for marmo when it's done. That engine is really cool.
shame you're not going to enter this into the domwar, nice to know you're going to finish it up though, it looks great - and personally I think if you polished up the textures and gave a cool pose, it could easily be a contender for a top spot.
You know, I looked at some others guys who are in the same situation, and they're going to pose it and do a pose reduce afterward. I think if did that, it could work (the final wire is going to be fugly though). I'm going to finish the texturing first though, then I'll figure out what i can do from there. I guess I've come this far, might as well turn something in. I can't dedicate an ass ton of time though. Blagh.
too bad your not gona go on with the war. i really liked this design. but its understandable, no job(but i am surprised your not employed looking at your current folio), need portfolio quick. good luck tho!
Being unemployed, and in this economy, I really, really need some work done and this has been a month of work with my dwindling unemployment.
Sorry to hear that! I'm in the same boat and it's not looking too good for anyone right now. Well, Ah-nuld to the rescue. And with the largest graduating class ever from College and High School in the next couple of months, the saturation of people looking for work will increase.
The additional up-to-20 weeks of benefits under the Federal-State Extended Duration benefits program known as FED ED will be fully paid by federal economic stimulus funds through the end of the year. An estimated 469,000 people will benefit from the program, pumping close to $3 billion dollars into the California economy in 2009.
The FED ED extension is retroactive to February 22, 2009 when Congress passed the federal stimulus package. Only about 1,000 claimants have exhausted their second extensions so far. The same will occur for another estimated 76,000 claimants on April 11. EDD aims to have the necessary programming in place by mid-April so representatives can automatically notify eligible claimants, file their claims, and pay the benefits.
In order to qualify, unemployed workers must first use all of their regular UI benefits as well as the up to 33 weeks of additional benefits currently available through a first and second federal extension. This third round of federal extension This third round of federal extension benefits raises the total of UI available for unemployed workers to 79 weeks of benefits.
Anyway, I love your character. You could always make a separate file and get that guy down some polys. Have one for your portfolio and a tweaked one for Domwar. You could look at getting your character into this competition is free advertising. Today, every little bit counts.
Zatoichi> dude you're totally right. I've decided that I'll just wring marmoset for everything it is worth, and turn the best I can do in.
texture is wip. Pose I'm gonna decide after I make the base and bg. Need to fix some rigging anyways.
Ok, lame as it is, I'm back in, but I'm just going to make the beauty shot something ridiculous in marmo. I'm gonna stick to the game art side of all this shit.
btw, I'm not forgetting wires, I'll post em after everything else, mainly cause they'll probably be changing towards the end a bit.
Very cool! I'm glad you plan on finishing.
I see what Mezz is saying as well. If the final pose is going to be like this the weighting doesn't feel quite right with the cute little puppy dog way off to the right like that. Though maybe that will fix itself with the pedestal/background.
Zatoichi> dude you're totally right. I've decided that I'll just wring marmoset for everything it is worth, and turn the best I can do in.
texture is wip. Pose I'm gonna decide after I make the base and bg. Need to fix some rigging anyways.
Ok, lame as it is, I'm back in, but I'm just going to make the beauty shot something ridiculous in marmo. I'm gonna stick to the game art side of all this shit.
btw, I'm not forgetting wires, I'll post em after everything else, mainly cause they'll probably be changing towards the end a bit.
Hey dude, i think the bigest problem with the texture now is contrast and material separation. Its really hard for me to tell different materials atm, it all sort of blends in as one material with different colors. I think you have a bit too much fine detail, and its noising it up too much. I'de reduce that and work on some mid/lower level detailing to make stuff pop out a bit more. I know it can be a bit of a pain doing this without a gloss map, but you just need to really focus on the content in the specular/diffuse. Smooth simple colors for shiny, metalic surfaces, high spec. Really low spec for skin, split the mesh up into separate chunks for the skin if you can, to use the skin shader + a little fresnel and low spec. IF you can split up different elements like leather and metal onto separate chunks that would be good too, then you can use different sharpness settings.
Post up/PM me a copy of the .mesh and TGAs if you'de like some detailed, marmoset specific crits.
Sure thing Eq. Let me get a pass on the base, and I'll put together that stuff for you.
I have to admit the amount of options I have with marmo has thrown me off a bit, not exactly sure where I need to land things, between all the options and the lighting setup. It's a very cool artist friendly engine though, you guys should be proud over there.
Beltman> thnx dude
Mezz> I think I'm gonna try a couple different poses and let you guys decide.
garagarape> never give up, never beerrender!
woogity> lol
Eventide> I actually kind of want to have the puppy kind of timid, like hiding in between her legs, but I'm trying to figure out how that would work without covering it up too much.
Again, I'll make a bunch of poses and see what you guys like
more in a bit. Also, as I've said, if you guys think I'm doing something retarded, please tell me. I prefer straight up 'this sucks' crits than trying to butter things up. Tell me what you want to see!
I really like the colors and the way the model turned out all together. great execution on all fronts. I do agree with everything EQ said- its like the HP and bake were great- and your colors are awesome- its just how everything catches light makes it all kinda muddy. Like it would be nice if your metals had some really nice crisp highlights. and maybe if some of the skin parts, especially around the creatures mouth where it would be all gooey an gross to crank the spec power, so you have some nice tight areas of super gloss that look all slick and wet.
also I`m not sure what stage this is at yet but I`m always fighting with my presentation skills. I feel the lighting is hurting the over all end piece, plus why the purple BG? Is that the default in momo? and if it is, WTF EQ :P something more neutral might be better suited.
some nice warm/cool lighting composition always seems to make stuff sing. And lastly I feel like the pose could be better. something a little more dynamic like she just dropped down off of a high ledge and her weight is distributed a little more flamboyantly.
*also I know its probably too late but the head piece looks like stone kind of. mainly due to the shape being a silhouette defining form, and that form having some pretty organic modulations in it. Correct me if I`m wrong but I though the head was supposed to be a large metal helmet, on top of some horns right? I guess (and this all depends on how willing you are to go back) but modeling wise it might be good to address this.
I dunno that's all I got- but I`m pretty blown away with this altogether.
Agree with everything Konstruct. I'm really going to tweak all the textures and stuff tomorrow. I played with separating things a bit more and playing with individual chunks in marmo. Already see good directions I can go. Btw it is a helmet, draped over horns, it's just hard to see the way light hits it and the angles I've been showing for the most part.
My final comp I think is going to be a stone stair case with some rubble pillars on the sides. Already tried making it, but decided I'd like the pose down first. I'm going to add some rain effects, waterish effects, and a fake backdrop for maro and some other things. I'm trying to think of how to execute all of it so it ties in with Pizna's and Cerb story.
also decided to use my glow card for some fire flies that buzz around Pizna. Don't want too much glowing things though, but something to add character atmosphere.
some poses, see what you guys think. I'm thinking something like 2 for the main pose (but maybe pull the leg back, or move the weight down on it as if she was stepping down more like in 1), and 3 or 4 for the beauty shots.
Looking great so far cold! Pose number 2 is definitely my fav overall but her attitude and hand placement in 4 is really great, a combo of the 2 could look pretty sick. If you plan to use 3 and 4 for beauty shots I think you will need to mess with the placement of the lil guy because in number 3 he really blends right into the chars arm and thigh area. Also something you might want to try is bending her toes up on the front foot to help ground it. Because in all of the poses that foot seems like its just a solid block thats kinda floating. Keep it up!
I like the arm position on 1 and the general pose of 2. If you could rotate her toward the demon dog a little so she's not straight on but more of a 3/4 shot but face her head toward the camera so she's engaging the viewer and pushing some attention on the dog.
Straight on shots always kind of bug me, seems to rob the character of a little depth and seems to read more like a mug shot than a nice oil painting.
Great work and it will probably play well either way you take it
heh, # 2 looks reminds me of the weird stance in Wing Chun/Tsun kung fu. Looks like she's about to put the smack down. Very cool.
Would be interesting to add a bit more story to the stance, like have her right hand doing a Bruce Lee index finger 'come here'/'bring it!' sort of pose. Many possibilities. However, right now just concentrate on the textures and pose it later.
Looking fantastic and love the 'Hellraiser' meets Katsuya Terada feel of this!
nrek> I'm going to try something different with her arms, their current placement hides a bit too much right now. Her feet will definately be planted when the base is done.
I'm pretty much going to repose her and cerb a little with the base.
Rens> Agrreeed Thnx
Vig> I'm thinking the same. A straight on shot is a little boring. Maybe twist it a little, and turn their heads towards an item of interest or the camera.
Woogity> kool
Zatoichi> THanks dude. I totally want to add more story to the pose.
Muzz> She can extend about 160*, but it starts to tear a little.
The knee has been bugging me, I need to fix that in the rig. Also the rare w/o helmet shot.
I've been working on materials, and seperating elements a bit more. Look for a pm soon EQ.
Here's my base wip. Everything here is very wip. I'm going to fray these flesh rags up a bit for some more negative space, and I think I'm going to make one of them our venerable greentooth. Still trying to figure out how to get the ambient map working, so I can lightmap the base a bit.
Cool dude, she is creepy as hell without her helmet on. Nice idea for the base, but I think you could do without the pillar on the right side. Keeping the base smaller will let you get closer to the character in all of your shots. And putting anything semi interesting on that pillar will just draw your attention away from the character, at least with the other pillar it pulls your eye past your character while still keeping your focus in the general area. An alternative to removing it altogether might be to break it off pretty low and just have the broken base of it remain. Anyways these are just a few thoughts. Definitely going to be a sweet piece when its finished .
nrek> You were spot on. I've totally changed the idea of the base up, and I think it helps with my story part of this piece too.
zera> Thnx dude
Playing with marmo's setting yields some nice results:
What I'm thinking for the beauty shot. Note the glaring errors here and there. That will be fixed on final (seperate materials are not in this render either). I'm going to have to paint out 8monkey's water mark, but I'll make sure to make it clear this thing is rendered in marmo on the construction sheet.
this is looking great, one crit - nothing seems to be really catching the specular except your characters skin which just looks almost completely white, I would expect some of the edges on the armour to have some more sharp shine, right now its all quite flat and I dont think that does your high poly justice
the more i look at your characters bizarre head the more i like it, its a damn cool design for a dream/ psychic baised character, because i feel like physically i have a hard time pictureing her kicking ass. the little pet is for the physical stuff i suppose, the mouth...its like a killer whale and a bulldog mated so nasty.
nrek> kept going i did
Ged> yeah I changed up the materials a bit. This is something I've learned a lot about this time around. I need to concept more with this sort of thing in mind- materials and texture.
fei> I'm glad I just went and finished up anyways. Should never let defeat creep into the mind.
woogity> thanks dude. I think out of all things I really try to focus on character, so I'm glad you dig it. I know my stuff is weird to some people, but my thing is to make a character that'd be interesting to watch and interact with hopefully.
Anyways, I'm going to head towards san fran on tues or Wednesday for a break from art stuff for awhile. I'm going to turn things in on the original due date, unless something major is picked upon here.
Great work Cold! I really like how your presentation sheets turned out. My only real crit would be that in the shot with the white background her shin, top of breast, and parts of the pet totally fade away into the white. That might be intentionally to give the dream sense, idk. And the orange outer glow on the greentooth logos makes them look kinda like a blurry lowrez image. But I don't think either of those 2 points are all that bad. So enjoy your vacation, you earned it :thumbup:.
Cool stuff man. I hope this does well, its one of the most original entrys I have seen.
I kinda liked the pic of her with the pillars more, she looks like the witch trying to lure you into her gingerbread house. the other one she looks like she is running away from battle. just something to think about.
awesome man id like to see some sort of background to the presentation shot it looks kinda flat with the flat grey. im super happy you finished this i remember you were feeling that you might for a bit there.
Wow, congrats on truly finishing in time! Great presentation. The pose is the only thing that pops to me as being a little off-kilter. Man, the head piece came out badass... Have fun in San Fran, hit me up if you wanna hang out, that's where I'm at.
Hey guys, I fixed up the presentation shot. I had to make a fake greenscreen in marmo to change up the background, but it worked well enough.
Reexported the images to clean up greentooth in all of them.
On the butterflies> They are supposed to be emissive the problem is marmo doesn't really have a proper emissive slot, so I have to fake it sorta, and use alpha testing to kill the alpha. So that means it doesn't glow properly, it also explains why the fireflies basically disappear in marmo. Hopefully that'll get patched or fixed someday.
Btw, thanks everyone, especially those who kept giving crits all along the way. That was cool, and you know who you are It really helped me out.
clee> I think next model will be way better, cause yeah. I think the texture on this thing is basically ass compared to what other people are doing.
I honestly learned a bunch doing this thing. I could write a post mortem which basically says know wtf your design is about before you start modeling.
also the last image is just for fun, but also is supposed to show the parts of the model you wouldn't see otherwise. I just made her holding cerber by the leg, but it isn't shown. Basically its really hard to get her to wrap her hand around his foot with the way I rigged it, so I hid it more or less. lol. eh?
Anyways, I got more work for polycount coming. I like this place... very cozy.
Yeeah man- glad to see you finish this 100%! The blue butterflys add a nice accent color, and the use of the polycount logo is solid.
also I dont think I ever stated that her face under the mask gives me the heebie jeebies. maybe post that at a real low opacity over the "lost your mind" text
No crits from me
xnormal shots. Looks like the concept art now yey me!
I think I'm gonna finish the texturing, do some minor rigging, and call it done with this thing. There's three things really that I've realized today:
1. I can't compete with the guys who know how to render super fucking awesome in maya or whatnot.
2. I can't get under 10,000 tris without some major cuts (like a critter and a leg), and I like this thing just how it is.
and 3. I just need a game asset for portfolio anyways. Dom war doesn't really have much to do with making game art, and more about making pretty pictures, so our dance comes to an end.
Being unemployed, and in this economy, I really, really need some work done and this has been a month of work with my dwindling unemployment.
I'll finish up making it sexy and polished, but I want to move on to the next thing so I can shop my portfolio moar.
konstruct> I'm hoping to make a sexy pose for you.
ThatDon> You would.
Mezz> Thanks dude.
Reminds me of a pillory (wich makes her look more naughty).
Too bad you have to live the comp.
Good luck for you research.
this does beg the question tho- why not try and learn some rendering skills? you figure you spent all this time learning how to make 3d art, why not develop a skill that allows you to pimp that shit out to the max?
garagarape> THanks for revealing your fetishes with us! I appreciate your sentiments, thank you.
Belltann> Yeah, I'd tough it out if I really was in a better place, but I have to get my life in order first. Thanks for stopping by
konstruct> Oh I intend to learn and beef up my rendering skills. I'll be ready for next year. But I feel my time is best spent making assets right now. My financial situation isn't dire just yet, but I really have to utilize my time right now, especially right now.
I also feel that my entry isn't quite good enough to really go anywhere in the final line up, so no point is going all the way this year either.
woogity> yup, rendering really is the last threshhold guardian for this comp, and I'm just not there this year.
As an aside, I'm going to release this character for marmo when it's done. That engine is really cool.
Can we see a wire at least?
It doesnt look like it will be too hard to cit down imo.
Muzz I'll post a wire after the texture.
Sorry to hear that! I'm in the same boat and it's not looking too good for anyone right now. Well, Ah-nuld to the rescue. And with the largest graduating class ever from College and High School in the next couple of months, the saturation of people looking for work will increase.
Anyway, I love your character. You could always make a separate file and get that guy down some polys. Have one for your portfolio and a tweaked one for Domwar. You could look at getting your character into this competition is free advertising. Today, every little bit counts.
texture is wip. Pose I'm gonna decide after I make the base and bg. Need to fix some rigging anyways.
Ok, lame as it is, I'm back in, but I'm just going to make the beauty shot something ridiculous in marmo. I'm gonna stick to the game art side of all this shit.
btw, I'm not forgetting wires, I'll post em after everything else, mainly cause they'll probably be changing towards the end a bit.
If you're thinking of having the final pose looking something like this, I'd try moving the little guy to the other side of her
So, like Kate says, "Don't give up".
I see what Mezz is saying as well. If the final pose is going to be like this the weighting doesn't feel quite right with the cute little puppy dog way off to the right like that. Though maybe that will fix itself with the pedestal/background.
Hey dude, i think the bigest problem with the texture now is contrast and material separation. Its really hard for me to tell different materials atm, it all sort of blends in as one material with different colors. I think you have a bit too much fine detail, and its noising it up too much. I'de reduce that and work on some mid/lower level detailing to make stuff pop out a bit more. I know it can be a bit of a pain doing this without a gloss map, but you just need to really focus on the content in the specular/diffuse. Smooth simple colors for shiny, metalic surfaces, high spec. Really low spec for skin, split the mesh up into separate chunks for the skin if you can, to use the skin shader + a little fresnel and low spec. IF you can split up different elements like leather and metal onto separate chunks that would be good too, then you can use different sharpness settings.
Post up/PM me a copy of the .mesh and TGAs if you'de like some detailed, marmoset specific crits.
I have to admit the amount of options I have with marmo has thrown me off a bit, not exactly sure where I need to land things, between all the options and the lighting setup. It's a very cool artist friendly engine though, you guys should be proud over there.
Beltman> thnx dude
Mezz> I think I'm gonna try a couple different poses and let you guys decide.
garagarape> never give up, never beerrender!
woogity> lol
Eventide> I actually kind of want to have the puppy kind of timid, like hiding in between her legs, but I'm trying to figure out how that would work without covering it up too much.
Again, I'll make a bunch of poses and see what you guys like
more in a bit. Also, as I've said, if you guys think I'm doing something retarded, please tell me. I prefer straight up 'this sucks' crits than trying to butter things up. Tell me what you want to see!
also I`m not sure what stage this is at yet but I`m always fighting with my presentation skills. I feel the lighting is hurting the over all end piece, plus why the purple BG? Is that the default in momo? and if it is, WTF EQ :P something more neutral might be better suited.
some nice warm/cool lighting composition always seems to make stuff sing. And lastly I feel like the pose could be better. something a little more dynamic like she just dropped down off of a high ledge and her weight is distributed a little more flamboyantly.
*also I know its probably too late but the head piece looks like stone kind of. mainly due to the shape being a silhouette defining form, and that form having some pretty organic modulations in it. Correct me if I`m wrong but I though the head was supposed to be a large metal helmet, on top of some horns right? I guess (and this all depends on how willing you are to go back) but modeling wise it might be good to address this.
I dunno that's all I got- but I`m pretty blown away with this altogether.
My final comp I think is going to be a stone stair case with some rubble pillars on the sides. Already tried making it, but decided I'd like the pose down first. I'm going to add some rain effects, waterish effects, and a fake backdrop for maro and some other things. I'm trying to think of how to execute all of it so it ties in with Pizna's and Cerb story.
also decided to use my glow card for some fire flies that buzz around Pizna. Don't want too much glowing things though, but something to add character atmosphere.
some poses, see what you guys think. I'm thinking something like 2 for the main pose (but maybe pull the leg back, or move the weight down on it as if she was stepping down more like in 1), and 3 or 4 for the beauty shots.
i like 2 and 4 best
the texture can use a bit more variation maybe,
besides that this is faptastic!
I like the arm position on 1 and the general pose of 2. If you could rotate her toward the demon dog a little so she's not straight on but more of a 3/4 shot but face her head toward the camera so she's engaging the viewer and pushing some attention on the dog.
Straight on shots always kind of bug me, seems to rob the character of a little depth and seems to read more like a mug shot than a nice oil painting.
Great work and it will probably play well either way you take it
Would be interesting to add a bit more story to the stance, like have her right hand doing a Bruce Lee index finger 'come here'/'bring it!' sort of pose. Many possibilities. However, right now just concentrate on the textures and pose it later.
Looking fantastic and love the 'Hellraiser' meets Katsuya Terada feel of this!
looking nice regardless.
I'm pretty much going to repose her and cerb a little with the base.
Rens> Agrreeed
Vig> I'm thinking the same. A straight on shot is a little boring. Maybe twist it a little, and turn their heads towards an item of interest or the camera.
Woogity> kool
Zatoichi> THanks dude. I totally want to add more story to the pose.
Muzz> She can extend about 160*, but it starts to tear a little.
The knee has been bugging me, I need to fix that in the rig. Also the rare w/o helmet shot.
I've been working on materials, and seperating elements a bit more. Look for a pm soon EQ.
Here's my base wip. Everything here is very wip. I'm going to fray these flesh rags up a bit for some more negative space, and I think I'm going to make one of them our venerable greentooth. Still trying to figure out how to get the ambient map working, so I can lightmap the base a bit.
more soon.
good stuff
zera> Thnx dude
Playing with marmo's setting yields some nice results:
What I'm thinking for the beauty shot. Note the glaring errors here and there. That will be fixed on final (seperate materials are not in this render either). I'm going to have to paint out 8monkey's water mark, but I'll make sure to make it clear this thing is rendered in marmo on the construction sheet.
you can do it!
Ged> yeah I changed up the materials a bit. This is something I've learned a lot about this time around. I need to concept more with this sort of thing in mind- materials and texture.
fei> I'm glad I just went and finished up anyways. Should never let defeat creep into the mind.
woogity> thanks dude. I think out of all things I really try to focus on character, so I'm glad you dig it. I know my stuff is weird to some people, but my thing is to make a character that'd be interesting to watch and interact with hopefully.
Anyways, I'm going to head towards san fran on tues or Wednesday for a break from art stuff for awhile. I'm going to turn things in on the original due date, unless something major is picked upon here.
I'm so glad we're at the finishing line. wew!
Only major crit is that the butterflys look too flat, make them glow more or give them a propper texture
Also the third images background colour is kind of unflattering for it.
and wtf is her pet doing!? it looks like a ball being stabbed by her knee armor
besides the feet, her pose is great in the last image
also agree and the butterflies being too flat (i liked the fireflies better)
first two images are pretty far out!
i suggest playing with the renders a bit more before calling it,
good stuff coldy! gratz for getting there
(btw, isnt it time for moofz changin outfit? )
I kinda liked the pic of her with the pillars more, she looks like the witch trying to lure you into her gingerbread house. the other one she looks like she is running away from battle. just something to think about.
Cool stuff, love the beauty render!
Reexported the images to clean up greentooth in all of them.
On the butterflies> They are supposed to be emissive the problem is marmo doesn't really have a proper emissive slot, so I have to fake it sorta, and use alpha testing to kill the alpha. So that means it doesn't glow properly, it also explains why the fireflies basically disappear in marmo. Hopefully that'll get patched or fixed someday.
Btw, thanks everyone, especially those who kept giving crits all along the way. That was cool, and you know who you are
clee> I think next model will be way better, cause yeah. I think the texture on this thing is basically ass compared to what other people are doing.
I honestly learned a bunch doing this thing. I could write a post mortem which basically says know wtf your design is about before you start modeling.
also the last image is just for fun, but also is supposed to show the parts of the model you wouldn't see otherwise. I just made her holding cerber by the leg, but it isn't shown. Basically its really hard to get her to wrap her hand around his foot with the way I rigged it, so I hid it more or less. lol. eh?
Anyways, I got more work for polycount coming. I like this place... very cozy.
Also rens... pope moof.
also I dont think I ever stated that her face under the mask gives me the heebie jeebies. maybe post that at a real low opacity over the "lost your mind" text