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DWIV - 3D - Bal

polycounter lvl 17
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Bal polycounter lvl 17
I'm done! Weee, now I can sleep again!








Ok, I'm in!

Started throwing some design stuff around, will post in a bit, keeping this post clean for finals.


  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Here I go, started throwing around some stuff in Alchemy since that seems to be the trend these days, nice little software.


    Didn't want to spend too much time concepting as I'm gonna miss 17 days of the challenge (holidays in Japan, w00t!), so I'm trying to decide on something fast and get to modeling asap.
    Here's the direction I think I'm going to take :


    It's a war machine, so think at least 8 meters high. I want to keep it graceful and a bit mysterious, the face isn't organic, it's just some kind of mask. Various inspirations are Eldars, stuff from the Blame! manga, and I got the idea for weirdo tubular arms from the artist Carlo Arellano.

    Gonna try and get some base pieces into zbrush asap to mesh out more defined shapes and find an overall style for the metallic pieces.
    One of my greatest worries is colors, by default I'd tend to go towards a very desaturated dark gray-ish look with emissive lights, but I'd actually like to be able to stick some more vibrant colors in somewhere, and maybe even go with something very white and clean... Not sure yet.
  • Fox
    i like it allot, exept for the arms, feels like they miss smth and don't really fit with the rest.

    Keep up the good works!
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    liking it !
    I think the arms need some sexy, but I like their simple and curved shape.
  • Mark Dygert
    Agree about the arm crits, but its off to a really good start.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    hey dude, get dat lil' fuckin' design on da top !
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Nice, you make bendy arms work for me, which i didnt think was possible.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I agree about the arms - they need some refinement. Variation in thickness, like in the fourth concept, would go a long way, if you ask me.

    Furthermore, I'm not too keen on these hands. Perhaps if you'd have human-like hands - like the face - but only as a facade for some robotic claw? Something that, like the entire thing, looks more elegant?

    Oh, and does that second thumbnail have a face : D ?
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    2 things quick here. maybe continue the bulk to thin that you have going on in the torso through the rest of it. and the feet seem really bulky and goofy. the whole leg tapers down to this donald duck foot. maybe they are like thin talons spread out or something, but that is just what i am reading off of this

    awesome stuff man
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    It's a beauty! Don't fear using few colors. It may be very classy like that. See you on the battlefield :)
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    After an octopus girl, a girl with tentacles arms ! nice work by the way~ And bring me a souvenir from japan :p
  • fei-rukawa
    ooooh yeaaah!! an update, right after my post!

    keep going man, robot girl rulez the world!
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Wanna see more, quick!
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Wanna see more, quick!
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the crits people!
    I'll do something about the arms, I want to keep the weird tubular feeling they have though, I'll see about detailing them accordingly.

    Zwebbie, not sure about the hands, I kind like the mechanical claws

    richkid, yeah the feet aren't defined at all yet, obviously I'll try to go for something more subtle than donald duck feet! :D I'll see what I can do about the overall shape.

    I wanted to take a bit more time with the designs, but the other day I checked how many weekends I had left before may 11th, and what with stupid work and my 17 day vacation in the middle, I realised it's gonna be really tough to get everything done on time.

    Here's a quick update to the design :


    I've started serious work on the model, I started off by making some really simple base meshes in max, that I then mess around with in zbrush to find the overall shapes I want etc.



    Once I'm satisfied with an overall form in zbrush, I reexport it into max (usually have to polycrunch it to make sure my max scene doesn't become too heavy), and do some retopology and cleaner subdivision modeling over my zbrush base.

    Still have a shit-load of work to do, lots of extra details, the legs, the more tech-ish joint areas etc...
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Wonder-Fuel ! Sorry for the X2 post :)
    It's a really nice lady bot. Like it verry much.
    Gambatte !
  • kd4sh
    WoW, very nice, I don"t want to be in front of her when she'll open her eyes
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Still working on my high poly, still lots of details to make, and areas to further define, but I'm getting there I think... Really getting impatient to start my low poly and see how the details bake down.
    The face and other bits of the armor-ish bits will get some zbrush loving soon.


  • 55joe
    lookn good, the tech detial is really nice.
    chest area needs work, should emphasize breast instead of putting tech ontop and pushing them to off to the side.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Brilliant! I like all these curves and the contrast between
    black little details and white smooth surfaces.
    You MUST absolutely manage to finish this nice work on time.
    No excuses like "Well you know, I had to fly to Japan" or
    other things like that. This could really be a verry nice piece of Art.
    Go go go!
  • fei-rukawa
    yup, she's very cool!
    like i already told you, i think she can get more threatening if her arms had bigger ends. like smashing those smooth demons and norms bodies on the ground.
    I think you should also optimise your time, since you're going to japan, finishing her low in priority and then finish your high according to your time left. I know you want to add a lot more details, but it's better to show something more simple that looks finished than heavy detailed unfinished work.
  • woogity
    wonderful idea there is some seriously elegant killing potential here. your surfaces are starting to look fantastic as well. im intrested in seeing how you go about the scales on the doc-oct arms. its looking awesome cant wait for more!

  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Really classy work lil' man.
    I don't know if you intend to put more details on the front of the thighs but it could be really cool to have something like you've done on the back.

    Btw : [DWIV] - P1 Blocker - Feet of your robot intersecting each other
    [DWIV] - P5 Enhancement - Little hole on the back of the knee.
    F4 Love.

    Keep up the good work lil' pirat ... Yarrrrrrr !
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Coming along nicely. Reminds me a little of the robot Bjorks from the All is Full of Love film clip.
  • culpin
    yea i was thinking the same thing [the bjork comment]...really nice work. im kind of concerned over her balance and weight distribution though. Maybe its just me but does she feel kind of top heavy because of her arms? Tall skinny legs and large arms kind of throw me off. what if the arms acted as a second set of legs as well... maybe? im not sure...either way...great work :)
  • kd4sh
    nice! really nice! I love the modelisation, love the details, really want to see your Zbrush touch on that
  • c023dev
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    c023dev polycounter lvl 8
    SweeeeeT Face! Like your workflow, I'll remember that!

    Keep it Up!
  • Sephiel
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    Sephiel polycounter lvl 10
    Nice work !
    I hope the tubul-arms are flexible like tentacles
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    I like how your concept's shoulder and hip joints were more spread out -- you should try to mimic that in your sculpt. Love how this one is coming out -- more more!
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments people!

    r4ptur3, yeah, thanks for pointing that out, I've definitely lost something in those areas when moving to 3D, will see what I can do.

    Sephiel, yep they will be tentacular!

    culpin, yeah balance might be an issue. I'm hoping the posing will help. I'm imagining it/her in continual motion, always slightly unbalanced, with the tubular arms swinging around and giving her movement credibility... Hope I'll manage that... :\

    GoSsS, get a job you bum. :D

    Still working hard on the high poly, still some more details to finish up, mostly around the leg areas. Also started the lowpoly for certain areas, to check how the nromals bake, and it looks ok for now, gonna be tricky fitting it all into 10k triangles and 2k textures...
    Will try to post some more screenshots soon.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    cool stuff dude. I think her crown needs to be slightly bigger though. She has this huge body, but a teeny head. Need to balance it up a bit.

  • Postjudice
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    Postjudice polycounter lvl 10
    yea I agree with rapture... maybe some simple scaling will do the trick... looking good
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Bal, I prefer ladies with a tiny head on a tall body.
    It makes them more stylish; don't scale the head! :)
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    coldkodiak, yeah I wanted the crown around her face to be larger at first, may have to tweak that a bit, but I want to keep her face at about that size.

    So anyways, I'm heading off for 2 weeks vacation (yeah bad timing, but this was the only time I could go). Hopefully I'll have time to finish when I get back, took some extra days off work, hopefully it'll be enough.

    I've been working away on everything these last few days, here are some shots to prove it. :)

    Tried a quick bake in Xnormal to see how my head normals could look, and to see how low poly I can make my details without the normals going stupid on me cause of lack of clean edges. (This was before the face sculpt, so it's still very simple.)


    Still working away more on the hipoly, and also the lowpoly for areas that are about finished, still some proportions to fix though...


    Also started fleshing out some of the armor pieces in zbrush, won't go into too much detail here (not enough time) but I'd like to add some little pieces here and there, and grit and scratches maybe later on.

  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    It rocks! Don't spend your time in cyber-cafe while in Japan :)
    Don't get sick eating to much good food and come back quick
    to finish your model.
  • fei-rukawa
    she's really cool.
    Have fun in japan! ;)
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    aww, have fun!

    the normal bake came out pretty awesome if you ask me! how many tris are we looking at?

    i'll be sad if you don't finish this!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Looking good. I like you original concept for your arms/hands. The fuse of metal/tubes for the longated arms. Right now it doesn't look like your matching your concept. Perhaps that will change with your diffuse?
    Overall though I like!!
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Bal is Online!
    I know you're here.
    Come back to meet us quick :)
    You still have time to enjoy your stay but...
    I told you not to spend your time in cybercafe. Growl!
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments people, some of the crits posted here are valid, unfortunatly with the deadline coming up soon I had to skip some enhancements I would have normally wanted to add...

    So anyways, yeah I've been back from my vacation for 2 weeks now (was great :) ), didn't look like I'd be able to finish on time, but with the 7 day extension, I think I have a chance...

    I finished up my lowpoly, was friggin hell to go under 10k, but after multiple optimisation passes, I'm at a comfortable 9950.


    Did a pass on the larger pieces of my high poly in zbrush, to add some extra details that probably no one but me will notice. :D


    And finally baked out my normal and ambient occlusion maps in Xnormal, which was stupidly long, and had my computer BEEPing like mad cause of over-heating (too much dust in my appartment...) I also placed specific colours all over my hipoly modeling, to bake out a nice base colour map, which should speed up texturing.


    Eight more days to finish textures and presentation... MARGH!
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Oh! We had to wait a long time to see Silika's improvement
    but it worth waiting, for sure. Awesome work man!
    Can't wait to see colours on it.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Starting the textures...


    Things will probably change around quite a bit...
    Rigging is proving trickier than I had anticipated, not sure how to best rig those tubul-arms.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    good choice of colors ;)

    Need more contrast :D
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah nice colours.
    But, seen from behind the red lines
    on the arms make me think of kind of scars
    or fresh wounds. Don't pay attention to this;
    may be just my great imagination :)
    Hue >> Electric blue? Yeah I know you're fed up with blue.
    Great work anyway. You're climbing the stairs hotfoot.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments. =)

    More progress, finished rigging, used some simple spline IK to move the arms around easily, rest is the usual stuff.

    Made a quick pose just to show off how she moves, nothing final, have to find some better ones. Actually quite tricky to find good poses with those arms, natural reflexes of what looks good for arms doesn't always work.

    Still working away on the textures... Need to make a pedestal too, not too sure what I should have it be, has to show how tall she is (around 8m tall)...
    Gah, need more time!


  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16

    The view of the first pic is better than the one in the second, imho. :D
  • rasmus
    Beautiful diffuse-only grabs! Great design too. Nice and serene... No immediate ideas for a pedestal I'm afraid... The spec is WIP, right? Needs to be a lot more interesting overall, but the arms especially look very flat.
  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17

    Yeah spec map is just 2 different values at the moment, need to work on it more.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Un Bal des Beaux :)
    Great work man. Don't play L4D too much :)
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