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DWIV - 3D - Morte

Huh so let's start
Firts idea: demonprince - with a japanese warrior look. For now just a sketch. The story and stuff later.
C&C welcome!


  • morte
    huh, no replies, sad:P
    Still thinking about the design but the main idea is still the same- a demon prince, master of thousand swords.

    here are some thumbs
    1. The most warrior-like type.
    2. Ninja style!
    3. Similar to 1. but less muscular
    4. Wizard type with magic-blades around him
    5. This one resembling the idea of general- demon from the first sketch.
    6. The feral type. Fast and deadly.

    My personal favourites are 1 and 3 what do you think?
    And a little picture showing his style of fighting:
    1.Base position
    2.Unsheathing side-swords.
    3.Throwing swords in mid-air.
    Steps 2 and 3 can be repeated any amount of times. The new sword materializes in sheath immediately.
    4. The position to unsheathe main sword(the one keeps his hand on on the first sketch)
    5. Unsheathing and pointing sword at enemy. All of the previously thrown blades are know flying towards enemy with high speed.
    6. Sheathing the sword cause in most cases there is nothing left of the enemy:D.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Morte im a fan of samurai armour so this will be awesome! I like nr 3 because of the high stature, it makes him look important, like a prince. (pose is important to show status, if you get what i mean :P)
    I think the hardest part will be to get the lower half (his legs) look cool and interesting, lets see what you got!
  • Scrumpy
    I'm liking the samurai theme , number 6 and 5 are nice! really strong poses there!
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Yep. 5 and 6 are looking good as samurai types. 5 is definitely screaming the stalker class. Nice thumbs BTW
  • 408
    Feral type is bad ass for an avatar of swords
  • AcidLehmann
    i like version 4 with flying swords.. number 6 is really good too.
  • Enderstaley
    Wow, love those thumbs! #3 and #6 are my favs. # 5 has the best pose for a stalker def. Cant wait to see more
  • morte
    Thanks for replies guys!
    I think I'll go for something between number 3 and 6, and probably I'll give him more dynamic pose. As I want to give him serious-samurai look I think those are the best.
  • morte
    so did a bit of sketching on 3rd, what do you think. the main thing i am concerned about now is the overall proportions and forms.All the others stuff , his armour, face etc. are just place holders and i ll make another brainstorming for them.
    And thoughts?
  • Scrumpy
    he seems very tall and thin like he would blow over with a strong wind, I know your looking for a quick guy but you can be lean and proportioned as opposed to skinny.
  • 408
  • woogity
    Hey dude liking this so far. You seem to have a good grasp on what you want. Just as a side note, if hes "master of 1k swords" maybe make several of those samurai swords, but also perhaps some short swords, and some monstrous 2 handers, or rapiers, chineese ringed broadsword? i like the eastern theme, but even within any one Asian country they had several kinds of swords. the variety would make him seem to me at least as more of an aged master of all swords as opposed to someone skilled in fighting with multiple of the same type of sword.

    also as a swordmaster you will probably want to put alot of thought into his blade itself, so weapon concepts would be insightful.

    Like the idea so far, like the tall lean proportions too.

    Oh and most importantly 3 and 6 for me :)

  • morte
    Thanks for repiles guys!
    Scrumpy- i see your point, but read the story in this post. his proportions are justified i think.:)
    408 - i still don't know if you meant: you've done the wrong thing, or that the horns are similar...:D
    woogity- you're the second person which tolds me that i must really think about it. And glad that you like it!
    As for the sketches i came to conclusion that i am no good at it and i am not able to transfer my ideas to it like i would like to. So here are i think the last two, showing my character in basic stance and during the battle to show some of his character(those black stuff were supposed to be blades, but i couldn't draw them properly).

    Story(name is placeholder):

    Zer'hatul was born as one of the weakest demon princes. He hadn't power which would let him compete with other princes, not to mention the powerful lords. His status was almost equal to the lower demon. But exept he was weakest he was also the most ambitious one. The enormous ambition to become the most powerful of demons and his inborn fusion of death gave a birth to mysterious blade. The blade of death reflected its master's characteristics. With the every opponent killed blade absorbed soul of defeated enemy. Zer'hatul began to kill the every creature he encountered in his path which gave him enormous power and battle experience. Now he is one of the most feared demons, also among his brethren. one says that the every blade Zer'hatul can create reflects the soul of killed opponent, others think that Zer'hatul is capable of creating the infinite amount of blades...

    Edit:-> oh and sorry if the story is hard to read, im a bit sleppy and did a lot of mistakes for sure..
  • morte
    and here is first head sketch, more to come:)
  • Scrumpy
    nice story,nice sketch and understandable proportions !
  • morte
    So i reworked the hole idea a bit:)
    New concept:
    Zer'hatul was born as one of the weakest demon princes. He did not have power with which he would be able to compete with other demon princes, not to mention the powerful demon lords. He was banished to the circles of lower demons. This humiliation awaked his enormus ambition and rage. His emotion materialized and have taken a form of dark sword. In fury he started to slaughter his kinsmans. With the every opponent killed blade absorbed soul of defeated enemy. but with the more opponents he killed, souls he absorbed, the more he started to lose control over his mind. Thousands of souls tried to escape, but all of their efforts was in vain-that was the nature of Zer'hatuls power. Nonetheles Zer'hatuls mind was getting weaker and weaker.
    As his power was rising, his pride and self-confidence also get stronger. Zer'hatul decided to fulfil his desire and kill the Lord of Demons. But he was not ready for such battle... seriously wounded, full of rage he was dying at Argehenor's feets. Then the hordes of fallen souls take over zer'hatuls body. The fury of thousand souls strucked the mighty Demon, almost killing him. Terrified by such power he used all of his remaining power and sealed the souls back in the Zer'hatuls body.
    White helmet materialized on his face, and he ragained the full control over his body and mind. With one exception - he can not attack the Lord of Demons. Since then Zer'hatul became his loyal servant and general of demonic hordes. By Arghenor order Zer'hatul set of to the fourth multi-dimensional war. Only during this epic battles, when his rage is at it's peak the mask dematerializes, freeing the true power of Zer'hatul. But after a moment it comes back. But the spell is getting weaker and weaker and the day when helmet vanishes will be the first day of reigning of new Lord...
    Power: Darkness
    Zer'hatul disposeing the power of killed enemy's souls. Every one of them can take whichever shape. One soul is equal to one weapon . But the original power of zer'hatul was not the weapon summoning but the short distance teleportation - which let him to escape during the firsts days of his life.
    +image with helmet vanishing proces and two poses during fighting.
    hope you like it:)
  • wake
    Offline / Send Message
    wake polycounter lvl 17
    Definitely look at those horns from Pan's labyrinth for ref-- it'll help lend some surface enrichment to the face.

    From what I can tell it's an interesting design, though right now its hard to see what's really going on. Next time around try and nail down some of the forms so that we can get a better idea of what's going on with the concept.

    Also, and I'm saying this because when you submit the design you might get called out by one of the judges, your concept name Zer'hatul is mighty mighty close to starcraft's Zeratul. You might want to consider changing it t oavoid problems later down the road.

    Cool stuff though. Keep it up.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Sweet thumbs Morte! The cool blade particle fx idea should look really nice next to your modeled prince.

    I'll check back for updates.

  • morte
    wake- Thank you! I was pretty sure that this name sounded familiar but i couldnt find it! And abut the concept - it not a mystery that im no good as in painting... thanks for advices!
    magic sugar- thank you very much!
    begined to place in basik proportions and stuff:
  • morte
    Just sculpting around:P
    The thing that bother me is that stretched skin over the cheeks does not look to good yet. musk work on it...
  • notebookguy
  • morte
    After a little break i went back to zbrush and i cam to conclusion that he really looks too thin/weak. So i had to change some things. In fact the whole basemesh and sculpt. So here is the new version of my character
    hope this is better.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    not too shabby! more more more!
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    this is pretty cool, I did like the older one better as the new one , although, very well done, seems more like a generic demon. The face guard/helmet helps though.

  • Stertman
    NICE!=) love the one with covered face.. gives me creeps.. alot better than the old one
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah I'm liking the newer head myself. Although the mask covers tons of the face, might be cool to change that part up a bit to reveal more.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Cool! I like it with cloth on his face too.
    Isn't the hip part a bit narrow?
    Well, he is a demon after all.
    Looking forward to see more.
  • WarNoodle
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    WarNoodle polycounter lvl 17
    man dude, loving all those sculpting. Looking very nice! going to be tough to pick out the one to use.
  • morte
    r4ptur3 - Thank you and here it is, a little bit more!
    konstruct- Yes i know the new one is less orginal and more generic but i simply dont have time for some ambitious designs, so i decided to do something simple but well made. Glad that you liked it.
    and of course...
    MMMMMMMHRRRRMMMMMMMMmmm.(means thank you for your comment)
    Stertman - Glad that you like the new one better. Thanks!
    coldkodiak- Thank you! the mask i showed was just a visualisation of idea, so we will see as i will finish body sculpt.
    garagarape - Thanks! The narrow hip-one was the ald one. new has more classical and human alike proportions.
    WarNoodle- Thanks! Glad that you like it!

    A little update( I barely can call this update, i got a little time due to my exams...:/) But quit talking here it is
    Any comment & crits are appreciated. As always!
  • morte
    slow progress, time to do armor!
  • woogity
    very cool man i realy dig the sort of leather mask/ helmet he seems to have going its great form, and nicely contrasts the details on the body! i kno u are refining but his feet look huge atm. goodluck on updates!

  • morte
    huh i found a bit time to spare so here is a little update, still needs a lot of polishing.
  • morte
    A little idea wat to do with all the 'holes':
    what do you guys think?
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    spikes, or teeth? Pretty cool looking whichever it may be.
  • morte
    Thanks Rory_M. Rather spikes.
    a little update:
    Oh, and if you have any tips about horn detail sculpting i would be very grateful.
  • Unleashed
    Offline / Send Message
    Unleashed polycounter lvl 19
    the detailing on the chest is superb!
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    Great sculpt dude :) The teethy things in the ribcage is a really nice touch. The mask is a 120% go!
  • Drywall
    That sculpt is comin' along real nice and clean. The mask is definitely going to look good! The lower ribcage looks weird to me now... I think it's too perfectly circular, like its one continuous piece, and the ribcage's bottom feels too high. I think it'd read better if you push inwards at the middle, where the two halfs of the ribs join at the sternum. Also, making the flesh flow a bit better over the border between ribcage and stomach, like you had in previous versions of the sculpt. I might be being nit-picky, 'cause I really like the skin you have, and muscle detail.
  • Scrumpy
    really nice sculpt ! great work ! I put in intial put in the first comment i put in before which you had previously explained your choice d'oh :poly136:
  • morte
    Thanks for kind words and especially drywal for his cool advices but regretfully this is(propably) the last update in my domwarIV... I dont have time to polish this as i would like to:/

  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Aw tis a shame you have to pull out as this was coming along nicely. :/
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Sucks to hear. I really like how you defined the torso.
  • woogity
    yes please finish it anyways!

  • morte
    thanks for kind words guys! u found a bit of time and here is the result(I will try to finsh but cant promise)
    (there won't be a huge badass sword-the scabbard is a soul container)
  • r4ptur3
    Offline / Send Message
    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    wewt, nice work! ready, set ... finish! time to feel the burn ... no dropping out :)
  • morte
    thanks r4ptur3!
    Huh first color scheme- i suck in this to be honest... So any suggestions/maybe overpaints much appreciated!
  • konstruct
    Offline / Send Message
    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    skin ususally looks pretty cool when you add in all kinds of gnarly colors. purple, green, yellow and blue might give you some interesting effects.
  • aesir
    Offline / Send Message
    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    try this: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html

    Choose a base color, work in some of the other colors that complement it all.
  • JasonLavoie
    Offline / Send Message
    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Just checked your stuff in the what you working on thread, and clicked on your DW entry.

    Solid work man, I loved seeing the progression of this character, fantastic.
  • morte
    konstrukt- thank you very much!
    aesir- thank you! Quite cool thing!
    JasonLavoie- thank you very much, glat that you like it...

    A little bit of progress(the feet and legs still need a lot of work, ah i hope for deadline extension) i need some sleep...
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