Is it the norm to act like raving b-tards now? The general act like a complete dick but occasionally say LOL to let people know you aren't serious kind of attitude. I think it's gotten out of hand, I started acting that way myself and I had to step back and rethink things.
I never understood the x is better then x site.. so what? For you possibly, I don't shut my mind off and only visit one site, I can learn from many people not just ones that visit (insert) forums. I visit all the 3d forums and can learn from them all, the only bad thing I think comes from it is some more simple minded folks will hold Dreamer and Blenderheads posts as the 'official' voice of and of course it is not.
i was only having a bit of fun, and wanted a few laughs. Did i really come across as simple minded?
I wrote... "some more simple minded folks will hold Dreamer and Blenderheads posts as the 'official' voice of and of course it is not."
This means in layman's terms that someone possibly visiting polycount and not knowing of may think you and Blenderhead speak for the entire site of Gameartisans and may turn off people from going there.
oh lol. he wants MOAR???
wait. lemme do this the PC way...
oh well.. i never said i was spokesman for the place.
I joined this board because I want to learn from people much more skilled than I am so that one day I can get a game job. I haven't been posting as many wips as I would like because the flames Ive gotten for some noobish mistakes are so discouraging. I would like it if there was much less drama, and more community spirit, as cheezy as that sounds.
You got flamed for noobish mistakes? Polycount is pretty notorious for it's hard but effective constructive criticisms. <--If you get a kevin Johnsone telling ya it kicks ass I don't think you got much to worry about.
About what this thread is really about:
I agree I pushed and let things get out of hand, but it is also very possible to read more drama then what is actually there. I really thought a "mini comp, 2 man enter one man leaves" would be a good way to settle things, but I let my inner noob flag fly way to high.
Your totally right about that - this was a LONG time ago when I first had thoughts of leaving architecture for games... Different user name too. Ive grown a lot since then, but it has made me much more aware of what Im showing as well. What doesnt kill me makes me stronger
Then the shit hits the fan because someone interpreted a passive, friendly, comment as an act of war. :poly124::poly121::poly142:
Chillax. Shit happens.
btw... that nutsack really is too much. :P
btw vig, I didn't really see it that way really, but I learned years ago what people say on the interweb mean fuck all if you don't have the character, class or skills/experience to back it up.
It may have turned into a pissing challenge but hey, how else does one prove their worth when confronted?
If someone comes into my house and fucks my wife, mother and sister and tells me that I suck big honkin donkey ball, just to pick a fight, you better believe I'm going to pound the living shit out of him or die trying. The dude better be worth his shit if he thinks he can do it though, otherwise I'm going to work him.
But, forum members, from what I've seen, polycount or not, generally only act retarded in retarded situations and with retarded subjects. Otherwise, with art forums, they're busy helping or giving feedback. I think a Dominance War shit-talk thread is definitely place for b-tard comments, but not hateful ones. Pictures of cats are just a way of saying, "I think this thread is retarded"
I'd draw the line at vengeful personal attacks and death threats. If people aren't having fun with it, it's gone too far and it needs to stop, what's the point if it's not fun? Those boundaries are different per person so you just have to becareful not to misjudge joke from maliciousness. Jumping in to intervene can be even worse if it's handled poorly. I think polycounters tend to have thicker skin than most, birds of a feather flock together, type of science. But really, everything will be fine. Next week we'll have the Dom War to focus on. Greener skies ahead.
Still unsure of what my allegiance will be this year. GA/CGchat is where I've been for a while, but I think I need fresh perspectives, and fresh critiques on my work if I'm hoping to grow as an artist.
i have balls for an avatar